
Friday, June 4, 2010

Disastrous Job Numbers As The Depression Deepens

US stock futures extended their losses Friday after a report showed fewer jobs were added to nonfarm payrolls last month and most of those were temporary census workers.

US employers added 431,000 jobs to nonfarm payrolls in May, but 411,000 of those were temporary census workers. The private sector added just 41,000 jobs: Manufacturing, temporary help and mining added jobs, while construction declined. That number was also well short of the more than 500,000 economists had expected. The unemployment rate, however, fell to 9.7 percent from 9.9 percent in April.
"This number is extremely disappointing," said Todd Schoenberger, managing director at LandColt trading. However, he said, it should come as no surprise. "Considering first time jobless claims have been inching higher over the past four weeks ... and GDP came in at a lackluster 3%, American companies are going to be reluctant to hire."

Waterfront Homes Auctioned At Up To 75 Percent Off
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  1. Keep an eye on the markets. Have your broker ready. The minute Obama says he supports Israel, buy as many shares as you can as the next day the market will rocket.

    It's a great time to buy all the bargains now out there.

  2. 7:23 the market will be under 10,000 next week..sell everything you can or you will lose your house..again

  3. 723 loser shill, markets soon under 10000 crash coming soon get out now while you can, get gold and silver on the dip Now

  4. i like how only 50 thousand jobs were added
    with all the corruption of numbers
    and uenployement fell?
    to 9 .7
    20 million out of work
    census pays 7 dollars an hour
    and they take all day for one home
    they tell you to slow down.

    its like a slap in the face
    uenployement should be extended past 99 weeks
    obama the comgress and the last four presidents destroyed america

    many will find out when the market hits 5000
    the party is over and yes thier will be riots

    as your leaders fly overhead and wave at the silly masses

    where are the jobs
    shovel ready

    the first p[ost is always some loser in his moms basement

    obama and israel?
    what does that have to do with a complete world collapse?

    you are a moron.

  5. your loseing 450 thousand a week how did uenployement drop to 9 .7?
    the corruption has no bounds

    soon we have full imployement
    and masses rioting

    look thier working

    its all hope and change

    no hope and no change

  6. w bush depression rages on, he started this and obama can do nothing about it, get prepared while you still can.

  7. Buy more burger and fries, at In N Out.

  8. buy more falafel at tel aviv at in and out falafel tel aviv

  9. President Obama is a very smart man. In fact he is too damm smart. My great great great grand paw was brought up in slavery. He past on to future generations these very words. "Don't Be a Mo Sense SOB, Commom Sense will rule the day" In other words, all of these mo sense SOBs could stop the bank failure, the oil spill and the next great depression. You Mo Sense SOBs better get your head out of your A$$ before it is too late. Get some land, water, gun, seeds and get busy learning how to survive.

  10. w bush was a very smart man, so smart that he could not recite one quote correctly as he ravaged the once mighty usa, he wont wont get fooled again, obama is continuing all of bush mistakes, how smart is that?

  11. I have always used Sam's Club as my baseline economic barometer. Nothing has changed so far. 80% of the registers are closed and the lines are short in the open check out lanes. The store is still quiet and I don't often see big screen TV's leaving the store.

    I live near Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Last week I stopped at Knotts to buy a new hat in one of the gift shops on the outside of the park. The park had been open for an hour and you know how many people were in line to buy admission tickets? ZERO!

    I visit a cinema with ticket prices of $2.00. That blockbuster movie Avatar was playing here, just weeks after the release. That tells me, either the movie sucks, or people are not willing to pay $11.00 a person at a "normal" cinema.

    Six months ago, I could go to WalMart (before you bash me, I can't buy this stuff at Target or K-Mart) and buy Mason Jars and not much else. Now the Home Canning area includes, Mason Jars, rings, lids, pressure caners, pectin, various packs of spices to make salsa and dill pickles, tools, freezer lids and containers and more. Seems from this simple observation, people are taking an interest in home caning. Yesterday I harvested a small basket of green beans, I cut and caned them in a pint sized jar. Didn't take very long at all. The day before, I bought 4 pounds of strawberries and tuned them into strawberry jam, filling 14, four ounce jars. I figure this cost me about the same as purchasing one jar of jam in the store and I now have enough for a year.

    I do expect armed civil war with the American people fighting against our out of control government. It's only a matter of time. For those who remind us that the Blue Helmets will not hesitate to fire on us, let me say, the Blue Helmets will be my primary target. I TRULY HOPE, we never have to walk down this road!

    Needless to say, things will never be the same and we all must change our lifestyles for the better.

    Anyone care to swap a couple quarts of green beans for a couple quarts of something I can't seem to grow?

  12. 75% off is just the beginning. RE is going to crash very, very hard across the board by the holidays. The worst will be commercial real estate.

  13. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 4, 2010 at 1:11 PM

    All in unison:
    "There's a place down in Tennessee
    ... where they make Blue Diamond Gusset Jeans"

    Time to put a diamond gusset in the crotch, Amereaga
    Where you need it most
    Or gold if you're a gold nutter
    Silver crotch might work
    Asian wife for trade

  14. I grew up in Hunting Beach California. My parents bought a home in 1964. It was a 4 bedroom home, brand new for less than $12,000.00. My dad really wanted to buy a home in the downtown area, near the water, but back then, those homes were priced in the $30,000's.

    The way things are going, I might just be able to buy that downtown home at 1964 prices! That is if Planet X doesn't pass by in 2 years and kill us all...

  15. Don't blame me, I voted for the American.

  16. 9:40
    I live around Disneyland and Knott's too. Do you afraid the home made strawberry jam will not last long?

  17. I live by disneyland too, do you afraid the falafel wont last long in tel aviv

  18. 10:22 don't worry. The cosmos won't miss this Ape-Race at all. Better off without us.

  19. Voters Waking Up to Obama's Incompetence

    White House Job Offer Controversy Could Boost Blagojevich Defense
    Gibbs Defends White House Bid to Lure Romanoff Out of Senate Race
    On April 9, 2010, HB1388 passed, Barack Obama ordered the spending of 20.3 million dollars for migration assistance. This bill allows many hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to the militant Hamas to resettle in the United States.offering them housing, food, and many other benefits.His first executive order was to fund and facilitate abortions, not just here within the United States, but throughout the world, using U.S. tax payer funds.

    Brown pelicans drenched in black oil
    Congresswoman: White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law
    A California congresswoman is pointing the finger at white supremacist groups, who she says have inspired Arizona's new law cracking down on illegal immigrants. Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., told a Democratic Club on Tuesday that white supremacist groups are influencing


  20. This is enough. Everybody just talking. Let pick a spot to go. Hmmmm, how about the middle of the country (Lincoln Neb) on July 4 2010. Count me in. Stop this bull shit talking and let get busy. Anybody game? If you are please buy a Blue Tee Shirt with the words "JUST DO IT EVERY DAY"

  21. Obama has three more long years to further dismantle this country.
    Obama is the most radical president this country has ever seen; he is spending more than triple any other president and has achieved NOTHING. Incompetent is an understatement.
    I miss Jimmy carter at this point.

  22. I miss bush too, he was so competent, he was awesome, I especially like how he sat on his ass reading my pet goat when the country was under attack, now that is leadership you can beleive in and then he did the same during katrina, what a great guy, bush was the most radical in taking away our rights also

  23. It's amazing - you guys complain about all the jobs being lost, yet YOU'RE the reason why they're gone.

    YOU chose to buy from Walmart instead of the local store.

    YOU buy everything made from China.

    YOU feel sorry for yourself while handing out resumes instead of becoming an entrepreneur like the other millions of Americans that build the country up.

    YOU shouldn't complain, because YOU are a part of the problem.

  24. @11:37

    Dream on, friend.

    The only things these people that post here do is sit on their behinds and type on their parents' computers about things they know nothing about, and then do absolutely nothing to try to fix any real problems that do exist.

  25. I can set my watch every Fri. morning observing the low lifes file over from McDonalds across the street to the free Methadone clinic for their fixes. Probably one third of the buggers have brown stains on the ass of their pants. Multiply that by several million and without even having prior knowledge of Sociology 101 you can probably guess one of the reasons why this cesspool is done for....

  26. 9:40 Exchange green beans for weed? That's a hard trade.

  27. End NAFTA, cancel the H1B visa program, deport all H1B workers and maybe just maybe, America will have a chance.

  28. Unemployed for a year now, Have traveled in the past year to 4 states looking for work with no luck. Have sent over 700 resumes. Sold many of my belongings including about half of my furniture. Will sell remaining items soon so I can continue to pay the utility bills.

    I guess I will have to look into the local food bank too. Have never relied on others but now am out of options.

    How can this be happening in America? All this while foreign workers are collecting paychecks right here in America, being paid by American corporations.

    America is FUBAR!

  29. I am sorry to hear about your unemployment situation and all those who are in similar situation. The least we could do is to pray for everyone.
    What I do not undertsand is this present administration..They have all the 32 czars and they cannot even solved the economy and the
    Obamas are having parties after parties, from entertaining the Mexican President, Paul Mcartney and now Lionel Ritchie, Kelly Clarkson, George Lopez with Harry Reid.They are having so much fun and entertainment and at whose EXPENSE?


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