
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Unpublished Report: Oil Catastrophe Could Be 2 Million Gallons A Day

A confidential government report on the unfolding spill disaster in the Gulf makes clear the Coast Guard now fears the well could become an unchecked gusher shooting millions of gallons of oil per day into the Gulf. 

"The following is not public," reads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Emergency Response document dated April 28. "Two additional release points were found today in the tangled riser. If the riser pipe deteriorates further, the flow could become unchecked resulting in a release volume an order of magnitude higher than previously thought."

Asked Friday to comment on the document, NOAA spokesman Scott Smullen said that the additional leaks described were reported to the public late Wednesday night. Regarding the possibility of the spill becoming an order of magnitude larger, Smullen said, "I'm letting the document you have speak for itself."

In scientific circles, an order of magnitude means something is 10 times larger. In this case, an order of magnitude higher would mean the volume of oil coming from the well could be 10 times higher than the 5,000 barrels a day coming out now. That would mean 50,000 barrels a day, or 2.1 million gallons a day. It appears the new leaks mentioned in the Wednesday release are the leaks reported to the public late Wednesday night.   

More Here..

Stop An Oil Gusher A Mile Under The Surface? Its Never Been Done.
More Here..


  1. obama said yeterday its
    5 000 gallons a day
    oh he lied surprise
    obama welcome to your katrina
    thanks for no extending uenployement
    beyond 99 weeks
    after all all your rich buddies cant stand the idea that theres no jobs
    ive saved 1 billion jobs
    and the more that die ive created new ones
    what a joke
    and bush dont get me started
    hurayy for arizona
    look a state that follows the law
    i cant stop laughing
    because i cryed a river of tears or years
    im just wondering when the riots start
    i got my popcorn out

  2. kool and the gang are playing at the white house.
    i wonder when ill get my invatation on the uenployement line.
    celerbration now come on!
    20 million behind on mortgages lets celebrate!
    40 million on food stamps
    that last threwout the year come on lets celebrate!
    20 million layed off lets celebrate!
    who needs osama bin laden.
    when we have washington.
    yea big turn around riots in the streets.
    on cnbc theyll say there celebrating
    loseing everything.

  3. news flash according to rumsfeld the people rioting in american streets.
    have never tasted freedom.
    therefore acting like animals tearing up he joint.
    your free
    now redzone goes to fema camps in north carolina
    please report to the loading area.
    you free your free

  4. What was that, some kind of illiterate form of poetry?


  6. The epidemia of Broken thoughts

  7. 9:58 makes a mindful presentation. Sans the bitter gall it would be more palatable.

  8. Sabotage can leave a dirty mess behind. That was no accident.

    I remember as a kid playing on the beach in Santa Barbara and get globs of oil on my shorts. They had just put in oil rigs off shore there. It is a damn shame.

    For those that would say it is necessary, you are wrong. Our owners have hoarded away all sorts of alternative, clean energy - free energy because you don't control the sheep by giving them abundant power.

    The whole dependence on oil thing is one big con job. We are kept as ignorant slaves.

  9. This is how much our Oligarch owners really care about the enviroment, outside of BS global warming which is just a scam to extract more taxes from us:

    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico presents BP Exploration and Production with a problem of unprecedented severity — a limitless gush in very deep waters — forcing the London-based company to grasp for fixes that have never been tried before.

    This oil mess will take weeks or maybe even months to repair. It will be the worst ecological disaster ever.

  10. We tried to become 1% less dependent on their own cartels. So our owners - the trillionaire Oligarch Bank of London scumbags swatted us down like a fly.

    The bomb they placed on the Haliburton oil platform will end up earning their billions upon billions while ensuring that ecologists will now never allow any more offshore drilling.

    Anyone who thinks that one of those structures has a destructive explosion out of nowhere, then collapses, I have a bridge to sell you.

  11. If the kind of bullshit our owners get away with could only be revealed some day we would swarmed them like fire ants.

    Instead, they keep us bickering among ourselves with issues like illegal aliens, GOP vs Dems, Lakers vs Oklahoma, anything to keep our small minds busy.

  12. its all part of obamas green
    its like the birth death model on unenployement
    lets save the planet as we kill the gulf
    makes perfect sense
    just like 911
    when the twin towers fell at free fall speed
    now sleep sheeple sleep poppies

    lolairplane remark

  13. Obama has no plan. He plans nothing. He decides nothing. He is an Oligarch puppet just like every other US president of this corporation called the USA. Stop focusing on the puppets. That is their purpose.

  14. Hey Jesus Freak! Talk about the epidemic of broken thoughts...just a all these broken thoughts mean that it will be impossible for people to have connected thoughts in the future? Maybe that's why the Son of Man (Jesus) said that He may not find faith on the earth when He returns?

  15. No Sun/son figure is going to come riding through the clouds on a white horsey to help out the sheeple. The Oligarchs gave the sheep that ridiculous many-times-repeated tale to foster apathy.

    Wake up sheep!

  16. Nothing is sadder than a former beautiful clean beach soaked with oil and dead fish and foul.

    Thank you bankers. I hope you make your billions.

  17. As a Christian I'm well aware that Jesus won't be returning in time to save anyone (physically), and that belief in Christianity condemns myself as well as you to a fate worse than hell.

    But I like that. It has to be this way.

    At the end of time, at the final judgement, when one half of all sentient beings go into the lake of fire, well that just make a lot of sense. It's almost scientific in it's probability. Sure, the universe could have some other outcome but I don't feel like writing these days, so enjoy your universes fated outcome.


  18. 11:23 I feel sorry for you; you buy into the whole thing just a tad bit too much. Some things are true but not all things are true when it comes to lies or conspiracies

  19. Halliburton cemented the the lawsuits against this corrupt Co. Anyone with stock in the Co. sell the stock at opening bell Monday morning! Motels, tourism, charter boats, restaurants, condos, fishing, etc. will be effected by next week. Many have canceled reservations already. All this will cause massive unemployment; some will default on beach property.

  20. Why does barry keep saying the offshore platform "explosion"? Why was there no BOP on this well? Another false flag? Go green, pay your carbon tax and this will not happen again!

    Who knows? This will undoubtedly be so horrific we will never know the real damage to the gulf. Shame, some nice beaches on south padre, spent a lot of time on South Padre, now they have oil beaches and dead fish.

  21. alot of rambeling going on here

  22. NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - In what is looming as another public relations predicament for Goldman Sachs, the banking giant admitted today that it made "a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico" one day before the sinking of an oil rig in that body of water.

    HMMMMMMMMM!!! Here are the assholes

  23. Go green and pay your carbon tax


    Where the hell do you suppose green energy comes from - the moon ?

    How about nuclear - oh that's right; never been an accident there right ?

    How about coal - oh that's right; that shit burns so clean you don't even have to test the air.

    How about wind - oh that's right - it would take One Hundred and Fifty Thousand of them just to light up L.A. ( I know you wouldn't mind that little string in YOUR back yard now would YOU.

    So; here we go again !

    Natural Fucking Gas

    We won't use it ! wanna know why ?

    It's too green !


  24. It is likely the spill will move east and possibly around the tip of florida and up the east coast. May all that flora and fauna suffer and the righteous folks who believe in unlimited energy keep on consuming to their hearts content.

  25. This is getting better and better.

    The Divine Father (Truth) is making his way back as the higher consciousness many are taking is executing greater disaster for all that which is untrue and/or insincere.

    The Divine Mother takes her turn as she bestows healing (Grace) on those she deems inviting. As they continue merging expect much destruction as people who carry Truth vibration or Grace will prosper and those who carry egotistical ambition or fallacious thinking will flounder just like this oil rig.

    The Kingdom of Heaven is already here... ready to shine openly as this sham reality (duality) is being anihilated.

    Oh and for those still looking to the Sun/Son... don't bother nor should one bother insulting something they never understood. The Christ is to return in power and "He" is not a person returning, he is to come through many people consciously and this is to be the Elect.
    Remember, words are worthless now, he comes in power this time...

  26. Why all the Jesus hate guys? Good grief, we could try to act a little more civilized; I for one am sick of all the Christian basing when all around me everyone is so PC about all the other religions, and this only reafirms my faith. Seriously, calling someone a jesus f--r is like playing with fire, and a big no no.

  27. Obongo has bigger problems to deal with. Wait until that Silverback shoves the teleprompter up his 1/2 Kenyan ass for banging his fund raiser Vera Baker in 2004. Ah, high drama.

  28. murderer ocheney haliburton whore built that platform, I hope he and texans are choking on that sht, sarah the failure should be out thar in her drill baby drill t shirt cleaning up the mess she loves to talk about

  29. "jesus, if there was one, would not let oil spills, murders of children, 911's, if he was and was so powerful he would have stopped all the bad from happening, if there is a god he is an asshole as he stands by and lets all the bad happen."

    Not really. He gave us free will and told us to live with the consequences of our actions. The things you mentioned, as bad as they are, are nothing but a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Your time here on earth regardless of how much you prosper or suffer is but nothing, it's minuscule, compared to eternity.
    Read the book called "Castle Of Wisdom". It will open your eyes.

  30. God doesn't want bad things to happen. Everything was perfect until sin entered the world through the free will decision of humanity. Sin has consequences but God is merciful because He offered us a way to be forgiven and gave us a guidebook for life. If we don't follow the guidebook, we pay the consequences.

  31. Going For the Nuclear "solution" ??
    The costs in containing the gusher and the environmental costs not only to Nth America but to other regional Gulf and Caribean countries could run into trillions of dollars in damage and claims.
    Americans only view the world and are concerned with their own skins.
    Of course insurance payouts might be saved if it was declared to be caused by an “act of war” by Bin Laden state protected terrorists operating with Iranian govt.etc. protection or even according some conspiracy prophets on the dreaded “mad” Nth Koreans. See:
    US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig
    Still, a desperate oil and insurance industry and political pressures from Americans could call for an untested nuclear “quick fix“. As Sorcha Suggests ?
    This could easily result in quikly making the situation much worse!
    It’s a pity that “The decider” a man with a proven family history in making money out of oil rigs is not in control now ,but no matter, the present incumbent is more firmly under the control of the finance sector ,he can be trusted to decide according to the interests of the “too big to fail finance sector and pay out on derivative bets in the ‘America’ as we know it after the financial coup.

    It’s also a pity that Saddam ,who was hung for a fist full of dollars in oil profits, is not still around to cop the blame . He was once blamed for a big oil spill in that other Gulf ,the Middle East Persian Gulf , after the bombing of Iraq by the coalition of the killing . That ,according to Oilman Bush 1 , bombing in no way could have caused the spills!
    To date, the Middle Eastern Gulf War oil spill is regarded as the largest oil spill in history, resulting from actions taken during the Gulf War in 1991 by the Iraqi military.
    It caused considerable damage to wildlife in the Persian Gulf especially in areas surrounding Kuwait and Iraq. Estimates on the volume spilled range from 42 to 462 million gallons; the slick reached a maximum size of 101 by 42 miles and was 5 inches thick. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the size of the spill, figures place it 5 to 27 times the size (in gallons spilled) of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and more than twice the size of the 1979 Ixtoc I blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico.

  32. I disagree with 4:40 on the issue of how He is to return and in what form. He is a He, a PERSON, and always will be a PERSON. I think you're trying to depersonalize God. God is a Person.
    The Person of God, which is why you are a Person, you are a facet of Him.

    Jesus will return in His Person, single and unified. He will have 144,000 Elect with Him which have supernatural powers over the forces of Darkness. They will together rule the Earth for figuratively 1000 years, which is many millenia in human terms.


  34. What kind of Idiot says 'Jesus is not a person'

    WHat was he? A hologram projected by Aliens?

  35. Yes

    ET "call home"

  36. Jesus is a real person just like Huckleberry Finn .
    Just not an historically proven real person like that other creation or son of God the Devil ,neither has a proven historical existence .
    The Byzantine Christian fought huge wars over this hair-splitting question of whether Jesus was a real man or a perrsona of a but Split personality monotheistic trinity god !
    But, Comments including this comment I am belong on the websites for discussing theological issues of importance ,like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin . Or, interpretation what the “vision of Mother Mary”is cryptically reported to have prophesised at Fatima as applied to Mississippi oil and the end of the world and other Christian-Zionist morality plays.
    The subject here is the real world , oil gushers and the Economy, not whether Jesus was anointed by holy oil to rule from Jerusalem.
    Get thee to a nunnery!

  37. Youtube has plenty of good info:
    Gerald Celente
    Peter Schiff

    If you are stuck in 401k CEF. Allocated silver and gold in Canada. But hold physical metal if you can.

    My plan to fix all this...
    Toss out all the imigrants.
    Torpedo all container ships.
    Build factories in every state.
    Ban imports for at leat 10 years.
    Confiscate the personal wealth of all those who shipped jobs overseas. End the Federal Reserve. A private banking institution. They loaned us money they never had and your income tax goes to pay it. Eliminate the congress and have nation wide internet voting. Finally...poison all the fresh water in the mid east...hey..we'll trade them water for oil, barrel for barrel. oh yeah..fuck Isreal for getting us into all sorts of messes. Lastly...It's time for a French Style revolution. Gulitine in front of congress. You pick who goes first! Ha.


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