
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Enormous Fraud: Government Knew Oil Was Gushing In February?

One has to wonder about the BP thing....
It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.
In fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February. 
Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."
Now let's see.... there was no public dissemination of this information, was there?  Well, no.
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman’s sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP’s stock during the quarter.
Tony Hayward cashed in about a third of his holding in the company one month before a well on the Deepwater Horizon rig burst, causing an environmental disaster.
The latter article also says:
There is no suggestion that he acted improperly or had prior knowledge that the company was to face the biggest setback in its history.
Oh really?
Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."
So here are my questions, which I believe we all deserve answers to:

  1. Did Goldman or Mr. Hayward know this?

  2. Did they sell stock with knowledge of material inside information that had not been disseminated to the market?
Just curious, mind you....
More Here..


  1. It really doesn't matter anymore if "they" knew. The disaster is at hand.

    Fact is, life for 30 to 40 million Americans will change permanently for the worse reeeeeeal soon!

    Imagine if you have to evacuate Florida for good. Your home, gone. Your job, gone. Your savings, if any, gone or soon gone. And the country is collapsing at the same time? Serious?

    Who cares if they knew? Time to solve problems.

    Those 30 or 40 million people will soon understand what Third World means when they get up in the morning and look in a mirror at a FEMA camp. The vast majority of these people are so screwed.

  2. Yourdaddy Says:

    (Con't from above)

    Based on the premise that this incident was known of in advance, that opens the door wide for all us to speculate on motive…allow me continued poetic license here…
    My guess, is the nuclear bomb option was always the end game. Who is the culpable person(s) will always remain unknown, but it doesn’t take a leap of faith to know that TPTB (Bilderberger, Davos, Boehemian Grovians, Rothchilds, Rockerfellers etc etc) have always planned on a New World Order centered on the pretext of a unified, global government. Heck, the current CEO of Goldman was the former CEO of BP…The only remaining chip that stands in the way of accomplishing this goal is the USA. Bringing her down must be Agenda #1. So why this scenario…
    Well, the New Madrid fault line runs directly underneath this massive oil deposit. That fault runs due north to the Great Lakes which reside 600 feet above sea level. Drilling for and successfully capturing oil at this location was never the motive…Getting a rig there, and plowing a drill bit as far down as humanly possible into a high pressure oil dome was the catalyst to set this disaster in motion…Throw in some dubious “regulation/oversite” shorcuts that appear to have allowed BP to cut important corners, along with some “shoddy” casing & well bore work by Halliburton or Transocean (to keep the MSM busy and the sheeple completely distracted with who is at fault), and then let that thing EXPLODE to the surface with an ungodly amount of pressure. Then, jerk-off the public with top-kills, junk shots, containment efforts…Heck, let’s even live stream some video of some ridiculously small riser pipe and how we dance around it with a straw and a small remote controlled submarine for a few months…
    In the end, we’ll have bought enough time to get these relief wells drilled so that we can execute Operation Holocaust. A sub-terrainian nuclear blast could easily slip this fault all the way up to Michigan potentially releasing the Great Lakes in a torrent due south down the now 30 mile wide Mississippi River. That River by the way will now become part of the Gulf of Mexico. (Obviously, that would be the worst case…cataclysmic scenario). However, even if the fault didn’t slip to the Lakes, it would still be on an order of magnitude far greater than anything we’ve ever seen, and most scientific experts agree that it will only exacerbate the flow of oil ensuring that it is NEVER capped.
    Go ahead, fire away with the Tin Foil insults. You certainly are entitled. However, lest you forget the two links in the top of this post which clearly indicate this was a foreseeable outcome (not an accident).
    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Don’t waste it insulting me. Just use it to think, and offer counter-arguments if you wish. However, you have a difficult task ahead of you as to hold muster, you’ll need to explain the inexplicable timing of Insider dumping…

  3. Yourdaddy Says:

    of course this was intentional…and they have no intention of fixing it either. BP CEO sold 30% of his stake just weeks prior to explosion:
    And Goldman Sachs sold nearly 5 Million Shares (44%) of their holdings as well…Both Hayward, GS execs & Dick Cheney are members of the Bilderberger group BTW.

    Also, no need for two relief wells. If the first one (deployed on 5-2-10) can’t adequately carry out the “bottom kill,” you can rest assured a second well won’t do any better. Many independent sites claim that the pressure of this geyser is 30,000 PSI or higher, which exceeds all current technology’s threseholds.

    The second relief well was started on 5-16-10 (2 weeks after the first and is about 4,000 feet behind). It is my guess, that after the original well’s bottom kill attempt fails, the President will address the nation from the oval office announcing that:
    “We are at dire crossroads America. We have exhaused all conventional options, and without drastic intervention, this well could continue to spew unabated for up to 30 years. Thus, we must now seriously entertain an option that none of us ever hoped to be faced with. As you know, BP has been drilling a second relief well in the hopes that it too might be available for a bottom kill attempt. However, it is now confirmed that the pressure exerting from this virtual, oil-volacano is far greater than any of us could ever have imagined (Bullshit). Thus, that second relief well no longer offers us a viable option for a solution. With that said, we must remain reasonable in spite of our fears. We must remain hopeful when all appears lost, and we must never accept defeat. My fellow Americans, it is with heavy heart, and a profound sense of disbelief it has come to this, but as of 9pm tonight, I have authorized the use of a tactical nuclear device deep within the seabed below the Gulf of Mexico in a last ditch effort to arrest the deadly flow of petroleum which shows no intention of surrender. As Americans, we’ve never shied away from the impossible. We’ve never turned back when the horizon looked bleak. Throughout our history, when the line was drawn in the sand, we never turned our backs and retreated…No, we ROSE UP, and as we tackle one of the gravest ecological challenges that have faced the history of our planet, I ask you tonight to hold fast to that undying and never faltering American spirit as we face this challenge head on for the benefit of all humanity. Good night, and God Bless.” (Obama the Bullshitter).

    Dad (con't)

  4. If this kinda shit would've happened during my grandfathers generation they would be burning down the white house and the senate by now. This generation is "bah bah black sheep", its over, when the shtf in the end there shall be a handful of american "terrorists" aka survivalists left they will be systematically tracked and killed for training purposes nwo / special forces/ cia / UN peacekeepers. Everybody else and I mean everybody shall willingly go to the FEMA camps for free food and water and you know what its a shame that this entire generation that is 22 years and under doesn't have a fucking clue about the basics. It sickens me, all they know is commercialism, tv fantasy land, brainwash music, social status. No basics, none. They will all march toward the camps, and thats it, depleting anymore able bodies that "could" have helped out in the fight against "satan / the illuminated ones." Its just fucking wrong. Media from around the globe shall be misinformed about whats going on in america, just as we are about other happenings around the globe ect. I think its about time pack up and head to the hills. Its getting really close.

  5. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
    opening your mouth will only catch you flies.

  6. Fraud forms the foundation of modern American culture. Let us name but a few...

    1. The Federal Reserve System - FRAUD!: a private bank masquarading as a Federal Agency

    2. The US Dollar - FRAUD!: a debt-based fiat currency counterfeited by the Federal Reserve (DOUBLE FRAUD!)
    3. The Iraqi War - FRAUD!: an invasion based on existance of non-existant WMD
    4. Social Security - FRAUD!: a workers insurance program raided and exhausted by the FEDs to build interstate highways (or fund the national debt - same thing)
    5. "America is the richest country in the world" - FRAUD! The US is worth $73 TRILLION, but owes $109 TRILLION, and thus the US is bankrupt, insolvent, ruined.
    6. "One Nation Under God" - FRAUD! The Americans have damned themselves to poverty and ruin, having
    exported everything of value, consuming garbage instead of real food, waging war where no enemy exists while embracing despots that undermine the US Constitutional Bill of Rights. The US govenment is
    an agent of Satan's great plan for the destruction of all the world and its inhabitants.

    And given all this, and more, you expect this government to concern itself with plugging a
    leaky oil well way out in the ocean, way down in the cold deep waters????

  7. cap and trade
    will be forced on america round of golf anyone?

    hows the dictator doing today?

    send away vessels let it leak everywhere.

    obama does lead us just on the path to hell.

    he makes me sick

  8. I had to wonder what was the "inside information" that caused Goldman and Hayward to sell their shares. Looks like we have uncovered the smoking gun, not that it makes a difference.

    I can't argure the above comments are wrong. When this oilcano first erupted I thought "this is what happens when you punch a hole in something you should have left alone".

    If we nuke this, the methane gas will explode. Think of the WWII movies when a Depth Charge blew up, you get a huge gyser of water blowing upward. Now imagine that 1 million times stronger. The tidle waves will destroy everything in it's path and push the oil to the shore lines for miles inland. Nothing will survive. If the nuke were to destablize the fault line and the Great Lakes were to drain into the Gulf, we will have two United States, East and West.

    Still wondering if Obama is the anti-Christ?

    We can't nuke this. We can't stop the flow.

    Rev. 16:3
    And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and there came blood as it were of a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea.

    Last week I recall a radio interview with a Gulf Coast local, she said the surface water looked like "someone was murdered"...blood floating on the surface of the water.

    I don't need all you Bible "experts" to tell me this quote is out of chronological order or whatever. Never before in the history of man, have we been faced with a problem we can not solve, that has the potential to kill the entire ocean and everything in it.

    So Barry, you and Mick, gonna vacation in Hawaii before it's too late?

  9. What's amazing to me, and makes me quite nauseous, is that Glenn Beck makes $30 million a year for spreading lies and misdirecting a substantial segment of the population who are bereft of the ability to think critically and for themselves.

  10. Hey Economic Analyst, thanks for posting this.

    Excellent and informative. Great Blog.

  11. To find out the truth on oil crisis terrorism , 'waterboarding" may be justified.
    True Guantanamo is handedly positioned and has not been closed down despite pre -election "promises"
    But ,The CIA is hampered in its usual torture method investigations in the Gulf as it is having trouble finding clean water and Osama.

    It is expected that a tape will soon pop up on the internet with Obama claiming full responsibility by trying to destroy the American consumerist lifestyles and big oil.
    Proving BP never done it.
    And that bailouts for the 40% american shareholders owned patriotic TBTF company and outstanding derivitive bet pay offs are fully justified.

    How about an emergency patriotic 5% VAT on on all oil related products to pay for the "clean-up" of America for starters ?


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