
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Houston Couple Commits Suicide Over Debt (Video)


  1. This will soon become more and more common, making 'three hots and a cot' at a FEMA camp seem a welcome alternative...

  2. Everybody chant

    um um um Barack Husein Obama
    um um um Barack Husein Obama
    um um um Barack Husein Obama

  3. A banksters-take-all windfall scenario.

  4. I guess they were tired of waiting for the hope and change.

    Should have torched the house first.

  5. Declare Bankruptcy. Who gives a crap about the creditors anyway. We have been living in this materialistic lie for far too long. I walk around my house and I'm amazed at all the bulls@#t that I have purchased and collected over the years and say for what?

    Get rid of the TV, read books again, talk with your neighboors, reconnect with your family and reduce your hours on the internet. If you start living a real life again, having STUFF will become meaningless.

  6. um um um w bush
    um um um w bush
    did all of this
    um um um w bush
    the murderer and cheney, the grim reaper
    um um um

  7. obama instead of doing meetings rolling up his sleeves
    or starting a new commission to study the matter
    could extend uenployement to the end of the year
    also pass imediately extend past 99 weeks uenployement
    that would require a bill
    something the morons in washington wont do unless theres riots in the streets

    looks to me more like they seen the wrighting on the wall and wanted out
    also being a christen yes there are alternatives
    but living in america today
    our news and goverment have become so corrupt
    people lose hope
    in 1943 in the battle of russia
    40 thousand german soldiers commited suicide
    because they new hitler was wrong
    look it up
    and thats the way evil men succed when good men
    do nothing
    im not saying there evil in usa
    just incompetence and lies
    soon will be seen as a evil motive
    therefore more suicides

  8. dont forget the clintons nafta
    pulling of glass stegal
    there are many heros in this plot

  9. The couple probably realized America is finished and didn't see the point of going on. They obviously didn't see it in time, though, otherwise they would've been prepared. And they probably knew the whole deal with the NWO. Very sad, but courageous. They will be better off in the resurrection. And, no, they're not doomed for taking the lesser of two evils. This world is going nowhere FAST. Not a bad choice in the grand scheme of things.

  10. Consider this to be the first of many.

    Expect elderly folks with no cash and a bankrupt Social Security system to drive them towards suicide.

    Expect young people with college educations and thousands of dollars of student loan debt, with no chance of ever having a job that pays enough to survive and pay off the loan... they will simply say "fuck it" and drive their cars, full speed into a wall. They'll set up a video camera on a tripod so the whole world can see the crash. They will do all kinds of "totally cool" ways to die.

    The "Traitor in Chief" continues to lie to us.

    The best part of all this, is that the sheeple are starting to wake up and ask hard questions.

  11. For those who haven't prepared, suicide is a viable alternative. It beats death from hallucinatory dehydration or the like.

    There will be no one coming to save those that are unprepared and starving. No government help, no man on a horsey flying through the clouds.

    Decide now if you want to give yourself any chance at all or have on hand a bullet or pills to off yourself. Sounds cold, but hey its reality.

  12. Exactly 11:30. Politics, like Carlin said so well, is just there to give you the illusion of freedom of choice.

    Disregard all of their systems of control. Stop playing in a rigged game.

  13. Accept the fact that you are a slave, but don't do things to enhanced your master's control. Voting, etc sends a message to the Oligarchs that yes, you really are a simpleton and love to bend over and take it.

  14. How pathetic. As we all know, the decision to die or live is a given in the paradoxical wasteland of debt. Myself, I would, after reasoning with myself that all is lost, would be to armor up, lock and load, and kill as many people in Congress as possible, but these fools, kill each other. Hmmm. It seems we are born to be fools. What do fools do? Like the Federal Government they keep on doing the same thing expecting a different result: that's called "insanity".

  15. A good percentage of us have been in debt at some point in our lives...At one point I was over a million dollars in debt...By PURE LUCK I have cut that down to less than $95,000...I have a window of opportunity coming up and hopefully I can shut it all down and not owe a dime...But in this economy who knows?

    I remember staying awake, tossing and turning, making lists with calculations for many months as the sale of one home was in escrow and praying for it to go through in early 2005.

    2004-2005 was the year of my awakening...Living with a fat snotty wife in a huge ass home full of thing I neither wanted nor needed but living the American Dream while up to my eyes in debt...I divorced, gave away, signed away, ate cheaply, slept on the floor and paid my debt down as much as I could...Better live poor and happy...Then have much in fear.

    My body returned to normal not fat...My mind started noticing the hypocrisy of our society...I learned to appreciate a nice cup of coffee with a book...Etc etc.

    I'm not there yet...I still need work but I have begun to prep since 2008...As I look at people like this in the article I can see where they made their mistakes...I can see where shame and anger turns to self-loath...Been there.

    I hope this article wakes people up and those that have understand that in a blink of an eye you can go from much to nothing...But it's really a battle in your head...We can all be happy with less just have to learn to adapt not whine.

    As silly as this sounds if you watch "Fight Club" it's pretty much the gospel to me.

    "Man, I see in Coming Depression Club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pushing paperwork, complaining but not acting on it; slaves with white collars.

    Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war.

    Our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."

  16. "Jesus of Nazareth" this is not a religious site.

  17. they need to make it absolutly illegal to collect a debt unless the person decides to pay it. That ought to teach them to give money only to those u can trust to pay it back...

    These people in the above article, are not smart or healthy... hence the reason they commited sucide. Sure their downfall was perpetuated by the larger greed, it would have happend anyways... i sure dont see myself in that position. i have no debt and great credit.. im better off now than i was 4 years ago. Darwin had a point with his theorys.

  18. 106 No it is Warning them to Prepare, That is a good thing, You are not too smart.

  19. Yahoo's Headlines for today

    - First look at 'Grey's Anatomy' finale
    - Bret Michaels' health affects new show
    - Shia LaBeouf slams 'Indiana Jones' sequel
    - Bristol Palin's speaking fees revealed
    - Giving the iPhone a run for its money
    - Charlie Sheen returns to TV show
    - Bo the dog's worth revealed
    - Over-the-top reactions on 'Dancing'
    - Why iPhone excels without being the best
    - Aguilera says there's no feud with Gaga

    Need I say more?

  20. Yahoo's headlines should be

    - Oil Spill Worst in History, Will hamper us for Decades

    -Dollar crashing fast, euro in trouble, What's Next?

    -Big Brother Police State Closing Noose around Americans Necks

    -Illegal Aliens getting a free ride as Americans starve and go Homeless

    -Jobs not coming back as America has be De-Industrialized

    -Foreclosures on Homes at Highest Rate in US History!

  21. I was told by my depression era parents that suicides were common when the crash happened and people realized what they had lost. I've heard people say if a nuke hit, they would walk right to the area because they wouldn't want to live in a world that was altered from what they knew.

    I can't imagine thinking like that. Suicide is for cowards.

  22. And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. That fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; in it you shall neither sow nor reap what grows of itself nor gather the grapes from the undressed vines. For it is a jubilee.

  23. 4:07,

    I disagree. Suicide is viable for some people in some instances, such as the final, painful phase of a terminal illness. I mean, who really needs to suffer like that? You're going to die anyway, right?

    America is DONE.

    I really don't think many people on this blog truly understand the ramifications of that last statement or that it is true.

    The crooks know that it is only a matter of time before the American masses find out what has been done to them. Also, unlike Greece, people in your country are ARMED to the teeth. The oligarchy is only too aware of this too. So you can expect the following events at a minimum:

    - Stock Market Crash
    - Draconian Social Safety Net Cuts
    - Bank Holiday
    - Currency Re-valuation
    - Drastic Drop in Standard of Living
    - Far Greater Layoffs Due to Foregoing
    - False Flag Attack (of the nuclear variety to distract and cull the herd)
    - Complete Supply Chain Breakdown
    - Global War
    - 100+ Million American Fatalities

    This and more coming to a location near you.

    Now ask yourself? How many Americans are truly prepared for this, mentally and physically?

    Suicide is a legitimate way out in near impossible circumstances.

    There is this thing called "quality of life." Remember that.

  24. Sounds like another case of Greenspan's Body Count.


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