
Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Administration Turns Down Offer To Clean Spill Due To Paperwork! 53 Days Later Says OK

Britain Too?… Obama Administratin Turned Down British Offer to Help Clean Up Oil Spill 

It wasn’t just the Netherlands who offered to help with the disaster. Top officials in the British Cabinet offered assistance to help clean up the oil spill a few days after the explosion. The Obama Administration turned them down because they did not have the correct paperwork.

US turned down Britain’s offer to help clean up BP oil rig spill  
 US turned down Britain’s offer to help clean up BP oil rig spill..

CHANGE! 53 Days Later Obama Administration Decides to Accept Dutch Offer to Help With Spill 

Gulf Oil full of Methane, Adding New Concerns
More Here..


  1. Our criminal government's refusal to accept Iran's help that was offered immediately, and would have been effective, is nauseating. All because the Iranians have to be portrayed as bad guys. So sad.

  2. I guess local city officials are going to wait until people die near the gulf, then scratch their heads and call for evacuations or wait for FEMA to evac. Probably coastal folks just don't care and won't do anything. The ones I know have been warned by articles I sent, so be it. So far these folks aren't planning and probably won't. Time will tell if this chemical/methane scare is all hype.

  3. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 19, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    Radioactive oil
    Methane bubble
    Methane tsunami
    Methane explosion
    aka "species killa"
    Methane dead zones
    Refilling abiotic well

    Lotta theories
    Grab your huevos

  4. Can people please stop referring to the GOM disaster as a spill?? It is a LEAK!!! A leaking oil resevoir. And no they don't refill because oil is not abiotic. It is of biological origin. It has been scientifically proven beyond doubt. Nobody in the oil industry has ever taken the abiotic theory seriously. It is/was a theory that has been proven to never even make it to the realm of possibility let alone reality. Read the books and articles from more than a handful of retired petroleum geologists and engineers that know all about it. After all, would these people even be drilling in deep water or strip-mining Alberta Tarsands if it was abiotic? Lets get real already...

  5. 9:40 spoken directly from a mainstream CNN reader--->the truth, numbskull

  6. Coming to a theatre very near you soon 'OILCANO.'

    Only this disaster is real. Will not cost you $9, but it will cost you your life. The theatre is your backyard this fall if you live around the gulf. The movie will last about 90 minutes. Then you gasp and die.

  7. 9:40 you can look at videos of the OILCANO and call it a leak? A leak? That is so sad. How much is BP paying you? At least I hope you are being paid to say such stupid things on blogs and forums.

  8. 10:42 yes I can look at videos of "OILCANO" and call it a leak. The oil resevoir is like a massive underground balloon the has sprung a massive leak. A spill is Exxon Valdez, the GOM is a leak. Big difference.

    10:35, I don't even watch CNN and haven't for three years at least, let alone any TV. That's for people like you to do. Anyway your link to the so-called truth doesn't work numbskull, not like it would harbor the truth anyway because I like very many others already know the truth about oil. People like myself don't continue to live in denial about peak oil. It is amazing how oil is the only natural resource not subject to depletion when the contrary is quite evident all around us. Unless you still believe it's speculators in the commodity markets.

  9. 6:58, Like I said, DENIAL.


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