
Monday, May 24, 2010

Real Estate Collapsing In Gulf Region

A realtor at ground zero of the oil leak said the disaster was having a "horrible, just horrific" effect on sales.
Carolyn Angelette said around 100 clients have canceled summer rentals in Grand Isle, LA. Other clients have postponed plans to buy a home until they see the full extent of oil damage. At this rate, she warns, her Century 21 office will go out of business.
"Even if they were to stop the oil today, people will be fearful of coming out here and getting in the water," Angelette said.
Home prices in the beach town held steady during the housing crash, Angelette explained, as most Grand Isle buyers are looking for second homes. Property destruction during Hurricane Katrina was a greater problem. By this summer, however, the market was ready for a strong recovery.
"The oil spill couldn't have happened at a worse time," Angelette said.
Like her clients, Angelette fears the worst. She thinks chemical dispersants released by BP have made an even bigger toxic mess, which may turn Grand Isle into a uninhabitable wasteland, the next Love Canal.

See pictures of the town covered in oil >>

More Here..


  1. I will considered retiring near the Gulf spill where homes will be priced near Detroit pricing. Just avoid the beach and pray a hurricane won't be spraying sludge all over my lawn.

    Thanks BP. Thank god you were saved by that 75 million ceiling liability cap. Now the American taxpayer stooges can have a TRILLION dollar cleanup to pay for PLUS ... tada ... it probably will never end in our lifetimes.

    That you Oligarchs for hoarding the energy technologies that would make oil irrelevant.

    Buy stock in companies that sell hip waders and anything that is used to remove oil off homes, cars, lawns, people.

  2. How much more must we endure? Are we willing to throw our resource management to the criminals in DC? HELL NO!

    My fellow AMERICANS consider this a CALL TO ACTION…for you, our children and future generations. We can no longer allow the enemies domestic to destroy our country!

  3. These people aint seen nothing yet. Unless some miracle occurs, the gulf is and will be a toxic pool of chemicals and dead sea creatures. This catastrophe may be the worst in the history of the planet.

    I feel very bad for anyone who lives near the coast in the gulf. I also hear benzene is prevalent everywhere as the chemical dispersant bp is using is causing the benzene, which will kill any and everything that comes in contact.

  4. It is brilliant of the Oil companies to keep oil prices down. They know idiot Americans have a short attention span and only will come down on them hard if gas is too expensive for them to go visit their obese family on Memorial Day.

  5. The disinfo puke was right! It is May 24th and the market is down another 54 points.

  6. Please provide uncensored comment. Let the people express their opinion no matter how bad taste and unpopular it may be. We are all adults here and there is no need for censorship.

  7. Don't worry I am sure BP will write her a check...NOT

    this is terrible..I would hold my foot the the BAllS of BP...

  8. No mention of the earth's largest oil catastrophe on TV. No mention of the greatest national emergency in the history of the USA on TV.

    Get ready for 'Martial Law'

  9. Don't worry- these beaches, as well as much of the rest of US, will soon belong to China anyway. They were pledged as collateral years ago for loans we will never have the ability to repay.

  10. Well, May 24th has arrived.

    Nothing happened.

  11. nothing happened unless you count the stock market dropping over 100 points again, soon to crash, get ready

  12. May 24th...The arrival of the first Black Swan...

  13. NO NO NO, this is a good oil spill since it happened under Obama's adminstration, just like this is now a godly just war on terror. All the deaths of US service men have meaning now under our Dear Leader.

    No worry. Never mind the same old money launderers are in change. Sit back and listen to their golden throat-ed empty vessel read from the magic teleprompter.

    There now, enjoy.

  14. Just to keep things in perpective. Here are the top 10 oil spills in history. Note that number two happenend in 1979 and also was a busted well and it took a year to stop 30,000 gallons a day and 100 million gallons later. That spill was also in the Gulf of Mexico and stretched all the way to the coast of Texas. The media barely spoke of it as now. HOWEVER, what really were the long term effects? I bet no one on here even knew this happened in the first place. I think people really under estimate how resilient nature is. That said, let's see what happens with this spill and how bad it gets. By the way, Exxon didn't even make the top ten all time...

    1.Kuwait - 1991 - 520 million gallons
    Iraqi forces opened the valves of several oil tankers in order to slow the invasion of American troops. The oil slick was four inches thick and covered 4000 square miles of ocean.

    2.Mexico - 1980 - 100 million gallons
    An accident in an oil well caused an explosion which then caused the well to collapse. The well remained open, spilling 30,000 gallons a day into the ocean for a full year.

    3.Trinidad and Tobago - 1979 - 90 million
    During a tropical storm off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, a Greek oil tanker collided with another ship, and lost nearly its entire cargo.

    4.Russia - 1994 - 84 million gallons
    A broken pipeline in Russia leaked for eight months before it was noticed and repaired.

    5.Persian Gulf - 1983 - 80 million gallons
    A tanker collided with a drilling platform which, eventually, collapsed into the sea. The well continued to spill oil into the ocean for seven months before it was repaired.

    6.South Africa - 1983 - 79 million gallons
    A tanker cought fire and was abandoned before sinking 25 miles off the coast of Saldanha Bay.

    7.France - 1978 - 69 million gallons
    A tanker's rudder was broken in a severe storm, despite several ships responding to its distress call, the ship ran aground and broke in two. It's entire payload was dumped into the English Channel.

    8.Angola - 1991 - more than 51 million gallons
    The tanker expolded, exact quantity of spill unknown

    9.Italy - 1991 - 45 million gallons
    The tanker exploded and sank off the coast of Italy and continued leaking it's oil into the ocean for 12 years.

    10.Odyssey Oil Spill - 1988 - 40 million gallons
    700 nautical miles off the cost of Nova Scotia.

  15. @5:01.......

    What 'may' make this particular spill a bit more problematic for nature to rectify is that the SOB is 5,000 feet down with pressures far exceeding those you show. Yet to be determined where this will all go indeed. History of spills, leaks, gushers, what have you are not the best gauge here by any stretch.

  16. Thanks EA for another good article. Did you see the article on Drudge about gold being sold faster than it is mined??? More validation for your hard work. The loon that keeps challenging you obviously doesn't read much beyond White House Press briefings. Thanks again EA, keep up the good work.

  17. Several posters have touched on this - but I would like to remind everybody that we; the human race are the weakest link in this thing we call life here on planet earth.

    I have never heard of any scenario in which we go out last.

  18. 4:46, Bush is long gone. This epic unprecedented environmental disaster belongs to entirely to Obongo the Kenyan and his group of nincompoops.

    Deal with the current events and fixing things you delusional parrot. History is done.

  19. 5:01pm

    100 million barrels is 100 million barrels. Besides number one is 520 million barrels!! I'm not saying this isn't bad. But lets just take a breath and take a step back here. All the other spills in the top ten were tankers other than number which was a deepwater well and in the gulf of Mexico which makes it a good comparison. The reason why it took 10 months to stop the spill 30 years ago is the same reason it will take a year now. You have to wait for the pressure to subside. Basically, its gotta bleed itself out. So, history tells us this will drag on for months and also tells us that 100 million barrels into the gulf didn't kill all aquatic life and 520 MILLION didn't turn the persian gulf into black sess pool for eternity.

    Is often a good World News web site if you just scroll down past the conspiracy stories.
    The Sorcha Faal Sisters conspiracy stories section often have to be taken with a grain of salt.
    Nth Korean mini sub sinks oil rig” etc. Inside track to Russian KGB intelligence Etc.
    But in a world of government dis-information and lies they often can be just as believable as the crap in the MSM.

    Right now BP is spreading a shityload volume of ‘dispersants’ into the gulf.
    Will the dispersants make things worse ?
    What are the real facts on these dispersants?
    Are they as bad as Sorcha Faal says?
    “Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America”
    Russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP’s use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.
    The dispersal agent Corexit 9500 is a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, Illinois that is four times more toxic than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500 at only 2.61ppm). In a report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. titled “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview” Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed. Even worse, according to this report, with higher water temperatures, like those now occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, its toxicity grows.
    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in discovering BP’s use of this dangerous dispersal agent ordered BP to stop using it, but BP refused stating that their only alternative to Corexit 9500 was an even more dangerous dispersal agent known as Sea Brat 4.
    The main differences between Corexit 9500 and Sea Brat 4 lie in how long these dangerous chemicals take to degrade into their constituent organic compounds, which for Corexit 9500 is 28 days. Sea Brat 4, on the other hand, degrades into an organic chemical called Nonylphenol that is toxic to aquatic life and can persist in the environment for years.
    A greater danger involving Corexit 9500, and as outlined by Russian scientists in this report, is that with its 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when combined with the heating Gulf of Mexico waters, its molecules will be able to “phase transition” from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as “toxic rain” upon all of Eastern North America. "
    Less “hysterical” discussion and coverage
    on the oil spill and dispersant toxicity etc can be found at:

    Just Like 9/11? Oil Spill Responders Are Getting Sick ... But Are Being Told They Don't Need Any Safety Gear

  21. "1.Kuwait - 1991 - 520 million gallons
    Iraqi forces opened the valves of several oil tankers in order to slow the invasion of American troops. The oil slick was four inches thick and covered 4000 square miles of ocean."

    What ?
    were the invading troops walking on water?

    The ammount of oil released here was exagerated by the MSM to show Iraqi ronmental "criminality" justifying invasion.

    In war the first casualty is often the truth.
    and the victors write the history to cover up their crimes.

    This oil spill was started by American bombing of all Iraqi infrastructure and certainly did a
    lot of damage

    But at least the oil spill was not made worse by massive use of poluting "dispersants" as a cover up .

  22. Chilly D Cool Deluxe Plus OneMay 25, 2010 at 10:29 AM

    Corexit is listed as being 38% or more by weight 2-butoxy ethanol. You should read up on 2-butoxy ethanol on wikipedia. Symptoms of 2-butoxy ethanol poisoning are red urine because the substance causes the red blood cells to fall apart in the blood leading to free hemoglobin which the kidneys filter out.

    2-butoxy ethanol is a gas above 340 degrees Fahrenheit.

    The second point I have to make is that they drilled this well into the worlds deepest largest highest pressure oil and gas reserve in the world. 22,500 square miles of hi pressure gas and oil under 5 miles of rock and 1 mile of water.

    I keep imagining what would happen if the cap of rock sitting on top of it failed and it began to blow. It'd be a huge supervolcano of gas and oil comparable to the Yellow stone supervolcano.

    I imagine it would take out most of north America, central America and most of south America as well.

    Wells like this are monitored for signs of geological instability and shut down if they're causing too many earthquakes. Here we have no ability to shut it down. How much gas and oil can come out of this well before it destabilizes the rock structures above it?


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