
Monday, May 31, 2010

Its Coming To America

We would all like to think the U.S. will not suffer the same problems as Greece.  I am talking about drastic spending cuts to just about everything.  Teachers, police pensions and social programs are all going to take big cuts whether the Greeks like it or not.  It is not just the Greeks in financial trouble, but all of Europe.  You know it is bad when former Fed Chief Paul Volcker says, “You have the great problem of a potential disintegration of the euro.”  (Click here to see the full Reuters story.)  There is no way a pro like Volcker would say that if it was not already a distinct possibility.  
The fact is we already are dealing with too much debt and not enough money here in America.  Recent stories show the cracks in our economy getting bigger, not smaller, as the “recovery” camp would have you believe.  There are now 40 million U.S. citizens on food stamps—a new record.  It was reported just last Friday that “Up to 300,000 Public School Teachers May Lose Their Jobs This Year Due to Local Budget Cuts.”
Remember, states cannot print money; so, the Obama Administration is going to try to save teaching jobs with an emergency federal spending bill.  It will mean an additional $23 billion to the deficit.  Illinois has reportedly stopped paying its bills!  Contractors are owed $4.4 billion, and nonpayment may cause a wave of bankruptcies in that state.  There are nearly 3 dozen other U.S. states facing similar severe budget problems.  These are just a few stories from the last week or so showing the slow motion train wreck of a debt saturated economy.   


  1. An article yesterday in the local paper said that with all the baby boomers likely retired by 2030 (the last of whom were born in 1964), there won't be enough going into Social Security by the succeeding generations to go around. Those who are 'approaching' retirement in say, 10-15 years or so, need to re-evaluate their savings, diversify, and not depend on government entitlement programs to live on, much like our grandparents had to 'make do' before and during the Great Depression. Fewer employers offer pension programs nowadays. Not a cheery prospect. Get OUT of debt, cultivate frugal spending. A friend of ours who repairs TVs more people are getting their TVs repaired, vs buying new TVs. I keep getting notices from the local car dealer to come and trade in my vehicle; my car is running fine and I intend to keep it that way. Urban gardening is another good idea. As for headlines on the mainstream media and things not being presented as they really are, i.e. Gulf Spill vs Gulf Gusher, well, it probably would stir up tremendous chaos if the 'truth' in it's "cold reality" (my late grandfather's favorite term) were published. EA, thanks for continuing to post these articles.

  2. The world is going to be a better place without teachers. It will be a blessing when all of them lose their jobs (which they will).

    Everything is falling perfectly into place.

    The past 10 years have been a miracle and is now being revealed; you all think this destruction is sad and terrible? You should know that you can't build something wonderful over rotten foundations.

  3. Inbreeding is the reproduction from the mating of two genetically related parents, which can increase the chances of offspring being affected by recessive or deleterious traits.

    Example: 8:41

    "The world is going to be a better place without teachers"

    How did you learn how to write your stupid, rambling post? A teacher?

    Go away. But stay off of your sister.

  4. How in the world did this great nation get to this point? The answer; we spent our national treasure on multi billion dollar sports stadiums, large houses that most of the citizenry could not afford, huge suv's that go like 11 miles per gallon, etc....

    In short, we lived way beyond our means. We need to allow the recession/depression to come. So people learn to live below their means and end up stronger and rely upon themselves and their family.

  5. Paul Krugman (from the above article) apparently is on the Soetoro administration payroll. He is saying the deficit is ok and new taxes will be ok, we are not like Greece-ha, ha, ha--we have lost over 60% of our manufacturing.

    If you are still in the stock market like my sheeple friends and family are, you better get out asap. And buy hard gold & silver and keep it at home well hidden.

    And the standard stuff, buy storable food, water filter, survival stuff, firearms with lots and lots of ammo (and learn how to use them).

  6. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 31, 2010 at 1:23 PM

    There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend
    Those that swing from a rope
    And those that cut them down

  7. Its probable 9.35 is a teacher or dickhead, or are they the same

  8. American Dream is OVER??? WTF! I was dreaming of austerity, high unemployment, worthless McMansions, bankrupt states and municipalities, and a raging gold price, allowing me to crush the sheople with my golden boots as they bow down to the one true money and wealth protector.

  9. Prep prep prep...Usual things you would need for a zombie invasion...Guns, meds, books, food and water...JUST in case.

    "It"ll NEVER happen in the US!"...Maybe it WILL so why not have a Plan B?

  10. 11:26
    It seems a bit hypocritical to condemn teachers and try to spot grammatical errors at the same time.I think 935 is off slightly however.

    I presume you are not a product of first generation inbreeding; more likely a milder form accomplished through breeding of cousins, aunt to nephew, and half brother to half sister.

  11. Public government schools produce what the government wants; non-thinking drones, parrots that repeat what they are told but no critical, independent thought.

    Those that can repeat something word for word get an A+.

    As Jordan Maxwell said so well, 'the government gets what they want, what the pay for, if the wanted free-thinking people they change the schools.'

    Let's face it. American kids today are brainless twits, twittering away on their I-phones.

    It would take a group of college students with masters degrees to complete an exam that was given to an 8th grader in the 1880s. That is no joke, look it up. American students, off of Kansas farms were EINSTEINS compared to the drones pushed through the system today.

    I offer as evidence:

    This was for EIGHT GRADE. I bet no one here could pass it. Even with the internet/google as an aid!

    We are pathetic now, no hope.

  12. I personally never met a school teacher that did not think they were just a bit better than everyone else. I never met a realtwhore (real estate agent) that did not think they were a bit better than everyone else. If you get fired as a teacher, get a realtwhore license. Too bad no body will buy a house though.

  13. No kidding. The new show would have to be are you smarter than a 1st grader if today's youth had to watch wits with kids from those days.

  14. See how the disinfo goons side track you, check this post, most are about the disinfo goon talking about teachers.


    Thank you in advance...

  15. Actually, I am surprised the goons are working on Memorial Day, I would think they would be honoring their fellow dead comrades

    Don't mean to dishonor any of the true veterans. The one's who actually fought for our country like in WW2.

  16. And just what is wrong being Greek in 2010 ?

    What has changed if your a Greek ?


    We bailed them out too

    Yippe ! It's one big ole entitlement program ! Look at it Rosie !
    Ain't it just swell !

  17. 4:18,

    Time out. Go to your bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap.

    Really dude.

    I'm not the 3:45 poster btw.

  18. 4:39
    How many times do they ahve to hear it ? That's what it is --- One very big entitlement program
    and as long as the peoples buy into it - the sky is the limit.

    Forget this hyperinflation and superdef;ation shit - it's all just people selling subscriptions!

    The only way this entire charade will fall is when the masses decide --- hey ! this dollar ain't for real; I mean -- it's useless paper !

    Then Gold and Silver will skyrocket & gas will be 10 bucks a gallon & all that good stuff,

    BUT - as long as Big Ben and company can continue to convince the masses that the dollar is still a buck

    Guess what ?

    Status friggin' Quo

    It's like a giant game of chicken with 350 million people - 1/2 on each side;acing towards each other --- as long as the majority are willing to chicken out at the last moment ---

    Everything peachy keen

    That's what we've got - just peachy

  19. To some extent i feel 4:18 and what they are going thru.

    The way I see it in America is that we have an amazing identity crises on our hands and nobody knows how to deal with it.

    I mean: what happens 15 years from now when this country is predominatly muslim ? or Hispanic?
    or African ?

    These people who hate war upon their native soil are obviously canted heavily upon that particular grievance. However: since this country has nad or will probably have warred at one time or another with 3/4 of the damn planet:

    You have to ask yourself

    Am I an American

    Or do I just live here: reap the benefits and thrust a dagger into the very mother that gives me liberties at every opportunity.

    On this Memorial day - it is a significant question that really needs some answering before this country can ever hope to move forward.

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  22. 4:18 sounds like a real warior.

    5:14 is a keyboard camando pussy.

    Back on topic.

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  25. How is that Drill baby Drill workin out fer ya? What about that mavericky thing, how is that workin out?


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