
Monday, May 17, 2010

Sears And Kmart Accepting GOLD or Silver For Payment?

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Sears Holdings Corp (SHLD.O), which expanded its layaway program to help cash-strapped consumers pay for purchases during the recession, is now helping its customers exchange their jewelry for cash as gold prices soar.
The new service, available at the jewelry departments of Sears and Kmart stores, allows customers to send their gold and silver items to Pro Gold Network, a company that buys precious metals from consumers.
Pro Gold makes an offer on the gold or silver and the consumer can choose to accept the offer or have the items returned, free of charge, Sears said.
Sears provides the shipping envelop and also helps consumers track the items via websites or a toll-free customer service number.
More Here..


  1. Sears/ Kmart are ahead of the curve on this one. Perhaps the PTB are trying to acclimate the sheep to the idea of trading in gold and silver, as soon all fiat currencies will be worthless. In the near future, all retailers will be accepting PM as the ONLY form of payment...

  2. Another take is that they are trying to fleece the sheep for every last silver coin or gold ring that they may have stored away, while the price of gold/ silver is still cheap in real terms.

  3. Yes I would bet that they are not going to be giving those customers the true value for their gold and silver. They are simply trying to make money off of the gold and silver like everyone else buying people's PM's.

  4. I'd take gold or silver any day over Federal Reserve Paper Bucks. Seems like just another way to part the unwitting and unknowing populace from real assets. Sad.

  5. Agreed. Probably paying some ridiculous amount like CashforGold crooks pay. They have taken a lot of old ladies for a ride.

  6. They have taken a LOT of people for a ride. Sell Grampa's silver coin rolls or Great Aunt Bessie's heirloom jewelry or Mom's silver flatware and buy a new iPad or flat screen. Lasting value traded for a shiny new toy that is suddenly worth half the value the minute you take it out of the box, and technologically obsolete within a year. By the time they figure this scam out it will be too late- you can't take your flat screen to a FEMA camp....

  7. Wonder who owns Kmart and Sear?

  8. Probably another nose?

  9. Let's be clear: they are not accepting gold or silver for payment for goods. They are merely trying to make a profit on the price of precious metals, and perhaps the companies are looking to turn some of it into investment. The Powers That BE are not Kmart and Sears, lol.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Well said 12:46. Well said.

  12. A fool and their gold are soon parted.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Sears Holdings, Inc owns Kmart and Sears. I used to work for them a long time ago. I can assure you there are plenty of "Rosenwalds" and "Steins" and well you get the idea.

  15. SAYER OF THE JEWSMay 17, 2010 at 5:02 PM


  16. The last place I would sell my gold and silver would be a retail outlet using a 3rd party brokerage. I am sure the sheeple have no problem getting $100 an ounce for their gold and probably love it. Sheeple will celebrate selling their great grandmother's gold wedding ring by buying some trinket at K-Mart.

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  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Buy your cheap and plentiful goods now, while it lasts. Of course it's a good idea to buy something that lasts more than 6 months, too.

  20. What's with posts suddenly being zealously censored?

  21. Censored because of one individual or many, posting every foul language known to mankind, then everyone responds to it..

  22. Some say “in God and U.S. Paper we trust “others put their faith in Silver or Gold as useful for little people maintaining wealth as a safe store of value during depressions.

    Panic of 1873
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Panic of 1873 or Depression of 1873[1] marked a severe international economic depression in Europe and United States that lasted until 1879, and even longer in some countries. It began with financial failures in Vienna (capital of Austria–Hungary then) that spread to most of Europe and overextended American banking in late 1873. It was one of a series of economic crises in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In Britain, the result was two decades of stagnation known as the "Long Depression," during which Britain lost its world economic leadership.[2] In the U.S. literature this global event is usually known as "Panic of 1873", while in the European is known as Long Depression or Great Depression.[3]…
    ..Coinage Act of 1873
    The Coinage Act of 1873 changed the United States policy with respect to silver. Before the Act, the United States had backed its currency with both gold and silver, and it minted both types of coins. The Act moved the United States to a 'de facto' gold standard, which meant it would no longer buy silver at a statutory price or convert silver from the public into silver coins (though it would still mint silver dollars in the form of Trade Dollars)[5]
    The Act had the immediate effect of depressing silver prices…
    The “Panic of 1907” led to the destruction of the old United States monetary system allowing the private European banking giant known as the Federal Reserve System to gain total control over the American economy by 1913 and leading to World War I starting in 1914.

    And what happened with FDR and gold seizures from the people during the last great depression that led to World War 2?
    The depression time both gold and silver might be hunted down because of its use by “terrorists” and saboteurs out to destroy confidence the new official “dollar” or world currency and there are
    Patriot Acts That deal with “confidence” in national economic matters too!
    Anyone unpatriotically and unreasonably refusing to hand over their precious metals to government at a fixed "FDR" price or
    attempting to use such precious metals as “illegal terrorist money” and even criminaly defending sefishly their useless Misers hoard of silver with guns , may be quickly turned in by their economically panicked desperate government supporting patriotic neighbours?
    Just like any good patriotic American would do in order to "get the country working again".

  23. I look at it like this...
    they (Sears, K-Mart, other whorish corporations) know what is coming, and they want a piece of the action to relieve the sheople of the last bit of wealth that they possess.

  24. This yet another example of how desperate the global financial picture has become.

    This is not a time for conspicuous consumption, but to save purchasing power in appropriate formats.

    The naysayers will soon have their asses handed to them on a plate.

  25. Perhaps Walmart is selling a 'Ass plate' for $9.95. You purchase this as a gift for your friends who sell their gold to Walmart.

    Made in China, of course.

  26. Because the price of silver and gold varies daily, be sure you compare companies by apples to apples...meaning find out how much they're paying by gram or by pennyweight (rather than a total for your items). Then you'll be able to easily see who is paying you the most.
    BE CAREFUL though who you choose to sell to - ask yourself: are they paying me the most, are they reputable, and if you sell to an online company - do they pay for shipping, do they make me an offer or simply send me a check (which is usually sent way late so you get stuck in their time trap of not being to get your stuff back), how easy is it to get my stuff back if I don't like the offer, do they pay for return shipping if I reject the offer? And most of all - READ THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS - they are tricky and of course favor THEM.
    I did all this research, answering these questions for myself and found the Silver And Gold Exchange. They had great client reviews and are a part of the Better Business Bureau. find them at

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