Friday, June 25, 2010

1.5 Million Unemployed California Workers Will Lose Unemployment Benefits

I'm totally dependent on this extension," Hunt said, who is trying to refinance her mortgage. "I've exhausted my savings."

Some 200,000 jobless Californians have already lost their unemployment benefits, and that figure is expected to rise to 1.5 million by the end of the year absent an extension from Congress. California's unemployment rate stands at 12.4 percent, among the highest in the nation.

The bill also included provisions that directly affect Silicon Valley. A research and development tax credit long employed by high-tech firms expired Dec. 31 but would have been extended an additional year. It now could be lost for good, said Ralph Hellmann, a senior vice president at the Washington, D.C.-based Industry Technology Industry Council.

Tech firms "rely on these incentives to keep and expand research and development here in the U.S.," Hellmann said.

On the other side of the ledger, the measure's defeat gave the venture capital industry a reprieve from a proposed tax increase on so-called "carried interest."

Both of California's senators, Democrats Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, voted in favor of the jobs and tax bill. Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, who is running to unseat Boxer in November, said through a spokeswoman that she would have sided with Republicans in blocking the measure.

"While there are some worthwhile programs that are funded under this legislation," the spokeswoman, Julie Soderlund, said in a statement, "it needs much more work to ensure that it does not further hinder job creation."

Soderlund said Fiorina favors extending unemployment benefits and making permanent the research and development credit, but she believes both items should be offset with spending cuts.


  1. I'm totally dependent on this extension," Hunt said, who is trying to refinance her mortgage. "I've exhausted my savings."

    No job and trying to re-fi with her unemployment benefits, are these people stupid or what?

  2. This state really pisses me off - they have every damn entitlement program known to man
    and Arnie is getting frequent flier miles going back and forth fron D.C. looking for cash.

    Why don't they garner all those Hollywood elite together and have a sing/love fest 2010 ? You know maybe get a bj from elton and laid by paris all in the same nite

    Or they could just move to the Dakotas - course; because the unemployment rate is below 5% - that means you'd like work ( and probably get a least one of your hands dirty ) ( with like real dirt )
    from the ground ( that's like where you plant - stuff ).

    Or you could do what they are going to do along with 42 other states

    Tax the hell outa ya !

  3. It is a good thing that people start loosing their benefits. It is time that people stop depending on the government, and realize that the government was the one who put them in that situation in the first place.

  4. "While there are some worthwhile programs that are funded under this legislation," the spokeswoman, Julie Soderlund, said in a statement, "it needs much more work to ensure that it does not further hinder job creation

    what job creation

    in nyc 5500
    union carpeters are out!if it wasnt for the twin towers the jobs would be none!

    in westchester local 1 union carpenter office left
    out of 4 20 years ago
    moving upstate!

    listen folks the song and dance is over
    the jobs are just stoping all over in construction!

    thier are none!

    so ny will be following soon

    i know other people doing fine.
    but they dont understand your next .
    screw uenployement where the fkkk are the jobs
    obzo promised?

    this president is nero
    to bushs caligula

    also ilegals all over working for 1 /3 rd rate
    this is a recipe for disaster

    this latest uenployement scam by the congress and the senate is treason.

    they know theyll be the ones coming to the rescue a day late and a dollar short

  5. "The worst day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins thinking about how he can get something for nothing”
    -Thomas Jefferson -a plantation and slaveowner aristocrat that spoke theoreticaly about human liberty and freedom for his class as ‘The rights of Man.”
    We are all born naked into a society,for example as jeffersons slaves , where the social arrangements for distributing shares in human created wealth amongst the people and classes was long since pre-determined long before they were even born acording to property titles.Like Jefferson’s “rights” derived from property ownership titles to own humans and their offspring and their labour created wealth.
    These existing past arrangement where the "rights" to income of past accumulated wealth and paying past debts to bondholders claiming a free lunch income from the state, weighs heavily on the living in the U.S. today.
    It those individual circumstances that we are all born into we all forced make our living as best we can. But, I would say in modern America ; The worst day in a mans /womens life for millions In the US , is when people discover in that existing set up ,that is run for the advantage of the well off and property owners ,that there is NO work available for them to be able to make decent living for themselves and to educate their children except by living on demeaning food stamp charity handouts !
    Without individually being able to change the existing set up with their votes in a two party same same / sham democracy.That is now , casino capitalism , a "democracy" for the corrupt to loot the middle class.
    So ,now it is savage dole cuts accompanied by abuse for "laziness" , from the tight fisted well off and the supporters of the existing system in Congress ,who are imposing "austerity" ,ecomnomic whip in one hand on unemployed millions of Americans in order to preserve THEIR system . While at the same time the state cries "poverty" , corruptly, the same state with its other hand socializes the losses of the investor class and their bankster managers with trillions of dollars in real handouts.

    I would say; That ,The second worse day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins out of necessity -PLOTTING -with others of his kind about how he can get something for nothing in the existing social arrangements and from "charity" from congress , as the only way to make a living in a failed economic system.
    In ancient Rome ,the plebian CITIZENS (not the slave class) after losing their land to the aristocratic latifundia big slave farmers, got a grain allowance dole .(A minimum living guarantee of "bread and circuses", bribes out of empire profits in return for social peace )
    The State in the U.S. "the richest country in history”, now understandably after subsidizing and bailing out the profits of the rich investor class now pleads "poverty" in carrying out its agreed social/human obligations to its citizens and reduces the state to providing only short ration food stamps for bread ,to Austerity and cheap entertainment from a semi -monarchial circus of lobbyists that is Congress.

    What other alternative is there for the pensioned off modern plebian U.S. citizens now subjected to the same "austerity" to save the rich, as were the ordinary citizens of Rome by the ancient slave owning aristocracy organized in their Roman Senate, besides Riots ,or revolution, or a new series of American Idle.

  6. Obviously they spent all the money bailing out the banks and shocker there is no money left for the unemployed.

    QE2.0 coming soon for better or worse, anything less than $4-$6 trillion won't make a dent in our current debt situation.

    Deflation continues to dig deeper and deeper. Only one thing can begin to heal this diseased contagion and thats bringing back ALL of Glass-Steagall (ASAP).

  7. your site has gone down hill. so as the article states, we the tax payers should continue to fund out of control liberal states? how about this for an idea? people and states fund themselves?

  8. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 26, 2010 at 3:00 AM

    Love & Crappiness
    Stories all over
    Corpos don't hire the unemployed
    No mo
    Lackeys y shills abound
    It is a sort of
    Amereagan humans get all righteous
    Let 'em starve, say they
    LOL mang
    You like that billionaire caca?
    You shills eat billionaire poo poo
    And say "we had lunch together!"
    No you didn't, homes
    You ain't but a mile up or down the road
    From anybody else
    Caca pasa, vatos
    Y pride goeth before a fall

  9. This is part of the strategy and game plan to keep us distracted while the war is initiated with Iran, Gulf States will be evacuated and then occupied by foreign troops and dictatorial powers granted to Puppet-Barry…all with a single purpose to destroy the only country ever in history (comprised of refugees) that defied the oligarchs and became a superpower. We, “the unwanted of the world” became a target when with our success and innovation…objects of ridicule despised by the “established monarchy and elite”. Americans must realize the hatred & contempt the oligarchs have for us is truly immeasurable…the total wonton of our destruction and then rebirth into tyranny, serfdom & slavery to serve them is by far the ultimate goal.

    Are we to lie down and accept our future fate as slaves…or defy the oligarch tyranny as our forefathers did? Will “beer and football” on the “Mindless TV” be our master and downfall? …only you can decide that!

    Patrick Henry

  10. I agree with above. We should execute the unemployed. Only the Elite should be allowed to live.

  11. 4:06,

    I'm going to pretend the quote was some kind of message from an interdimensional portal where Patrick Henry told you to tell us that right this moment. If we can't then you believe in his day there was television?

    No honestly, it was a good comment overall, I find the Alex Jones material a bit obsequious but that was still lapidary execution. Let me try to form my own little epigram;

    Hmmm, oh well screw it who cares?

  12. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM

    @5:08 AM
    But there's a problem with your scheme, mang
    Employed or no
    YOU are not "Los Elite"
    Proceed at will, cabron
    Make with the Kervorkian
    Show us u r willing to die
    To win an ontological argument
    As Camus once postulated
    ... but I'm sure class like u knew that

    Say hi to Jeebus for me

  13. In 1975, I was in my second year of High School. After school, I rode my bike to a local machine shop and worked through the afternoon. I operated a punch press, turning flat plates of steel into actual products.

    After High School, I went directly into the aerospace industry where I manufactured all kinds of stuff;

    - Sidewinder Missles
    - Sidewinder launch vehicles, surface, air and sea based launch platforms
    - Foward Looking Infared (FLIR) systems
    - Sgt. York / DIVAD, a nice double barrell 25mm machine gun.
    - McDonnell Douglas Delta rockets (pre-space shuttle)
    - F-15's
    - F/A 18's

    We turned raw materials into high tech weapons and related stuff and I did all this work in S. California. Those days are all gone.

    Just a few weeks back the last car assembly line in California was closed down.

    In Anaheim, where I live, there are plenty of huge industrial buildings that once employed 4,000 or more. They all sit vacant and will remain vacant for years to come.

    Nothing is made in California any more, except porn in the San Fernando Valley.

    The Silicon Valley is a ghost town. Only Apple is doing good, but never forget, your iPhone and iPad is still made in China. That $600.00 iPad cost about $150.00 to manufacture. Most of the cost is in the display.

    Those who still have jobs, work in Fast Food or retail. When 1.5 million lose their megar income, you'll see a difference and it won't be pretty.

  14. They bailed out the banks who in turn went back to hammering all the sheeple that are in debt to them. How is this going to help bring the nation out of debt exactly?

    You can damn well be sure if the opposite was true, and the banks all signed up for severely undervalued loans the government wouldn't be paying the homeowners.

  15. It is a mistake to provide some special interest groups with tax credits and not others. Do we really want our government picking winners and losers? I can guarantee you they won't pick your small family business to be a winner. What we need is a fair and equitable tax policy so everyone can compete on a level playing field. Right now the uncertainty of new and threatened tax increases is preventing businesses from expanding or hiring. lets bring sanity to our tax policies.

  16. Just a general comment..This is what I have found to be true:
    No one is hiring, and if they are, it’s for uneducated,BILINGUAL/SPANISH speaking individuals, who don’t have but a high school diploma.
    Employment Agencies are a SCAM! They are a road to nowhere.
    DPSS will not offer any assistance unless you have one or more children, and have emptied out and sold everything you own.
    Food banks are giving out SPOILED food.
    2-1-1 has rude and impatient individuals manning the phone lines.


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