
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Everything To Die? Methane Gas In Gulf 1 million Times Than Normal

As much as 1 million times the normal level of methane gas has been found in some regions near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, enough to potentially deplete oxygen and create a dead zone, U.S. scientists said on Tuesday.
Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler, just back from a 10-day research expedition near the BP Plc oil spill in the gulf, says methane gas levels in some areas are "astonishingly high." Kessler's crew took measurements of both surface and deep water within a 5-mile (8 kilometer) radius of BP's broken wellhead. "There is an incredible amount of methane in there," Kessler told reporters in a telephone briefing. In some areas, the crew of 12 scientists found concentrations that were 100,000 times higher than normal. "We saw them approach a million times above background concentrations" in some areas, Kessler said. The scientists were looking for signs that the methane gas had depleted levels of oxygen dissolved in the water needed to sustain marine life. More Here.


  1. Things are tough now because of the element of indecisiveness which is definitely not sequestered to this sudden catastrophe.

    If there is no danger like described above then perhaps the people in those states like Louisiana being calm and not leaving, are doing the right thing.

    On the other hand, what if the fact that most of them are Republicans, will listen to Rush or Hannity who may very well be downplaying the environmental effects since the nature of Republicans is usually to hate everything that is Socialist and Green is one of their major cards. This could cost millions of lives if there is such a danger.

    Hmmm, what to do?

    Anyways I got a sudden flicker of thought in my mind earlier looking at the layoffs and closings on The thought that crossed my mind was that this destruction is not coming fast enough, the Divine Flux needs to work harder and faster and just push ahead of schedule, the Consecrated have been vigilant and waiting too long for their Day. But I guess we can't force God. I'm growing impatient.

  2. And the methane bubble under the sea bed is just waiting to burst and unleash the supersonic mega-tsunami... wonderful. But, BP and the trustworthy US Gov of course know what they're doing. Gulf residents have nothing to fear and should stay put! Rest assured sheeple, you can have full faith in your government and the establishment.

  3. Armageddon freaks are the most scary and moronic of most humans. "Self fullfilling prophecy", ever hear of that? If you think bad stuff means you get to go to a 'better place' and all those people who don't believe what you do are tortured for eternity because of your 'loving' god? You then worship evil.

    Anyways, if you throw in the towel because you think its inevitable. You are helping CAUSE the problems. "Two hands working accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer" - wouldn't your god want you to WORK for the best of your fellow humans?

  4. This blog should be called ""

    Things are getting so bad.

    1. Collapse of financial markets.
    2. Collapse of housing.
    3. Collapse of deep water drilling.
    4. Upcoming war with Iran.
    5. Collapse of currencies.
    6. The list goes on and on...

    How can the sheople not see what's happening around them?


    And it's all due to cheap oil depletion.

  5. If the methane is that high then it maybe possible that a huge disaster perhaps even affecting the entire planet could occur see this video:

    History Channel
    Mega Disasters
    Methane Explosion

  6. ok I'm done. thanks for the info up to this point. you started staying boss.....
    Jeff the Fezz

  7. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 24, 2010 at 12:28 AM

    I wish the economy would insult Obama
    Then he would do something about it
    I wish the oil spill would insult Obama
    He'd be a shadow on its ass

    Accepted a resignation over a RS article?
    Wounded your pride eh
    Way to solve the real problem of
    Most Amereagans

    Guess you can't throw
    At everything
    And have it come up roses

  8. 8 10
    you would be right except
    god beleives faith can move mountains not just hands.
    i think you are taliking about stalin.
    but dont worry your hands working together have gotten us here
    soon they will bring ww3
    ill stick to praying also
    jesus is a loving god only threw sin are you scared of him and death

    of coarse you have to beleive in a god
    or a antichrist

    maybe christ is real and this world is fake?

    a delusion like this window on your computer
    whos to say the backround like outside your house right now doesnt exsist if no one sees it?
    just a running program .

    for if no one sees it does it exsist?
    of coarse you open your window and see it?

    but if you go to sleep or awake is it thier?

    but if you die how do you know where you even were?

    quatom physics explains this better

    christ is real and praying is far more powerfull than any man will ever know.

    now go look out your window and see the power of god.

    before man destroys it with pride and delusions of glory.

    or go hang out with your friends and hold hands
    whatever makes you happy

    good luck with your mission

  9. Christ is love. His lesson is love.

    He's saying don't let this world overcome your love.

    It's pretty simple really.

    All the rest is the window dressing.

    He also said he knew it would get really hard in the last days before his return.

    How will He return? Largely we believe he must return as the love within your heart.

    We are all one person, united in spirit through love. If this seems beyond your grasp, not to worry. It is beyond most everyone's comprehension. It is by intuition that we are to seek God, not intellect.

  10. Yes ,these armageddon freaks are the most dangerous as they do not even think anything or antone else is real only their own ideas of heavenly self.
    Some of us unfortunately suffer from the illusion that we have our own life in a material real universe with real human problems .
    But..Thanks spirit/spook you for your enlightened conciouseness in deigning to explain nothing is real unless it is a thought in your own mind ,interconnected through the spirit of quantam physics (of chance?)shared with your other trancendental identity of non-being, the supreme being .
    And that we can all go back to sleep content in YOUR non-knowedge ,that it may all ,including oil, not exist for us unless you allow or permit us to wake your mind with prayers and your dream ilusion of us non-existants is awakened again.
    But ,of course this kind of post ,like your spiritual post ,more properly belongs on theological/ philosophy ,heavenly discussion pages unconnected with the real profane
    material world and its problems.

  11. It appears to me that what is currently coming ashore as ‘tar balls” may or could melt on sun
    heated hot sands and rocks into a liquid oil sludge , more easily absorbed and dispersed into the coastal environments .
    Especially if they have been washed and coated in toxic dispersants in the cooler ocean waters before coming ashore.
    Disturbing evidence is mounting that something frightening is happening deep under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico—something far worse than the BP oil gusher.
    Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.
    What makes the location that Transocean chose potentially far riskier than other potential oil deposits located at other regions of the Gulf? It can be summed up with two words: methane gas.

  12. Old news down the memory hole.
    - America now a babboonarium corporate state more concerned with protecting BP than its people?

    - At the beginning of May, Looserania clocked Hydrogen Sulfide at a whopping 1000+ ppb (parts per billion) and Benzene at 3400 ppb.
    - Now, this is nearly 2 months ago now and Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene are toxic at over 5 ppb.
    - Oddly, the brainwashed baboon government charge of “in the greatest country in the world” isn't concerned any more than with the effects of depleted uranium in Iraq.
    - Has there been any calls from a responsible government for mass evacuation? Astonishigly, USA is letting its own baboons inhale 100+ level of toxins without a single word of at least real caution or attempt to put an evacuation in place.
    - They are only disposable Americans and there is the property markets values to consider.

  13. If the govenrment's estimate is 60,000 gallons they you can be assured it is much higher than that. If a company built a nuke and blew it up in the gulf and caused a massive tsunami, our military would take it down with force at the direction of the President. But this is oil folks. Our economic life blood, a matter of national security all depends on the continued profits from the black gold. We can't do anything to scare people any more than they already are about this spill. We can't do anything to create more fear. So, we lie. We avoid involvement because that is political suicide.

    Americans are murdered by her own government through this oil spill in order to protect a political party, maintain social stability, salvage an already faltering economy, and gain more control over the commerce machine.

  14. Could GODZILLA be emerging from the Gulf of Mexico?
    All of your comments are like watching the opening moments of a Japanese Horror Movie.

  15. 11:08pm: This material world is only profane in your eyes. To me , this entire Earth is Holy and Whole.

    You seem only concerned with your own petty little material existence. Boohoo.

    Armageddon. You're lucky to see this.

    Many have desired to see these days and didn't.

    Now you are here. Make the best of it.

  16. Could GODZILLA be emerging from the Gulf of Mexico?
    All of your comments are like watching the opening moments of a Japanese Horror Movie.

    Too true!
    An environmental disaster horror show.
    A story of BP criminal monster in the gulf in conspiracy with a Corporate State.
    And all in REAL life technicolor !
    Mostly a growing reddish black BLOB feeding now
    on marine animals and birds and perhaps
    soon American human life ,eating away at America from the coast to the inland centers?
    Threatening its dollar and property values and its already bankrupt economy.
    It is The BP Blob not jappanese Godzilla fiction!


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