Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gulf Cleanup: Its Criminal What's Going On Out There

GULFPORT — A morning flight out of Gulfport into the Mississippi Sound showed long, wide ribbons of orange-colored oil and acres of heavy and light sheen moving further into the Sound between the barrier islands, but no measurable skimming occurring from Horn Island to Pass Christian. U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor was on the flight and got out of the military helicopter angry.
“It was an effort in futility,” Taylor said, within minutes of returning from the flight. “It’s criminal what’s going on out there. This doesn’t have to happen.”
A scientist onboard, Mike Carron with the Northern Gulf Institute, said that with this scenario, there will be oil on the beaches of the mainland.

There’s oil in the Sound and there was no skimming,” Carron said. “No coordinated effort.”
Taylor said it was a good thing he didn’t have a mic in the helicopter, because he might have said some things he didn’t want his children to hear.
“They’re paying all these boats to run around like headless chickens,” Taylor said, as reporters gathered to hear his assessment of the Sound, between the barrier islands and the mainland.
There has been hope among state officials that the islands would help stop the oil if skimmers took care of the breaks between the islands.
More Here..

Massive Sheets Of Oil Remain Under Pensacola Beach
More Here..

HUGE OiliCane Forming In The Gulf
LOOK Here..


  1. Just have helicopter Ben drop fiat paper dollars over the whole mess to absorb all that oil, it's cheaper! Then we can burn the oil soaked dollars as fuel.

  2. "run around like headless chickens"

    That pretty much sums up Obama and his flunky administration when it comes to everything.

  3. First, STOP blaming "republicans" or "democrats", you need to understand there is no difference, RIGHT vs LEFT is a govt MSN psyops on going program, designed to divide Americans and until you figure that out,nothing in this country will EVER change. So STOP saying stupid statements like "the republicans screwed up under bush" or "the democrats can't handle this catastrophe", (hint-REMEMBER KATRINA?). It's all by design, so WAKE UP!

    Secondly, when in the Fuck are you people on the gulf coast going to figure out what is really going on here? YOU SHOULD BE OUT ON THE STREETS, MILLIONS OF YOU, DEMANDING ACTION! Demanding REAL oil clean up, Demanding BP OUT of the gulf, DEMANDING BP pay up, and pay directly, NOT through a former criminal 911 lawyer who screwed all the 911 victims, BP should PAY YOU DIRECT!

    WAKE UP GULF COAST RESIDENTS! This oilcano should be the catalyst to unite and to WAKE up to what really is going on! And get your friends and neighbors to hit the streets and DEMAND BP REALLY clean up this mess and pay compensation!

    Otherwise, nothing will change, EVER!

    (And turn off your fucking tv's-for ever!)

  4. Marine life and seafood in the gulf are done for the next 5-10 decades if not longer.

  5. Just one little hurricane, any day now. Wake up you zombies.

  6. Already hitting land on the Yucatan of Mexico as a 65mph tropical storm. Looks like yet another sky is falling false alarm. On to the next one, and so forth.

  7. When Oils aint oils?
    But primarily asphalt ?
    Are we being deliberately lied to in order frighten us into accepting environmental “cap and trade” taxes for big oil ?
    Why is Obama confidently telling us that BP will be able to clean up 95% of the mess?

    What we really know so far about oil catastrophe
    (and exaggerated ash clouds scares ?)
    The Deepwater Horizen had before the blow out and fire up to 700,000 gallons of fuel oil stored on board .
    BP has also claimed to have distributed more than a million gallons of toxic dispersants so far .
    Millions of barrels of crude oil are said to be hidden below the surface of the oceans.
    Yet ,despite the closeness of the blowout gusher to the coast of America no really big oil sludge has devastated the American coast. This is a mysterious miracle and luck of the matter.
    The limited amounts of oil actually arriving on the coast in some areas could easily mainly be part of the at least a million gallons of toxic dispersants ?

    What oil we do see arriving is usually or mainly reported in the form of “ tar balls” or forming “tar sheets”on the beaches as in this article above on Penescola beach says:
    “But when the reporter dug into wet sand near the high tide line, his fingers sunk into thick sheets of tar.”… (NOTE TAR ed)
    On at least a half-mile section of beach, it appeared Wednesday morning’s tar had been buried under about an inch of sand by the night’s high tide. “
    Rip Kirby of USF’s research “lab said tides Wednesday night buried tar mats as deep as 8 inches below the surface”.
    Thus the “oil” we see arriving has the characteristics of Asphalt / Tar not being absorbed directly or dispersed in the sands. Not such as a liquid oil sludge,. as we would expect, from the usual characteristics of crude oil.
    Was …”What BP, Haliburton, and other co-conspirators intentionally drilled into was an Asphalt Volcano.

  8. Ah for the good ole days when there was no telephone, TV, and Internet.

  9. Just like you David. You had no problems reproducing while surrounded by weapons, pollutions, parasites. STFU hypocrite animal sex robot.

  10. The oil in the gulf is tragic. The reprocussions will be felt for years and years. I have read one theory that it was sabotage, another it was done to draw the American public's attention away from the reality of the finanical crisis. I pray none of this is true and those poor people will get some relief soon.


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