
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 51 Oil Spill Hits Beaches (Video)


  1. UNBELIEVABLE! I wonder how much my blood pressure goes up when I see pics of the sea creatures with oil on them, as I know the oilcano will eventually kill all life in the gulf of mexico, a placed where I grew up.

    Many are wondering what is really going down there? Since BP has totally cut off the media. And now I see there may be evacuations, because of the toxicity of the oil and the fumes that will effect ALL LIFE.

    And no one seems to be doing anything, including the citizens..

    Further proof that when they come after our guns, the sheeple slave units will say, "YES SIR, please take my guns"!

  2. How heartbreaking.

    Wait until the hurricanes spray all the oil and deadly chemicals all over the inland areas.

    Sheeple have no idea what is headed their way.

  3. Here is as video taken today from an airplane., 6/10, around Grand Isle.

    View it and weep.

  4. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 10, 2010 at 4:32 PM

    Oil wasted on the ocean
    And upon our sea
    Fish full of BP

  5. I have heard about possible evacuations because of chemicals to incl: high concentrations of sulfuric acid, benzene, methane, misc. cleaning solvents, some the EPA said was unsafe. Anyone knowing about detailed evacuations, please post the info. I heard it would be on the local/state level directed by FEMA, and motel rooms were already rented in several states to house people who don't have a place to go to. These toxins can be absorbed thru the skin too.

  6. I would never trust the criminals at the EPA as to what is safe and what is not safe. They told 9/11 responders and citizens that the air was safe knowing it was not and now there are hundreds dying off like flies due to them breathing in pulverized concrete, thermite, glass, asbestos, and who knows what.

    The EPA doesn't give a rat's ass about animal or human life. Only cares about draconian power and authority to fine and tax.

  7. 12:11 good video. The type of clandestine reporting is all we will see soon as the criminal cover-up continues.

    Best comment -
    The power elite is letting this continue to further destroy the economy and resources. NEVER FORGET THIS.... This is no accident... These evil bastards do not care about anything but their agenda to bring all economy's to their knees so we will beg them for a solution to their problem they created.

    That solution will be central government and specifically The Bank of the World which they want in operation by 2012 with worldwide dominion over all fiat currency.

  8. The EPA didn't even pass out .50 cent masks to New Yorkers that were breathing in that toxic dust.

    Government cares about you, NOT.

  9. According to Matt Simmons, there is a 100 mile x 500 feet deep oil lake below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico that's just waiting to be released by the next hurricane.

    And that's not the bad news.

    LOOP (Louisiana Offshore Oil Port) handles the behemoth oil tankers that come from the Middle East and Venezuela. It has stringent safety precautions, including a flammable-free environment rule for offloading oil. This port handles no less than 5% of America's daily oil needs. If it ever has to be shut down indefinitely, and if there's also a moratorium placed on further oil drilling in the gulf, for whatever reason, the magic number climbs to over 15%. I leave the ramifications to your imagination.

    If they have to resort to a nuke to close of the holes, there's a 20% chance it won't work. Also, regardless, it may cause damage to neighbouring producing wells as well. In the event of failure, Matt Simmons says the oil will likely continue to flow for about 30 years and will destroy all life in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Thank you BP.

  10. At least when the Oligarchs start wars they have an end eventually. This thing may kill us all.

  11. Why the EPA are liars and murderers:
    Joe Picurro, an ironworker who volunteered to work in the 9/11 rubble and is now disabled by lung disease. "I've got maybe two years left in me. … I'm 43 years old, and I've got the lungs of a 95-year-old."

    He breathed in a lot of thermite dust.

  12. Are Nukes as a Quick fix attempt likely in the Gulf soon to save BP?
    For the countries surrounding the Gulf The oil blow-out May develop into an environmental catastrophe For the United Kingdom (England)already in deep financial crisis after nationalising and bailing out some of the biggest banks in the world . The BP oil blowout is developing into a the tipping point of a bigger financial catastrophe For the UK. Automatic Earth Reports BP is the planet's fourth largest enterprise. For one thing, this means the company has vast political influence, especially in the US and UK. .. 40% of BP shares are actually held in America.
    The shares in BP are taking a battering in the markets… BP [..] accounts for 12-13 percent of dividend payouts in Britain. Pension funds and other vestors are heavily reliant on it.
    "When you consider the huge exposure of British pension funds to BP it starts to become a matter of national concern if a great British company is being continually beaten up on the airwaves,"
    UK pension funds do indeed have big holdings of BP shares and the company says that £1 of every £7 paid in dividends to pension funds by FTSE 100 companies last year came from BP. It is estimated that about 18 million people in the UK either own BP shares or pay into a pension fund that holds BP shares.
    The Oil spill and how how it is handled has military as well as economic importance. The US and the UK have a “special relationship” forming an imperialist block “Anglo –American imperialism within that bloc there is general military collusion and cooperation for wars of mutual benefit and cooperation and contention/competition in the economic field.
    Under pressure over BP, PM Cameron says UK ready to help
    Britain stands ready to help BP with its clean-up efforts following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday as he came under intense pressure at home to stand up for the oil giant. In his first public comments about the crisis,
    Under economic pressure from a desperate UK to save THE UK economy andd BP from bankruptcy and from political pressures from the American people and States and to save his own political skin , Obama may be tempted turn to risky nuke solutions in an area where there may already be structural damage from the blow out explosion.
    On the politics of BP see recent posts @
    “As BP struggles to permanently stop the gush of oil,(oil expert .Ed)
    Simmons has been warning that the scale of the spill is much bigger and that there's a larger leak several miles away. Simmons also thinks that perhaps the only way to seal the gush of oil is by doing what the Soviet Union did decades ago -- setting off a bomb deep underground so that the fiery blast will melt the surrounding rock and shut off the spill.
    For links to some relevant articles see the often conspiratorial hyperbole website
    Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured “Beyond Repair”

  13. The oil is not the main problem EPA has found many toxic compounds in the air coming in from the gulf:

    Hydrogen sulfide (safe level 5-10 parts per billions is allowed) 1,200 parts per billions found

    Benzene (safe level 0-4 parts per billions is allowed) 3,000 parts per billions found

    Methylene Chloride (safe level 61 parts per billions is allowed) 3,000 - 3,400 parts per billions found

    These can make the workers sick and if high levels get onshore then the people live there maybe affected as well.

    BP may be facing very large WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUITS is people die from the oil disaster.

  14. Reports state that New Orleans stinks like a giant old gas station now and you can't get away from the smell.

    Obviously, people are going to be falling ill and worse.

  15. Anonymous said...
    "Reports state that New Orleans stinks like a giant old gas station now and you can't get away from the smell."

    Are there people in the New Orleans or other Gulf regions that can confirm these reports?


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