
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Economy Worsens As Unemployment Rises..Unexpectedly

May 20 (Bloomberg) -- More Americans unexpectedly filed applications for unemployment benefits last week, showing firings remain elevated even as employment climbs.

Initial jobless claims rose by 25,000 to 471,000 in the week ended May 15, exceeding the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News and the highest level in a month, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The number of people receiving unemployment insurance and those getting extended payments fell.

Some companies are trimming payrolls to boost or maintain profits, even as employers have added jobs each month this year. Unemployment may take time to recede as more jobseekers enter the workforce and fail to find work.

“Claims remain uncomfortably high,” Aaron Smith, a senior economist at Moody’s in West Chester, Pennsylvania, said before the report. “The improvement in continuing claims has slowed noticeably.”

Applications were projected to drop to 440,000 from 444,000 initially reported for the prior week, according to the median forecast of 44 economists in a Bloomberg survey. Estimates ranged from 425,000 to 448,000. The Labor Department revised the prior week’s figure up to 446,000.

There were no special factors behind the jump in claims last week, a Labor Department spokesman said.

The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, climbed to 453,500 last week from 450,500, today’s report showed.

More Here..


  1. Unexpectedly.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Quick, someone get a towel.....I've gone and pissed myself again.

    I can't tell the difference between Bloomberg News and The Daily Show any longer. Satire and the Reality it's intended to critically characterize have now officially merged.

    Maybe that's what's really meant by the Singularity.

  2. Almost 475,000 people, losing their jobs every week. That's FIVE MILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND unemployed every 3 months. The entire country will be unemployed by the end of the year.

    The observations of Sam's Club and Home Depot in another post are true to me. Tuesday afternoon at my Sam's Club, open registers equaled 4 out of a line of 25. When I go to Lowes or Home Depot, it's generally to buy more seeds and related home farming stuff. Fry's Electronics near me has 100 (yes one hundred) registers. The last time I was there, 75 were closed.

    I'm going to join the "Club 99" in about 6 more weeks. I'm so flipp'in happy about it! Can't you tell? Since I lost my job in 2008, I have had ONE JOB INTERVIEW!

  3. Notice how often the MSM uses the term "Unexpectedly"? Nothing is unexpected if you keep up with the internet/talk radio.

  4. I guess I must be sheltered. My whole area is building and buying. I just bought a new vehichle and am building a new home. I got a raise this year thanx to obama. I do work for the goverment and statistically our area is booming. Where is it soooo bad you cry babies are complaining about. We just hired thousands of census workers my pension is climbing my health insurance is great and I now have the best boss mr obama. We love you and follow your lead commander in again where is it bad out there???? I guess I am lost. America is the greatest country.

  5. 7:44-YUP, suppose you are lost, course we all know you are a paid disinfo goon. Your time is coming soon.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, the total BS being fed to the sheeple continues to crash. Some sheeple are figuring things out, after they loose their job and can't charge anything on their credit cards.

    The end is near....better prepare...

  6. @7:44

    HAHAHAHA that's a good one. I thought you were being serious and you had me there for a minute....but then I realized that no one could really be that stupid.

  7. The disinfo goons only re-enforced what I already know about the planned destruction of our economy.

    I have been in construction for 30 years and have never seen it this bad. The closest was the early 90s and it wasn't half this bad.

    Luckily I am older and near retirement and have a lot of savings in my Roth IRA and bank savings at JP Morgan Chase.

    Hahahaha!! Made you look! F-NO! Sorry, not that naive. Gold and silver + other real savings only.

  8. Bush and his dimwit US Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao, missed their monthly jobs creation target for 8 years. Republicans don't seem to realize that means 8 years on unemployment benefits. Only the Dems seem to understand.

    Remember, Alan Greenspan and Chao both chirped "health sciences" as the only jobs left in the US. Buffet stated, "it's class warfare, and my class won."

  9. Dems vs GOP, all bullshit. Give it a rest. One party, two headed stage show run by the banksters.

  10. Obamabots are just plain stupid, don't expect them to see any error in dear leader.

  11. One thing I have noticed is how strongly the hive mentally of going along to get along as taken hold in this country.

    An example are outdoor events. Next time you are out at one, look around. Every one looks the same, acts the same. No one has a t-shirt with any message right or wrong on it, except NIKE or ADIDAS.

    People are more concerned with being accepted than anything else. That is why ridiculous lies or absolute tyranny is welcomed with open arms.

    The USA is a society of non-thinking drones.

    We have a tendency to think we are smarter than all the generations before us. We are wrong. We have become a nation of apathetic morons.

  12. dont worry when hyperinflation kicks in
    you money will be worth zero
    already in texas and illinoies arent paying health isurance
    you and many will lose it and many will laugh in your face
    actually obama bushs and clintons are laughing at you because your to dum to see how bad it is
    electricans union westchester ny told me they have a 10 week furlogh now
    mandatory work 6 months 5 weeks off
    this is getting bad
    and our leaders are cluless
    youll see 744 when they close down roads because of angry mobs
    you wont be able to leave your house
    then you will be crying why me
    these days are coming
    your a fool

  13. EA had better be taking his vitamins because the way things are going this blog is going to get 100x the hits it does now a year from now.

    How about helping the guy out and donating $5-$10 you guys? I mean you like real news?

    EA isn't lying about working for almost nothing. I sent in $50 two days ago and my frickin name is still up there. Come on you cheap asses!! Fight the disinfo bots and EA's grumbling stomach and help out here.

    You waste your money on all sorts of useless shit already, how almost just a little for a good cause.

    NO I am not EA btw!


  15. Repent of sins and turn to Jesus because hell on earth is around the corner.

  16. Nice try disinfo goon, but no one is biting.

  17. When I see the stock market falling and the sheeple starting to wake up I am not happy about it. I would like the fake economy and fiat toilet paper to continue to go forward for a while longer.

    This shit is fragile though. Could implode any day.


  19. When I call for change, I mean it. I want to change sheeple for better. And the only way to wake sheeple up is to crash and crush their heads.

  20. when w bush called for change he did nothing and let katrina drown, he let 911 happen on his watch as cheney gave norad the stand down order letting our country go up in flames, Change america can beleive in

  21. Expect worse data later in the states affected by the BP oil spill.

  22. Recent college grads will have it bad since less job openings. They'll move back home and mooch off parents. Marriage and kids will be a thing of the past as people can only support themselves. In my subdivision I'm seeing combined living more, as one of my neighbors had an adult daughter with two teenagers move back with parents. These houses are not much over 1800 square feet. Instead of getting apts like my generation, they'll just bum off relatives. America has zero future.

  23. Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.
    -- Author Unknown

  24. You know 7:44, you just piss and kick people who have been out of a job for years. You are of a lucky minority who works for the Feds. You can thank your fellow Americans that you have a job since you are living off of their hard-earned tax dollars. Yeah, life is good for you and me (I work for the feds too but not from tax dollars). Life is good when you have a job. You and I are living on bailouts. Get off your high horse. What an offensive comment you make for everyone out there.

  25. Yeah it is very rough in Atlanta . I have a good job, had it for 6 years now in education. 2000 teachers were laid off May 15th in Metro Atlanta. Where are they going to go and find a job? Guess what many aren't eligible for unemployment! There is no real teachers union in GA. Don't move to Ga or any right to work state.

  26. Boiling the frog is the term I was trying to remember...Meaning that slowly in a pot of water the temperature is raised on a live frog till it boils to death.

    That's what America is...One huge fat, uninformed, selfish frog.

    As for patriotism I only see seperations..."Well screw you guys in Cali!...Or I'm from Texas...Or I'm white...I'm black...I'm lower/upper middle class...I'm educated/uneducated...I'm employed/unemployed...Bush's/Obama's fault!"

    We know a Russian sociologist figured that America would break off into seperate regions...I can totally see it.

    I'm not religious but the story of the Tower Of Babel fits us...We got to high and mighty...Stuck up, materialistic, ignorant, obese and God came in and let us fall to teach us a lesson.

    Everyone needs a good ass kicking every now and then to remember that we either float up or sink down.

    I DON"T see a turn around...The damage has been done...I see a slow death to a great country as they throw fake money and fake solutions at the problem...Till the point I see martial law to keep the rich protected from the hungry angry mobs.

    When? Who knows but the wheels are in motion...Like a true prepper all I can say is go get the basics ready even if you think EA is full of BS...Just a lil food, guns and water...Can't hurt right?

    As for the cocky ones? "I have........and you all will die!" Few of you will go unscathe unless you want to be hermits in your house...Always worried about scavangers or robbers...This isn't Red Dawn or Mad Max and most of us if it did get bad basically have no Real Life skills...So learn while there is time or be ready for a big ass shock.

    "I never thought it could happen in America!?" :O

  27. NO WAY ...this can't be true

  28. @7:44
    Ya right... I was laughing my ass off on your post..

    spend on america
    set up trade barriers
    bring back the jobs
    arrest people in bp and the stock market
    and bring back sound goverment
    close the borders to make us safe
    with only legal aliens working here

    naaaa just fuckin with yea
    we are so screwed get out the vaseline
    bend over whos your daddy

  30. Bring it before the guns rust and the ammo goes stale.

  31. Mack daddy Obamoe sure loved it when the corrupt "leader" from that failed shit-hole Mexico blasted Arizona. Must not be one of his 57 states.

  32. Obama rat know. How he know? He know!

  33. I just love it when I hear how the economy is "doing so much better" on the news as some 450k or so jobs are lost per week. Tell the people w/o jobs how well the economy is doing. This country is a Greece waiting to happen. Take a good, honest man, take away his ability to provide for food on the table of his it for a couple of years and then you are looking at some angry rioters in the streets of the USA. It's coming around the corner. People get ugly when they're hungry. Batton down the hatches folks.

  34. Unemployment lasts maybe 99 weeks depending on the state, last check we've got 22% unemployed. Figure people exhaust all savings and default on credit cards after about a year on zero income. Figure maybe half of the 22% were unemployed more than one year already. Bottom line, we've got 2 years, maybe 3 max before we see very high crime and violent protests if the economy doesn't turn around. We know it won't. Let's see MSM quote 10% unemployment then.

  35. Up next:
    -credit card bubble breaks as people can't pay minimum balances
    -student loan bubble breaks when grads can't find jobs
    - 401K siezed to prop up treasuries, first with gov employees than everyone else.
    - war with Iran to distract the sheeple, will it or won't it include a false flag along with a military draft to get the rioting young people of the streets?
    - medicare, social security and food stamps all cut by 30% or more. We need the money to build more cruise missiles.
    - Soviet Union style collapse by 2020?


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