Saturday, May 29, 2010

People Sick, Beaches Destroyed: BP Revenge?

Federal regulators complained in an internal memo that BP had not adequately trained or equipped the 22,000 workers cleaning up the spill, some of whom have been sickened by the oil. The memo to Thad Allen, the Coast Guard admiral overseeing the government response, was obtained by McClatchy newspapers.
"These are not isolated problems," David Michaels, the assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, wrote in the memo. "They appear to be indicative of a general systemic failure on BP's part, to ensure the safety and health of those responding to this disaster."
Suttles said illness was not widespread among the workers but said, "It's clear that people have gotten sick and we need to figure out what we need to do to change that."
In Grand Isle, 17-year old Hanna Lemoie posted a sign she painted that read "BP ... we want our beach back."
"The beach, the waves had like orange oil coming in and it made me mad because there was nobody cleaning it up and I felt helpless," Lemoie said.
Recreational boater Robert Ashabranner abandoned his plan to permanently dock in Venice, Louisiana, known as Tuna Town for its world-class tuna fishing.
"They have closed off what I enjoy doing which is fishing offshore. So, we are having to relocate to Texas to have fun," Ashabranner said as he fueled his boat at the Venice Marina.
The frustration, anger and delays have inspired revenge fantasies.
A Louisiana resident suggested in a letter to the Times Picayune newspaper that BP executives be tarred in spilled oil, rolled in blackened pelican feathers and sent to the guillotine so their severed heads could be used in a "junk shot" to clog the well.
The creators of the "B-Pee Day" Facebook page urged readers to urinate on BP gas stations, declaring "They leaked on us, it's time to take a leak on them."
More Here..


  1. The efforts to stop the volcanic eruption (not 'leak') are meant to fail. Hundreds of billions of profits depend on that fact.

    Get it through your heads. Eruption stopped = possible huge profits stop.

    You people don't get it. It is all about profits for these corporations. That is ALL that matters.

    Every 'fix' will fail because they are designed to fail.

    The Iranians have faced this before and know how to fix the volcano. We told them to fuck off. The last thing we need is a fix, especially from evil dark people whom we are supposed to hate.

  2. Wait`ll it all catches fire !!

  3. When the hurricanes hit the enormity of the damage will be off the charts. We the sheeple will be panicked and more than willing to pay any price to cleanup the damages with our tax dollars. TRILLIONS, not billions.

    Our fail and fake economy will be destroyed outright.

    Maybe the Oligarchs will see to the mass destruction via HAARP. After all, they have the tech to start hurricanes and earthquakes anywhere they want (a perversion of Nicola Tesla's work).

    Destruction on a mass scale = huge profits.

    Normally, the Oligarch bankers start wars to enrich themselves, but now they can direct all their efforts to one country, the USA.

    Bye Bye Miss American Pie.

  4. You people are nuts.

  5. we are doomed
    our leaders are useless

  6. They need to stop messing around and nuke the dang thing to seal it off. Russia has already had to do that a few times. Get BP out and nuke it shut before everything gets polluted.

  7. 3:48 Not quite-leave BP there.

  8. leave bp in and nuke it you mean

  9. I wonder if this oil spill will cause a 1/3 of the waters to become bitter as prophesied by John in Revelation? It's definitely something to consider.

  10. YES! Then when you`re safely miles away from the blast area, send em a radio message: SURPRISE!

  11. Breaking news on CNN:

    The BP "top kill" has failed.

  12. Of course it failed. It was never meant to succeed. Fill it with mud and concrete? Riiighhht!!

    Volcano of profits!

    Of course, a massive/heavy dome would contain the volcano of oil, but we will not see anything like that. At least not until they have made a couple trillion, THEN they may go ahead and cap it off.

    I hate the stock market, but if I were to be interested in dippin my toe in, I'd look toward the Haliburton-type scumbag corps. They will be making 100s of billions in profits.

  13. I don't get why some of you are saying it's meant to fail. How can they make a profit if they are losing all this oil? Wouldn't you think they'd want to keep it as it's what they make money on.

  14. No moron, with this spill they can raise the price of gas, making billions on this spill alone, 540 you are not too bright

  15. 5:52 - Maybe instead of calling everyone "not too bright" and continuously trolling the boards, you could just offer an explanation as to why the person may be wrong and leave it at that?

  16. maybe, but the trolls on here are not too bright, some of us are very bright and prepared!

  17. The spill will make the corporations like Haliburton hundreds of billions of dollar for the cleanup. Billionaires will be able to buy all the properties for .05 cents on the dollar and have deep pockets to wait 10-15 for the cleanup.

    Gas/oil will go up due to the lost oil.

    It isn't difficult to understand at all.

    Just like cancer was cured years ago, but there is billions in the treatment so one in four still need to suffer and die for profits.

    They (the Oligarch banksters) will bleed this for every dime.

    Anyone who thinks they give a shit about you or the environment is wrong. All about power/profits. Our government and sock puppet president is 100% in the back pocket of the banksters so don't expect any help from them, just lip service.

  18. Unfortunately, we are at the level of insects. All we can do is watch the destruction.

    These greedy banksters play their games and we sit on the sidelines, helpless. That is the way it is; welcome to the Matrix of lies.

  19. How come we can send a spaceship to the moon, but we dont have the equipment to go 1 mile into the ocean. Isnt it logical to only drill at a depth that can be easily reached?

  20. I heard a reporter on TV talk about not having even a submarine that can go that deep (1 mile). Can that really be true?

  21. we have subs that can go so deep, they cannot be detected by sonar, that is bs

  22. Just like non-manned craft can and have made it to the moon, non-manned subs can make it down a mile even with 40k lbs per inch force.

    "Isn't it logical to only drill at a depth that can be easily reached?"

    Not if the goal was failure. Plus the platform was most like brought down deliberately via sabotage. People need to understand that when you are dealing with 100s of billions in profits there is no treachery that is not acceptable and warranted.

  23. "Everybody's starting to realize this summer's lost. And our whole lifestyle might be lost," said Michael Ballay, the 59-year-old manager of the Cypress Cove Marina.

    No kidding Mr Ballay. If you understood the bigger picture here you would sell out for whatever ever you can get then get the hell out of there.

    The oil mess will not be cleaned up in your lifetime. Your Marina is small time compared to the billions in profits to be made at your expense. Sorry sir, but that is the reality of the situation.

    The next bullshit fit in four days will fail, as will all the rest until the banksters know enough damage has been done that they can line their fat pockets.

  24. and if you look at haliburton, you know they made it so it would fail, cheney and his company are murderous failures to the tune of raping trilions out of our economy for blood money

  25. The latest effort has failed; 3 months later the new well will be done; but it will be too late; too much damage. I know enough people on the gulf/near the gulf and they say no more fishing, beaches, for decades. Property values are trashed too. I agree with 7:05, it was probably sabotage. Living 80 mi inland, even people here are outraged. All hope is beaches, no jobs, tourism, and foreclosures of property soon. Ruined beaches maybe down the west coast of Fla. on up the east coast. A total nightmare!

  26. This time instead of murdering people, they are killing most of the animal/marine life in the Gulf and thousands of people's livelihoods. The end result is the same though, and that is profit and power.

    Scarcity = dependence = control. When there is destruction and mayhem the Oligarchs always benefit greatly. While the people in the Gulf are panicking right now, the Rothschilds are sipping the finest champagne, celebrating.

  27. time to cash in the oil spill insurance.
    the rig owner already filed the $500 million claim on that sinking rig.

  28. 9/11, HAARP, Chemtrails, False Flag Terror, Poisoned Water, Reptiles, Ecological Disaster, FEMA...

    Can we please focus on the real dangers? When the economy crashes the human world crashes.

  29. 8:20 shill; Strawman argument maker; puke.

  30. Sigh. After reading all this and more comments on other articles, I must agree. We're doomed to destroy each other. We'll all selfish calling each other names and what not, acting like we're in elementary. With that sort of mentality We're all dead. No one is selfless anymore. We're a society consumed by beauty, which is the beast. We're a society composed of treating each other like shit. We're a society based upon shallowness. I'm not gonna preach here. We're all walking contradictions. There is no such as love anymore. What hope there was of it, well, we'll never learn.

  31. It is most difficult for the sheeple to understand that they have no say, no freedom, no input at all.

    Our owners control all of this. They will decide when they want to stop the oil spill. Not before.


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