
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Efforts to End Oil Flow From BP's Leaking Well Are Over: Oil To Flow Into August

BP Plc has decided not to attach a second blowout preventer on its leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico and efforts to end the flow are over until the relief wells are finished, according to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Thad Allen, who spoke at a press conference today.
Link Here..


  1. No surprise here.

    The complete and total lack of any government response was my first clue that this was destined by TPTB not to be fixed any time soon, if ever. It is going exactly as planned, and will soon drop from the headlines as the sheep lose interest and focus their attention on the next false flag, war, or other orchestrated catastrophe.

    Let's next see how this August date gets pushed out further and further due to 'technical problems' 'storms' etc....

  2. Profits galore as expected.

  3. It is hard for some to grasp the fact that the people at the top don't want to have the GUSHER fixed because capping it off would also cap out a possible trillion dollar payday for the cleanup.

  4. This oil spill coupled with an economic and nuclear false flag terror attack should make a perfect shit storm for the end of summer. Throw in a little WW3 and maybe swine flu 2 with some BS pandemic level 6 scare tactic and we got a recipe for the ages.

    We are fucking doomed. Check your prevailing wind directions and stock up on potassium iodide and the usuals.

  5. Take BP over and put into receivership today, Right Now. Shareholders get nothing except their liabilities. Men in Black publicly Arrest all BP top management, strip them of all assets (I mean, after the guilty verdict) and hold Nuremburg-style 'trials' immediately. Bring the tumbril into the courtroom and have the gallows visible from the witness stand. Carry out all sentences immediately. No Appeals. No Nothing. Politicians go to trial next. . .

  6. Well it appears that the lingistics material that and George Ure's site, and George Ure's free site of are pretty much on track, concerning the oil gusher (not a spill, a spill is what my Chihuahua does). Things (life in general) are falling apart,,,,guess everything does not work out for the best afterall.

  7. That would be nice but cannot be done. The bankers and profiteers own the sock puppet, the Congress and the Courts. Next suggestion ....

  8. Nothing shall stand in the way of profits.

  9. @12:18

    Keep on dreamin'...the 'men in black' and BP execs both work for the same Oligarchs. If there is enough public outrage, they may prasecute some low level BP scapegoat, but I doubt even that. Public outrage is relatively muted and will likely die out over the summer as this passes from the headlines and the sheep get distracted by cookouts and other outdoor summer activities.

  10. What's the rush? They can always blame it on Bush. The black and brown minions will concur.

  11. Ask yourself what you would do for a million dollars knowing that you are above the law and cannot be caught?

    Now, multiply that by 100,000 and you get an idea of the motivation behind what these criminals are doing.

  12. stock market will crash any day now

  13. stock market is proped up buy pp team
    soon they run out of money congress will be begged for another couple of trillion
    gold to the moon alice
    the sock puppet cant stand on his own to feet
    his handlers run the show

  14. proably front run tradeing
    a 100 billion every day
    then pulling out at the end of the day
    everything is recovery on cnbc
    then he ask the guest how do you make money in volitile times

    next bottom 4500 points
    obamas recovery in full effect

    al gore getting divorce
    against tippy
    got sick of this bag for plastics that one for paper
    first thing she does is throw all her garbage in one bag with al gore and tosses it

  15. that picture of that duck is the bush slime family, what they and their oil buddies and military industrial complex have done will never be righted, this country is screwed and nobody not obama or anyone can repair the bush damage.

  16. This just goes to prove that a majority of Americans don't give a crap about their country enough to find out the truth about a quick solution and demand it.

    The Russians have used a small nuke to seal off gushers like this in relatively short order. That is the solution, and many people, like Colin Powell, know it to.

    The U.S. Military should be handling this, not BP.

  17. I wonder if these assholes at BP have stopped to think what will happen if there's let's say 20 Trillion Barrels of oil down this particular hole.

    Won't it be just peachy when it completely kills all the world oceans.

    Man ( yes, even you O great Bilderfuckers) cannot live without the oceans and last time I checked; there was no other planet yet opened for occupancy.

    At the very least I hope these bastards get some rare form of fast acting cancer of the brain for what they have done

  18. "there (i)s no other planet yet opened for occupancy."

    Not that WE are aware of.

    But you can be sure THEY do....

  19. Check out this website: It's scary.

    Also, please google this: tapeworm economy

    Maybe Obama isn't doing anything because there's no money, eh?

  20. The Iranians could have fixed it within a week. They've done it before. Of course we can't accept their help. That would mess up the Zionist campaign to make them appear as savages frothing at the mouth for our destruction. Can't have them being the heroes.

    Instead it is corporation empire at its finest. Profit first.

  21. The Iranians offered to help, but their help was refused. How fucked up is that? I mean wouldn't you at least want to see if they could actually fix it rather than wait another three months and do nothing?

    We can't have the Iranians making us look bad and cut into the trillion dollar profits.

    Just like Citgo (Chavez) giving free/discounted oil to middle Americans who can't afford it.

    These SAVAGES! How dare they!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 2:46, 3:55 you're right on.

  24. Nice nursery rhyme but last time I checked blood and oil were two different things. Oil won't destroy ships.

    The nursery rhyme is referring to an asteriod or comet hitting an ocean, not an underwater oil gusher.

    Please apply the correct mythology.

  25. Gary near death valley: I'll admit that Ure may have a hit in 'the coastal event' and the part about people in North America migrating north 'for some reason'. That was in the bot report from some time prior to April 20th. However, Ure was just as much in the dark as we where concerning the cause of the coastal event.
    I believe he is also in the dark concerning the final outcome of this event.

    Funny tho how the seas look like red red blood.

    'just are you Oh Lord to give them blood to drink'

    And the waters where made bitter, and many men died of the waters.

    Signs signs everywhere a sign do this don't do that can't you read the signs.

    Obama reverse speach: 'thank you Satan'
    (Yes We Can)


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