
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying?

The dire straits of the middle class of America has made it near impossible for our politicians to keep up the pretense that our current government truly works for the "people." Between the multiple overt and secretive bailouts, the massive bonuses and the circular use of our tax money to lobby for these continued handouts, you can no longer hide from the evidence.

When Senator
Durbin said "The banks... frankly own this place," you realize it was not in jest.

Couple this with recent protections handed by the Supreme Court to corporations to directly influence elections and it can make things seem hopeless for those not on Wall Street or their chosen politicians.
Favored CEOs and now even foreign countries get all the printed money they need, leaving us paying both our bills and theirs.

And now nearly a
quarter of all Americans are currently underwater in their mortgage because of that steadfast honor.

If you are one of them, chances are you didn't do anything wrong. Almost all of you were not
subprime borrowers or speculators, but merely people buying a house that they thought they could afford at the time. You were just unlucky in that you bought a house during a time when an outdated Wall Street and their complicit politicians decided to use housing to regain the income they lost due to the Schwabs and Etrades of the internet age.
You didn't cause this mess. They did.

1 comment:

  1. One earlier comment says:
    "Everything is falling apart. I still wonder what the banks are going to do with all the houses people can't pay for? Those who can't pay a mortgage anymore should stand their ground and refuse to leave."

    “Long live free money for Banksters says”:
    Encouraging people like this comment and in this posted article to abandon their contacted mortgage or tax obligations, freely entered into, is un-American and borders on anti-Christian communistic thought.
    Did not Your Lord tell everyone to love one another.(Even a “tax gather”practising debt collecting "Simony"Simon , was a favorite of the Lords.) And to render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to god what is Gods.
    And you know in your heart the secret name of the reigning God in America!
    Tent cities will be the natural outcome. This is the American way .America has its values enshrined in the Constitution. First of all Property right is sacred!
    A contradiction is arising nationally between the interests of property and the owners of invested loan capital in mortgages and the millions of "middle class" American 'home owners" that are beginning to, and being encouraged to criminally refuse to meet their debt obligations and live rent free.
    Yet , “The true golden rule” is :Repent from your sinful ways and pay the rent.
    This encouragement to criminality and dishonesty , is stabbing the whole American system that runs on credit supply in the back!
    The banks have very kindly, even benevolently, as is the normal practice of moneylenders Banksters and the Mafia, extended credit to these Americans to preserve their consumerist lifestyles even beyond what their incomes can afford.
    Now many credit card debts payments are not being paid merely because these spendthrifts now claim that they cannot afford to meet usurious interest rates!
    This is criminal behavior of dishonest people .Holy contracts have been made!.
    But capital is an unforgiving God, very properly armed and dangerous with a an army police and courts and a law and order Constitution, obliging it to protect private (bank) property and enforce contract law for debts. Debtors legs should be broken and tents cities formed, or FEMA camps, so respectable Americans can get on with recovery ,to get back down to the normal business of free, entrepreneurial, free enterprise for capital and free trade and money lending profits.
    The State is already being forced to use deficit spending of future tax revenues to bail out the corporations and the bondholder class and the cost of militarism and wars.
    But they, the unemployed in their millions forming a virtual army are demanding decent unemployment benefits, or a free lunch in food stamps from the state in this time of great financial weakness ,they are acting like criminal socialists, out to weaken and destroy America with a huge burden of even more unnecessary costs to the taxpayers.
    Some subversive types are even threatening the good order of the country with Foreign Greek Communist style Riots, for their free lunches.
    Enough! Americans must stand up to this overpopulation of unemployed Americans acting like socialists !
    The Constitution,Patriotism ,Austerity , civilization and the old American “Social contract” demands it.


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