
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Deadly Danger Of Dow 50,000 (1 Minute Article)

(The video below takes about two minutes to view, the transcript can be read in about a minute.)

Some investors are afraid the Dow may go to 5,000. That would be bad but what really scares me is the Dow going to 50,000.  Let me explain.
The United States is roughly $100 trillion short of being able to pay for Social Security, Medicare and pension promises. When we divide by the roughly 80 million households above the poverty line and below retirement age over the coming decades, that works out to $1.25 million dollars per household. 


  1. Let me look around for some loose change, I think I can put in my $1.25M later today. Or not.

  2. got gold or silver

    thats it!
    uenployement bill still hangin in congress
    no tier 5 yet
    congress are scum

  3. And just how does this shyster think you can prepare for retirement after what he just said? You can't prepare in the event of that. You have to be reflexive and adaptive at the moment, because any number of social/political permutations are possible.

    I agree that his scenario is not only plausible, but highly possible, but he's using it to sell you a retirement scam and suck some more fees out of you.

  4. He's not selling anything unless you buy it. He is informing the stooges about some facts that you may be unaware of. I listened to all his videos. Learned quite A LOT without paying a dime.

  5. This is a very likely scenario. Trillions of dollars are being created out of thin air, and hyper-inflation is just aroung the corner. The government plans to inflate away it's debt obligations, leaving tha average investor holding the bag.

    Got gold?

  6. Bullshit, 12:38. Nobody in that business gives anything away unless they want to line their own pockets ten times over.


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