
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BP Turning Beaches Into Hazardous Dumps?

Man video taping a beach with bulldozed sand to hide the oil that has washed ashore.


  1. I have given up on the Gulf coast residents, apparently they could care less.

    I am dumbfounded

    The sheeple have been trained well.

  2. it is cheaper to do it that way.
    the good old lazy people who sweep trash under the carpet but the trash is still there, just out of sight.

  3. great !!!
    poisones beachs
    i would go to florida but gas fumes make me sick
    maybe in ten or twenty years

  4. Take another look at the video...

    It looks as though the sand closest to the beach is nearly 10 inches lower than the sand this guy is walking on. Did they dig it up and remove it?...smoosh it down?...he obviously had the best angle so my guess is he's telling the truth.

    If they did dig it up...we're in the hell did they put it all?


  5. When will they rise up?

    Alex became the first June Atlantic hurricane since 1995 as oil and gas companies in the Gulf of Mexico evacuated offshore workers and prepared for possible storm surges that may affect coastal refineries.
    The storm, with maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 kilometers) per hour, was 255 miles southeast of Brownsville, Texas, and heading west at 9 mph, according to a U.S. National Hurricane Center advisory posted just before 11 p.m. Miami time yesterday. The center of Alex will approach the coast of northeast Mexico or southern Texas today as it makes landfall.

  7. Dead Gulf sheeple, watching their tv's, everything is fine...a new war on the horizon (pun intended), PTB will change the focus of the sheeple to the new war, the sheeple will get to see bombing, destruction, mass murder while drinking their 24 packs and high fiving each other, "Is this country great or what?"

  8. Dead fish washing up on the beach 2’ deep. Where are the activists? Why are they giving the president a pass? It is pathetic that when your guy is in office you support him no matter what. What have we become?

  9. When I was about 7 or 8 years old (in the early 1960's), I watched my dad change the oil on the family car. When he was finished, he went into the side yard, dug a hole, poured the oil in the hole and covered it with dirt.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    The dead marine life that washed on shore is also likely to be burried in that sand.

  10. @ 6:42
    what the heck are you talking about?
    many activists have benn arrested and harassed by private and public police because they were trying to report on the mess BP created!
    And believe me, no activist believe obama is "our guy"
    Get informed before you burp out whatever crosses your mind

  11. 2.O4
    right! I am informed now !
    Another burp .
    Obama was voted in by the "Fascist" republican rich and not by the Strasserite brownshirt liberal /lefties, peak oil ,global warming ,corporate state greenie activists" and their wall st friends?


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