
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sheeple: Are You A Member Of The Herd?

Millions of people from countries across the world have begun to wake up to the very real threat of repressive and engineered Globalism, or what the financial elite and the politicians who work for them often refer to as “The New World Order”. The movement against this centralization of economic and social power has gained traction in nearly every sphere, to the point where even the mainstream media has been forced on occasion to acknowledge its existence and prevalence. Those of us who have been working more than a few years in this activist organization, what many of us call the “Patriot Movement”, or the “Liberty Movement”, have seen incredible leaps and bounds in the fight against disinformation and the spread of unadulterated truth. Our work has gone viral, and our membership has skyrocketed, however, the task of diluting ignorance in the overall populace is far from over.
Every researcher, writer, and filmmaker who tackles the New World Order issue will suffer the unfortunate experience of running into people who are almost criminally uninformed, and this will happen on a regular basis. For a long time, our frustration was magnified by our inability to specifically define what it was that made these people the way they were. Were some just mentally inadequate, and unable to effectively process the facts? Were they so indoctrinated by the MSM that there was no turning back? Was there an innate difference in intuitive faculties that made some people quick in picking out a lie, and others slow? Many theories abound, but one thing was certain; in our quest to inform the masses, there were always going to be those who were incapable of hearing or understanding what we had to say, no matter how factual, rational, and refined our arguments. We now call these wonders of intellectual rustication “Sheeple”…
Sheeple can be found in every country, every ethnic background, every religious organization, and every subculture.
More Here..


  1. Sorry, I'm a bit verklempt right now. Glenn Beck, just now on his radio show, indicated that he received some a silver star from a veteran who believes Glenn earned it. That is such a beautiful thing....for one grown man to show such adoration for another grown man as brave and heroic as Glenn Beck. May God bless that veteran for giving up his silver star and may god bless that veteran for doing his part to keep us safe from those who want to take our freedom. It's at times like this, witnessing such unconditional giving, that I know deep down in my heart that all is not lost...that men, and I mean MEN, like Glenn Beck and this veteran are going to win this country, and this world back for us good people.

  2. Glenn Beck deserves something alright, but it's not a Silver Star.....Maybe a Silver Bullet???

  3. that coward glenn beck, like bush and cheney are cowards and never served, but did and are ruining the country, Goebbels would be proud of them, so would hitler, who bush's grandfather helped during the war with steel for hitler to build his nazi regime, beck, limpballs, bush, cheney, mccain, lieberman are all just like that and have ruined this once great nation.

  4. I would not waste the silver on him, maybe a rusty bullet a cheap one at that, like one you would use on a gang member, as they are both worthless

  5. Glenn Beck is a shill. Allowed to express an opinion or make a statement on only certain matters.

    If someone is speaking to you from the banker media MSM, you are not getting real truth. Beck once said that all 9/11 truthers should be locked away. Yeah, sounds like a great guy. Patriots risking it all to expose our government's corruption should be tossed in a gulag.

    9/11, the greatest lie that boosted the NWO agenda, is not questioned by these shills. They would be banished if they tried.

    Imagine if these shills came out and told the truth about our Congress, voting, and that we are actually living in an Oligarchy. That fighting for our freedoms is a disgusting mantra. That our president is nothing more than a Goldman Sachs puppet.

    Put someone on MSM TV that really tells the truth. See how long he lasts. Beck, Bill Mayer, Dylan Ratigan(?), and the Daily show wussy are all there to act as pressure valves only. To give the sheep the feeling that the are getting the inside track. No, they are getting a carefully manipulated, massaged handful of propaganda.

  6. Best sheeple video ever:

  7. the 1st poster is definately a sheep the article is talking about

  8. don't dis sheeps. if it weren't for the sheeps, we's wouldn't have's any cotton.

  9. beck is no patiot, never served, a coward like bush, take a hike nazi creep, that is what beck is also

  10. Blessed are the Sheep....for they shall inherit an irradiated, burned out cinder.

  11. great article! perhaps 9:11 (go figure...) will go back and read it after posting her glenn beck drivel.

  12. 10:14 waaaah! glenn beck is told what to say. he is owned. WAKE UP! he is controlled opposition. perhaps you too, need to read the entire post.

  13. Glenn Beck is a great man. He's said, on more than one occasion, that we need a rivival in this country, and he's right. We need a good ol Mormon revival. We need to conjure Moroni and Joesph Smith. We need to take multiple wives. We will have those days again....I can feel it in my sheep gut.

  14. you pinhead, oreily, hannity and limbauh already have that and are hiding it from the world, limbaug already has sex with little boys in dominican republic, he goes there for the sex trade, that is why he needed his viagra when he goes there, they have those days again that you so want

  15. Blessed are the sheep that trust in Jesus, for they shall see the kingdom of Heaven.

    As for the rest of you, Goldman Sachs underwrote a vast amount of loans for the construction of modernized facilities in a place called Hell. They also shorted the same loans knowing what a deadbeat Lucifer is.

  16. I shorted fema camps today, made a fortune, short them all the way, I also shorted heaven and hell and made enough to mold a golden horse

  17. 10:33 'controlled opposition?' It's the right kind of opposition as opposed to Socialism/Marxism. You need to go live in Venezuela where Chavez will address all your needs. Please make it a one way trip.

  18. Jesus,

    I thought it was Christ? You said in your original writings that Christ was the intervening force between God and man and that it was not of this world?

    Anyways I think many of you conspiracy people need to lay off Glenn, there are plenty of worse people to bash on television. And Alex Jones appearantly doesn't give you the full truth either (how unfactual his crap is, erm, disinformative) Glenn Beck never said anything about 9/11 truthers being crazy, he said, "We didn't blow up the towers" - his opinion, and then suggested that we need politicians to focus on a solution now and not 9/11 conspiracies, which keep in mind many Obama lovers are Truthers like Van Jones. So what fucking difference does it make whether someone thinks Bush bombed the towers or not? What the fuck does that solve? And yet you are so certain about that, yet there is no proof. If it came down to it you may very well be accusing an innocent person of mass murder!

    Whatever, pick your poison, the many forces of Armageddon have selected their armies. Forget good versus evil, more like trillions of astral beings and the six billion people are divided up into several million groups and not many have any Christed Energy (Real Truth)... well, not that I have any proof to that but I think I'll be starting a truth movement soon.


  19. a truth movement in this liar based media? Impossible, maybe like 5% know the truth the others are deluded and will stay that way, until it smacks them in the face directly, then tshtf literally then all bets are off

  20. SHEEPLE=Dumbed down moronic mind controlled tv addicted americans.

    are you a proud american sheeple?

    I bet you are...

    Go back to watching your fox news financial babes lie about why the stock market is down 700 today?

    Ha Ha Ha-did you buy gold and silver? (i did)

  21. stock market now down 900, choke on it sheeple

  22. truth is hard to swallow ,but here it is

  23. beck is controlled opposition to control inbred FAUX news addicts. i bet you and your "brunkle" are having a beer and sucking up hannity right now ;)

  24. some guy hit a b instead of a m
    thats why dow lost a 1000
    ok thats some bs
    got that golden tan
    this investing stuff is easy

  25. your golden tan is a fake spray on tan
    like your fake hair
    and your fake paper gold
    we have the real stuff
    you dont

  26. Yes- I just read that too. The market plunge was caused by 'human error': some Citi trader pushed a 'b' for billion instead of 'm' for million and caused a panic. The economic conditions in Europe apparently have no influence on US stock markets- losses are merely 'human errors'!

  27. We certainly can't let reality scare the sheep away from being fleeced in the Stock market. Just invent a story so implausible that it has to be true.

    Come back sheep! The markets fine!

    Someone just make an 'oopsie' with his keyboard. A mere slip of the finger. All is well!

  28. Gold up 33.60, dow DOWN -350. Come on sheeple, buy some stock and open a savings account.

    Never mind storable food, water filter, guns and ammo.

    You will not need them in your fema camp.

  29. that was the false flag, so when the real crash comes, people will say oh just a wrong key punch, man you are sick sheeple and so gullible too

  30. please buy stock and keep all your cash in the bank PLEASE DO IT PLEASE

  31. 154
    no i have gold
    i got it for paper dollars
    with pictures on them
    can you believe it
    i have no paper
    and my tan is real
    and my hair is real
    but thanks for asking

  32. if you were doing so well, you would not be on here, you would be out with gorgeous models, and living it up.

  33. Yes, when the market drops 5000 points instead of a thousand: Oops! Looks like someone meant to push an 'm' and accidently hit a 't'! No need to sell, it will all come back as soon as the market realizes it's just human error.

    Sick indeed....

  34. 2 14
    thats why you dont have money
    dont let your penies rule your brain
    use your brain to rule your penies
    dont feel bad
    i got rich off of people like you
    now go out and piss all your money awa trying to impress some broad

  35. Yes human error caused the stock plunge...And the dog ate the homework...

    ha ha ha ha ha...sheeple believe anything their tv's tell them.

    Now get your paper money ready to buy buy buy..

  36. It was amazing how quickly they invented and spread this 'human error/wrong key punch' storyline: just in time to be repeated on all the MSM evening news cyles:

    The Great American Recovery is still chugging along! Green Shoots everywhere! The Stock Market fell a little today, but it was just a big misunderstanding. Someone pressed 'b' not 'm'...On other news, BP has almost stopped the leak...

  37. I think i will sign out now. The collapse has started. I have to head to my hide away in the mountains. Good luck everyone.

  38. When the real crash comes, and it will be soon, these sheeple will lose everything, I will be watching with pop and popcorn on the sidelines laughing all the way

  39. It will be interesting to see what the new excuse will be tomorrow when the market continues to slide. That is unless there is massive additional clandestine gov't intervention to prop it up.

  40. the new excuse will be look at this hand, oh look what is in the other, smoke and mirrors, either the oil spill or some fake cia terror attack, you pick which one.

  41. I knew about false flags and such back in 2001 and knew exactly what was happening. It is gratifying to see so many people wake up over the last nine years and for them to finally see that they were conned. For a while I wondered if people would ever wake up at all.

  42. Unfortunately the ignorance does continue to get perpetuated, and much of it is by the so-called "Patriot Movement". But at least their hearts are in the right spot. They are just easily misled by half-truths and false assumptions.

  43. Believe it or not, God is running the entire show! And in the end, guess what? He wins!

  44. Look on the bright side 4:27

    God promised us a "world without end"

    Didn't say there wouldn't be some trials and tribulations along the way

  45. 4:17 - you mean you've been reading this site for a year and a half and yet you don't believe it? Either you're getting paid to post here or you have no life.

  46. Beck is amazing how he nails the current Washington regime. Over and over again. Neither acting President Obama nor anyone on his team have a clue as to how to deal with a guy who succinctly tells the truth and exposes these blooters for what they are - inexperienced ideologues who are hideously out of step with the American people.

    You may note I do not choose to hide behind 'anonymous'. Jeez, what do you take me for...a gutless liberal?

  47. The theory that the fall in the dow was caused by a mistake by an individual trader is countered by the fact that there were a NUMBER of simultaneous accidental trades yesterday
    This was due to the sudden breakout of Dyslectic- Finger - foot -in- mouth -disease on Wall st.
    The Plunge Protection Team and The SEC are reported to have said,a bailout vaccine to prevent any further breakout of the disease will soon be available if required.
    So investors need not worry everything is back under control.
    But as the share market later took a bit of a fall in Europe too it it is clear the accident causing disease has already crossed the Atlantic ocean and falls are even being seen in Asia nowDown 3% and the fast moving disease
    is bekeived to be heading back to wall st.

    “The moving finger having writ moves on”

    “May 6 (Bloomberg) -- NYSE Euronext said “there were a number of erroneous trades” during an almost 1,000-point plunge in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
    “There were a number of erroneous trades,” said NYSE spokesman Rich Adamonis. “Our guys just told me Nasdaq is investigating the erroneous trades. What happened today in P&G for instance, the bad print was on Nasdaq, not here,” he said, referring to a 37 percent plunge in Procter & Gamble Co. The Nasdaq said it is investigating the plunge.”

  48. No Larry, what is amazing is how much of a dupe you are. You let beck speak down to you like a child with that chalkboard and you like that, because you are conditioned to like that. Your momma did raise a dummy, really! Did you notice that Obama a democratic president, kept on a notorious neocon in Gates? Mcchrystal, Petraeus?? Someone above him is telling him, you are going to do this and that or else we will JFK you, Get it Dupe? How come when Bush was doing all the destruction, Not One word From Beck, Limpballs, Insanity, Nothing, Nada, Zip, that tells you all you need to know about the Left/Right Paradigm, but you still are to Brainwashed to see it, Pity!

  49. "Did you notice that Obama a democratic president, kept on a notorious neocon in Gates? Mcchrystal, Petraeus??"

    Who appoints Who?

    Wrong sequence !
    CIA/Gates was agent Barry handler during the "missing years" when barry was consorting and arranging finance for the now notorious paid by the CIA anti soviet fighter Pakistan.
    The handler Gates is still on control of the agent.

    Onama did not swear in the new CIA cheif -Biden Did ! (Check it out )And so they report to Biden not to Barry .
    Do you think barry tells Gates what to do?
    And the Goldman Sach cabal kept contol for looting treasury.
    The current POTUS ,is as much in the loop as the last goat story reading goat and does as he is told.

  50. 904 no shit, the left right paradigm is what is dividing the country, tptb are the true enemy, not the puppets from both parties

  51. This Dyslectic Finger and foot -in -mouth accident causing disease is worse than Swine Flue to stock markets.
    Nearly as bad as the "sub prime
    crisis ?
    But the Plunge Protection Bailout Teams are up to the task!!
    …and the Bank of Japan mounted the biggest one- day injection of cash since 2008 as stocks tumbled worldwide…
    Japan’s central bank said it will pump 2 trillion yen ($22 billion) of funds into the financial system through repurchase operations. ..
    Will the disease preventing PPT of America Match that if the accidents move back to wall st?

  52. Repurchase Operations.

    This whole 'stock market' has become too complex and non-functional to continue.

    We need to terminate the stock market paradigm and concentrate on a single central bank concept.


  53. 4:27 you traded in your brain for something that gives you comfort. If there is a creator or God he doesn't give a shit about you or your problems. I think he has made that pretty clear.


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