
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Is the U.S. Government Planning War?


  • READY FOR WAR,” “U.S. Military told to get ready in Korea Standoff, Obama orders commanders to prepare ‘to deter future aggression.’” By Drudge and MSNBC
  • “U.S. Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region” by Tyler Durden
  • “Clinton: Korea Must Face ‘Consequences’ For Sunken Warship”
  • Homeland Security, Northeast Intelligence Network: “The Syrian Missile Crisis: Threat of War Very Real”
  • “The Expanding U.S. War in Pakistan” by Jeremy Scahill
  • “Yemen, Latest War Front?” by CBS News

Our economy, as is the case for much of the rest of the world’s economies, is currently imploding. Since all major economies in the world are based on valueless, un-backed, and worthless money, this situation should have been evident to the mainstream long ago. Of course the failing economy is just one piece of the puzzle, but it is most definitely the most important piece. With a so-called vibrant economy over the past decade or so, even though it was based on lies and deceit, and was a complete sham, the general population was easy to control during these so-called “prosperous” times. With the real economy now being exposed for the fraud that it is, and the real risks becoming more evident, the once complacent citizen is now becoming angry. Because of this, the evil U.S. federal government must find a new method of fooling the masses into believing in “their” government and country. War is the obvious answer, as war solidifies the putrid and false nationalistic worship of the peasants more than any other ploy.
In my opinion, any bad economic news, any exposure of the current economic fraud, any sovereign government risk of collapse, any higher unemployment or excessive price inflation, will anger the majority and vastly escalate the government’s need to start another war. It cannot afford to let the situation get out of hand, as there are many more of us than there are of them, so whatever becomes necessary in the mind of government in order for it to effect its manipulation and control over the people will be implemented. If that is a purposely orchestrated and unnecessary war, then so be it.
The openness of these plans and the blatant steps being taken by the federal government to protect its power are disturbing to say the least. Even with this openness however, most are still in the dark. Since 2001, our civil rights have been for the most part destroyed. Laws have been enacted that allow the government to capture and hold indefinitely any citizen it deems a risk, and without the possibility of charge or trial. Legislation to open and construct holding camps [see here] has been proposed and plans to implement this process are being prepared for today.Martial Law is now not just a possibility but a probability. This government in my opinion is at the same time preparing for both Martial Law and war to quell the tide of possible civil unrest due to economic instability or collapse. This is astounding, as both ends of the spectrum are being covered by Leviathan’s planned course of action. This should frighten all of us!
More Here..


  1. get ready its a comin

  2. I wouldn't doubt it, although I think ( maybe its just a vain hope ) that people in this country will not be so quick to blame another country for a false flag attack. Without an attack, (either real or false flag) I cannot imagine the populous to follow.

    At least i know that should any war be attempted I will have the company of a large percentage of the country fighting with me. That really is the silver lining to this. The people have an opportunity to wake up and realize that they have been deceived.

    The beast of our system is most ferocious when it is revealed, yet that is the time it exposes its black heart for a lethal wound.

  3. The US government is always planning war. The American sheeple love war. Big profits for the people running the show.

    Those that enlist are signing up to make a banker so profits, no glory, no honor, no legs.

  4. The Korean sunken warship was a false flag. North Korea didn't do it. Not their torpedo technology. Research it. The PNAC folks are at it again.

    WAR = profits and a distraction from their looting.

  5. Iran is 100% peaceful 1:49?

    Why don't you move there then and join a group of people who have absolutely no freedom. Like shooting an unarmed 24 year old girl from long range because the people were rioting, such brave soldiers they have... but you guys bash American soldiers?

    Our "empire" would make Ghengis Khan laugh not blush. We have such a powerful military and yet we do nothing with it!

    False flag conspiracy shit. North Korea didn't do it... fucking hell, of course they did it. That little North Korean moron loves seeing what he can get away with, not like his people have a say, they are all starving for food.

    Oh, but then again maybe I am believing a lie and perhaps if I really went to some of those countries I'd find out all the people walk around with big fat wallets, have plenty of food, and are allowed to speak out against their governments.

    It's amazing how few places there are in this world where homo sapiens can challenge authority and yet we waste time bashing those same authorities who allow us to.


    But really I used to think like that, it doesn't help one understand the bigger picture of reality by clinging to it. Any conditioned notion (concept/belief) automatically falsifies itself. Don't bash America if you want to really see through the Matrix, you can have no charge either positive or negative toward any of the myriad things (including people) in this sham universe.

  6. Amigo, I think you have lost touch with reality. The shooting of one unarmed citizen? Our army does that every single day many times over.

    Here's a tip: people don't "allow others to question authority" as a privilege. All authority should be questioned. I can see why you believe this universe is a sham. You have been living in one designed by your indoctrinators for a long time.

  7. 3:16,

    A profane, Khazarian Gypsy couldn't have said it better.

  8. Ah yes ! Here come the conspiracy theroy - one by one.

    I can tell by the blast hole ! that weren't no Korean torpedo ! Do the research ! Oh give us a fucking break already.

    Iran is 100% peaceful ? You have got to be shittin' us right?

    Down with America ! Off with all their heads - stinkin' Americans ! Without them - just look where the world would be! They are controlled via
    mindbot sensors from Zeiglartis which is the 3rd planet from neptune - do the research - they're

    Ypou know "they" actually blew up that platform in the Gulf don't cha ? I have it on DVD - the whole thing. "They aren't really trying to stop the flow of oil that will potentially ruin millions of acres of ocean and beach - just like
    "they" purposefully ran the valdez aground - so's "they" could make a killin' cleanin' it up.

    Wow ! Your little minds run amuck. I recomend all therorists pack yon baggies and MOVE QUICKLY to


  9. The drum beat of war grows louder.

    Into the mouth of Hell we march.

  10. Oh boy! Mass conscription! Now finally the youth of America will have a place to go other than hanging around back alleys making drug deals and bashing old peoples doors down! Woo hoo! We`re saved!

  11. 3:16 where is the evidence for your claims can you back up what you are saying with more than just news reports but evidence that would hold up in a court of law? When accusing others of something the factual evidence for your statements needs to be presented.

    6:07 I am assuming if the USA went to war with North Korea or Iran that you would be willing to go over there and fight?

  12. Oh, but the sheeple LOVE a good war! They can watch the whole thing play by play on widescreeen tv, from the comfort of their own living rooms. CNN's ratings would shoot through the roof. Innocent brown people being killed off by the thousands...who cares. They're all just evil terrorists, aren't they? And after, we can just occupy their country until hell freezes over claiming to be helping them to become a democracy. Talk about BS!

    No, my friends, we KNOW where the REAL evil lies. It's right here at home.

  13. Remember the end of the very first THE MATRIX movie when NEO is on the phone and says "I am going to show you a world without you (the matrix)" ... well get ready that could happen and the Elite running the planet Earth could get the rug pulled out from under them and the people shown a world without them.

    What can you do?

    Remember in the movie the Oracle points to a sign above her kitchen door and that sign says KNOW THYSELF .... this is what each of you redaing my words needs to do. Each of you is NEO and you are in a Matrix of the Elite and you can pull the plug on them.

    But like NEO you are waiting for something what are you waiting for? Maybe for things to get so bad that you just go for it like NEO did when he went to save Morpheus.

    BUT my fellow NEO's be careful remember the girl in the Red Dress and also the traitor Cipher who wanted to be plugged back into the Matrix.

    You are more than you believe. Just like NEO.

    But then NEO began to believe.

    Then NEO just KNEW

    The NEO changed everything.


  14. Try these stories for some interesting INFO:

    Beijing suspects false flag attack on South Korean corvette (

    N Korea Military Tactics
    (Great article on what to EXPECT in WAR with N. Korea!)
    In A War With US (

    Russia wants '100% proof' N.Korea sunk ship (

    War on the Korean Peninsula: Thinking the unthinkable. (,8599,1991928,00.html)

  15. when searching for the answer to any historical event, whether caused by chance, or by some conspiratorial happening, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

    History shows that in many cases, some events are indeed caused by a series of events, some by chance, and some contrived to appear as such. In many cases though, I would opt for the contrived events, as the powers that be have got thier panties in a wad, and need to create happenings to their needs. This is very bad for the citizens. In the coming months, we have nothing but bad times to look foward to, until the masses wake up and change things. The biggest fear the powers that be have, is an educated citizenery. The masses have started to wake up, but will it be enough to change things, and is it too late. My vote is on the 'too late".

  16. well did any one think it would end any other way
    man has always been at war with himself
    for what

  17. The torpedo that sunk the South Korean sub DOES NOT match up to North Korea design. Research it. Just another false flag.

    Iran is 100% peaceful compared to the USA. Iran has been in only one WAR or invasion in hundred of years and WE STARTED IT via empowering Saddam.

    Our Empire, in comparison, has 170 based planted around the globe and is easily reasonable for 2.5 million deaths directly from sanctions and direct assaults.

    Gee, I am sooooo scared of what Iran might do. Help me government! Save us!

    What brainless FAUX-watching simpletons.

  18. Anyone who still believes the official story of 9/11 go sit in the corner and suck your thumb.

    There are volumes of evidence to the contrary. Muslims NEVER attack NYC. The remains were laden with thermite dusk for christ's sake.

    Those that shut off their minds to truth in order to support their delusion about how wonderful we are, that American is god's country, or some other ridiculous shit, go off yourself.

  19. 9:51 - for power/profit for the .01%

  20. Another story to check out:
    Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?

    A friendly-fire accident used for geopolitical gain??!! Or False-flag for an agenda set in motion??

  21. You dumb sonofabitch
    Don't even try to tell me about Iran
    I lived there for 7 loooong years
    More people die in one month for chewing gum in public than you could fit into your upscale apartment on the eastside
    These people think even less of human life than your Oligies

  22. OK--so I read all these posts. It was very interesting. Lots of profane talking made it even more sensational. Some say this, some say that. I'm right, your wrong, I know but your a moron or a Dumb SOB. So, who IS right? But we don't want anyone to be right, right?

    Then your posting fun would be over.

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