
Monday, June 14, 2010

Doug Casey: America is Another Corrupt Nation

Daily Bell: How about America? How are America's finances?

Doug Casey: The era of one trillion dollar plus annual deficits is definitely here. And those are just the official deficits, which are going to be running a trillion or a trillion and a half dollars per year for the indefinite future. And on top of that you've got $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities of Social Security, the Medicare, the Medicaid. In a few years, you are going to have Obama-care, which is going to make the problem considerably worse. Then add on the probable federal bailouts of numerous bankrupt states like New York and California. And then hundreds of billions more for the FDIC, which is also totally bankrupt. Just like Fannie and Freddie. Then the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp., will be hundreds of billions more – that hasn't hit the front pages yet. General Electric is just like a gigantic, 30-1 leveraged hedge fund; that's going to be bailed out too! Amtrak, which despite its outrageously high fares, continues to lose a couple billion dollars a year; of course that's just chicken feed in today's context. And of course these wars – and supporting military bases in over 100 countries.
Furthermore the ethical fiber of the country has eroded. You've got 40 million Americans getting food stamps; that number is going much higher. People feel no shame in living on extended unemployment benefits. No shame in living in a house for a year or more after defaulting on the mortgage. No shame in gaming the system – which is encouraged by a plethora of laws. America was once a great idea – in fact America IS an idea, much more than a place. But now it's just another corrupt nation state.
So, I don't see any way out, I just think it's going to get worse for the United States.

Daily Bell: Where does China and its yuan stand in all this?

Doug Casey: I have always been a big bull on China. Instead of thinking of the "rise and fall," as with the Roman Empire, you have to think of the "fall and rise" of China, because for many centuries they were way ahead of the West. Western culture overtook them, but now they are regaining their historic prominence. That is the long term view.
But in the short term, the business cycle exists, and it exists in China too, despite the fact it's supposed to be a centrally planned economy. Since the collapse of communism, China has, in fact, become more economically free than the US. Communism was nothing but a gigantic swindle perpetrated upon the Chinese people, but it only lasted thirty-some years. That is a blip on the screen of China's history, almost meaningless! Mao was just the founder of a different, short-lived dynasty of corrupt emperors, of which they've had many.
So the good news is that Maoism and communism have collapsed totally, but the bad news is that one of their leading imports has been stupid ideas from the West – first Marxism, then Keynesianism in more recent years. They have ignited a gigantic real estate bubble in that country which is going to bust with the consequences of bankrupting most of their banks and bringing down real estate speculators, which are widespread in China. The size of their bailouts, in response to this crisis has been even bigger proportionate to the size of their economy than in western countries, so I think it's got the potential to be very ugly in China. But in the long run, after they get through this misadventure over the next ten or fifteen years, China is going to be resurgent again.
Look at it this way, you have the average Chinese making $1 per hour for what the average American is making maybe $10 or $20 per hour. The fact is that the Chinese guy has better work habits, he's just as smart or smarter, and the company he works for doesn't have any legacy costs in the form of medical benefits and pensions, and there are a lot less regulations and taxes. So eventually Chinese wages and western wages are going to meet in the middle. Chinese incomes are going much higher, and western incomes are going to be much lower. This is tough luck for the average person in the west, whose standard of living is going to drop. And of course, if they start blaming the Chinese foolishly, which they probably will, this is potentially another cause for conflict in the future.

Daily Bell: Let's turn to China's archrival. Is Barack Obama doing a good job?

Doug Casey: No, he's doing a horrible job. But I have to put that in the context of what's come before him. You have to look at this much the way you would have looked at the Roman Empire. When Tiberius died, the Romans were thrilled because Tiberius was such a degraded being; they foolishly thought it couldn't get any worse. He was replaced with Claudius, who was an embarrassment. After Claudius was assassinated they thought perhaps it would get better – but they got Caligula. Then after Caligula they thought how can it get any worse?? And they got Nero... I think the US is at a stage now where we can expect that our emperors will pretty much follow the pattern of the Romans. In other words, one is not better than the other; they're just different.
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  1. Just how pathetic can a sock puppet be?

    OIL SPILL TOURISM: Obama urges U.S. to visit Gulf Coast

  2. If you cannot cite history correctly avoid doing so in a public interview. This person needs to get their Roman history right.
    Tiberius was succeeded by Caligula, not Claudius.
    Upon Caligula's assassination Claudius was made the emperor of Rome.

  3. Doug's engaging in American Exceptionalism. He pretends that America was once a great nation that has corrupted itself. The fact is, it was always "another corrupt nation." It didn't recently corrupt itself. It's inception was corrupt and it's maintained corrupt status ever since. Most, if not all, nations do. Come on, Doug. Get real.

    Oh, and bullish on China? Is this guy nuts, or just duplicitous? China's goj g down just as surely as the U.S. is going down. Talk about Kissingeresque depopulation sentiment, China's ground zero for such an endeavor.

  4. com'on down the Gulf and smell the hydrocarbon. it will be the best vacation u ever had.

  5. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 14, 2010 at 7:26 PM

    Proof Amereaga was once great
    Jimmy Dean
    Returned to 16oz glory
    From 12oz shame
    To the delight of 200 pound men
    And plump Scotch girls
    RIP Yimmy
    RIP America

    Behold Jimmy's shame y recompense
    And think of your own

  6. 4:16, Hermes says it will all be okay and the tough creoles and cajuns will overcome and never evacuate.

  7. the cajuns will die the creoles will die with their shrimp covered corexit and choke to death, the gulf is done forever, will never recover and so the usa will die

  8. This is a slanderous Anti-american article.
    The truth is both China and America have the best governments that capitalism can buy .Keynesian economics are normal for any capitalist economy in economic trouble .Thats everyday real capitalism Chinese or American.
    China just has cheaper wages than the unproductive of real physical profits ,services economy, American workers ,working in the run down, de-industrialisng bankrupt criminal enterprise that is Ponzi america today.
    China may have the factories and criminaly exploit its cheap labor workers and export the products,but America can print dollars .And has rating agencies and bankers that can stamp everything AAA kosher. All corporate losses can be socialised. So,"profit" Recovery is certain.
    The US government can simply print them and pass the dollars over to the banks and american factories like GM.
    American enterprise and great ideas mean exporting micky mouse culture on licence
    and exporting services by the super-productive services workers of america like by banks
    and shopping on debt will triump in the end. Thats real productivity!
    Industry is sooo 19th and 20th century anyway . So there!
    Continuing employment for subsidised hugh waged american workers in the free trade competition is an entirely different if related problem.But faith in American productivity, in the free markets ,can solve those temporary problems in a decade or two .
    As the good ol white boys used to say ,the type of economy economy may have changed ,"but the south is gonna rise again!"
    American ideas will rise again!

  9. So the good news is that Maoism and communism have collapsed totally,
    but the bad news is...

    ...That their economy is now an economic bubble
    headed for a capitalist depression like america?

    What was that good news again ?

    That a minority of the people and fake communist party leaders got rich and some foreign investor partners got rich by investing in cheap labor capitalism .

    While the vast majority work for less than $2 a day exporting their products to the First World while living in an environmental nightmare instead of Maoist socialist communes.

    What was that good news again?

  10. I wonder if this "Anti american" article is as anti american as outsourcing all america's jobs and flooding the country with poor immigrants.

  11. Anti-American my ass. Pro-truth. We care about truth not putting blinders on and waving a flag. This nation wouldn't be in the mess if the sheeple ever grew the balls to stand up and say enough to this horrific corruption.

    Too late though. Between the sabotage of our economy and the sabotage in the gulf it is game over in the months ahead.

    I could give a rats ass about national pride and such nonsense. It is individual survival time.

  12. Patriots as a whole are jerks, losers, always bickering among themselves about politicians/ details on the Elite, etc. Sports addictions too. All hope is gone because no one can form a real movement to stand up in almost 70 years, when people became aware of the Globalist plan. It's just individuals speaking out, and small org. some around since the 50's; and they want money and produce no results ever. Patriot org. and churches are money pitts and total failures. Home churches and individual patriots did the best they could but all have failed. The bad guys always win. Live for self.

  13. Why would I believe a guy who praises China? Casey and his ilk are the reason why there are no jobs--the CEOs sent them overseas.

    I can't tell you how many local people here in northeastern PA cannot find a decent, stable job with benefits. If they can't outsource then businesses hire people on a temporary, independent contractor basis. They don't pay for any benefits at all. When the job is over you're out.

    I do not trust a single large corporation to do what is right for the country.

  14. The bad news is...
    Last fall, Speaker Nancy Pelosi moved her district office into the new federal building in San Francisco. The move quadrupled the rent she pays, and her new $18,736 monthly bill is almost double the next-highest rental paid by a Member of the House. This is irresponsible spending...


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