
Friday, June 18, 2010

Homeowners: Expect a 50% Tax Increase To Save Your City/Town

ALBANY -- Albany County government leaders are warning the county is in bad financial shape, so much so that it could be out of cash before the end of the year, and property owners could face a 50 percent tax hike in 2011.

Within the last week, legislators received letters from County Executive Mike Breslin and his budget director, John Rodat, spelling out the crisis. A projected sales tax revenue gap, a decline in state reimbursement for mandated social services programs and the overall poor economy are taking their toll on the county, officials said.
"Basically, John Rodat is telling us that we are going to run out of money before the end of the year," Legislature Chairman Dan McCoy, a city Democrat, said Thursday.
Republican Minority Leader Christine Benedict quoted a June 11 letter from Rodat to County Comptroller Michael Conners: "We believe there is considerable risk that the county will not have sufficient General Fund cash to manage through the balance of 2010 and early into 2011."
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  1. well you dont want the teachers to not get 75 grand a year to start do yea with benefits retirement sick holidays and fail your kids.

    and the cops need 100 grand too!

    we are so scrweed!

  2. ...and not one mention of cuts...just more and more taxes. Anyone remember why we had the original Tea Party? They're going to Push and Push and see how much the Sheeple will take!

    I wish you New Yorkers the best...but then you seem to love your high taxes anyway...LOL! You and Kukifornia. a fly over state

  3. Here we go again, scare the public and raise taxes. This is the norm for cities in the good ole usofa.

    Get used to it, the sheeple slaves will beg for tax increases to keep their police state alive and well.

    It's all by design.

  4. How about consolidating local police into the county system.

    Remember the 80/20 rule? 80% of crime occurs in 20% of the areas. In a county system, police could be concentrated in certain areas as needed. Fewer cops would be needed, so taxes could be pared down.

    Also, we need to abolish victimless crimes. This will save money also.

  5. 5:01?

    Cops and teachers make crap, about 30K average.

    I know a teacher, 30 years of teaching, who has a secondary job as a hostess at some dumpy restaurant.

    I don't know of any cops who make anywhere near 100K, they are very much underpaid if they are even lucky to get 40,000.

    A veteran FBI agent might start earning 100,000 or a professor at a major university but that's about it.

    Another example of that is how in the past many young idiots would think they could become a lawyer and immediately make half a million, come to find out you might start out making 20,000 being a gopher trying to find clients, only the big shot lawyers can make a lot, the rest are a dime a dozen with bags of debt similar to medical students.

    Both law students and medical are fucked in this country. They might as well put a milestone around their necks and jump off a bridge.

  6. Property owners could face a 50 percent tax hike in 2011

    Just dripping with irony...
    "Propery OWNERS" - - "face a 50% TAX HIKE"


  7. Ownership of property, your home, is an illusion. It can all be taken away in a heartbeat. We don't really own anything. The Native Americans had it right.

  8. yeah, but look how the Native Americans were screwed over.

  9. F*ck this country. They have enough to fund 2 wars but not enough to help Americans who were laid off and down on their luck. Meanwhile more and more jobs are being outsourced or given to H1B workers. Now they want to raise taxes even more. Well, you can't get blood from a stone! GO AND MAKE THE H1B WORKERS PAY MORE BECAUSE UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS CAN NO LONGER AFFORD TO PAY!

  10. Oh heck, what are we gonna do? Foreclose on each other? The whole world is bankrupted with fiat currency.

    The property taxes can be raised, but what if no one pays? They can foreclose for unpaid taxes, but what can they get at auctions?

    Now the cities are selling tax liens to companies that buy delinquent buildings as a profession. But even they are having trouble selling.

  11. 7:14 you are right. Nobody owns their property. They just purchase a chance to pay taxes on it. I think that's why Jesus said "Hold all things loosely."

    People can go nuts worrying about this stuff.

  12. We learned that our taxes are going up $1900 because of the increase in healthcare insurance and the cost of two teachers who retired...apparently, we are required to pay all their benefits for life as some contract agreement.
    They will just keep draining us until we cry "enough" and they do a full take over.

  13. Cops in Northern NJ (10 miles from NYC) make 100k after 5 years, not counting overtime. They write traffic tickets and arrest drunk drivers. That's it. My parents pay 10K in property taxes for a 3 bedroom house in that area.

  14. Teachers start at $45-50k in NYC, and that's for first year of course, without any extra degrees or anything. If you have a Masters you get more added. The salaries go up incrementally over the years, and you get a guaranteed pension at half your salary or something ridiculous like that. You get a short workday and way more holidays than anybody else gets, and you get to whine about how tough you have it while doing a shitty job. Teaching is one of the best jobs you can get, that's why it's so hard to get a job as a teacher. If the pay really was shit nobody would want to do it.

    Most law grads are indeed fucked, and government lawyers generally make less than teachers do for nowhere near the security. A government lawyer doesn't get tenure. DA's offices are right now going on mass firings. DA's start at $50k or less in most places to begin with, that's after the 3 years of expensive law school and a bar exam and fitness review/swearing in ceremony.

    Cops in NY generally make at least $70k their first year with overtime pay which everyone can get, go to someplace like Suffolk and they make over that on base and easily make 6 figures within a few years. Suffolk doesn't even have crime, so they get that money to essentially go around and bully minorities. Nassau County is not all that much better.

    There is a lot of waste in government. I'm sure if the government ever had to release an exact budget spending reports to the general public, they'd all get run out within 2 days after everyone reads all the junk that their money goes towards.

    We'd be far better off without the police state with its rules on drugs and everything else under the sun. NY finally legalized MMA, why did it take so long when that is an obvious revenue stream? The answer is these people get off on restricting your rights, and the sheeple in NY love to go along with it.

  15. 6:09... your facts are just plain wrong. Here in Pennsylvania, in our locale, the starting salaries of teachers are 34000.00. when you figure they pay only 1 % of salary as their contribution to their gold plated healthcare plans, and the golden parachute retirement plans they have, and working only 9 months a year... Teachers and their shills should just shut the hell up and enjoy it while it lasts.... cause it ain't gonna last much longer. Hope they enjoy their re-entry into the real world when it happens..... and btw, i recommend using spellcheck...


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