
Monday, June 28, 2010

Huge Tent City In Hawaii

WAIPAHU » Pastor Joe Hunkin picked his way around rusted car axles, propane tanks and two-by-fours studded with bent nails to find a homeless encampment where people have been cooking and sleeping directly behind Waipahu High School, in an area that received unwanted national attention this month.
Hunkin walked past a pit bull puppy and peered over a makeshift shelter of tents and tarp hidden by koa haole and elephant grass, then pointed toward the high school's athletic complex barely a football field away.
"The school is right over there," Hunkin said last week. "This isn't right."
The strip of land is bounded by Waipahu High School on one side and the calming waters of Pearl Harbor's Middle Loch on the other, where the Navy's mothball fleet sits idle. It's the most visible portion of an enormous homeless encampment that stretches five miles over approximately 50 acres of city, Navy and state land that serpentines around Waipio Point Access Road, the Ted Makalena Golf Course and the city's Waipio Soccer Complex and back down to Pearl City in the opposite direction, said Beth Chapman, who uncharacteristically lost a suspect in the swampy brush last year after five straight days of searching the area with her husband, Duane "Dog" Chapman, and their bounty hunting family.

More Here.


  1. out of sight, out of mind.

  2. Tent cities will soon be everywhere once the greatest depression hits sometime in the next year.

  3. American recovery and job creation on Track
    An American political criminal Biden ,who is at least as responsible for a bankrupt America as his bankster friends, actualy opened his mouth without lying to speak some home truths the other day. Believe it or not!Its true!
    US Jobs Aren't Coming Back.recovery is a sham.

    Biden: We Can't Recover All the Jobs Lost ... Vice President Joe Biden (left) gave a stark assessment of the economy today, telling an audience of supporters, "there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession." Appearing at a fundraiser with Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.) in Milwaukee, the vice president remarked that by the time he and President Obama took office in 2008, the gross domestic product had shrunk and hundreds of thousands of jobs had been lost. "We inherited a godawful mess," he said, adding there was "no way to regenerate $3 trillion that was lost. Not misplaced, lost." – AP

    If its jobs you want?
    Time to think "big" America!
    What about turning Hawaii Into a Tax free export zone .
    seems to be lots of potential unemployed cheap labor about over their ?
    That will give the Chinese something to compete with.And create great savings in unemployment benifits and food stamps for America.
    Free trade zones worked for Chinese capitalism .
    Or what about turning California state into a TFEZ?
    If American citizens have forgotten how and no longer know how to productive industrial work ,A lot of undocumented workers can easily be found willing to work hard. .
    Some of them very experienced at cheap labor in american run factories in cheap labor export zones elsewhere, south of the border.
    A capitalist Free enterprise dream job creation scheme for the new third world America.

  4. Well, if I have to live in a tent, Hawaii's a good place for it. Maybe we can train the unemployed to be Tent City Real Estate Agents. Location, Location, Location!!! A Tent with a view. If you buy today, you not only get Obama's tax credit, but also a year's supply of Paint Thinner. Regular beatings by fascist thug cops (sorry, I know that's redundant) are extra.

  5. Homelessness is a scourge. There must be many, many spare rooms in houses and apartments all around the United States of America. If wealthier people with spare space could offer accommodation to people short of shelter much of the problem would be solved. When one has a safe, clean, stable space on which to rest their head at night they are able to get on with their lives. Shelter is a fundamental need of all human beings. It is not just the government who can assist with this social problem. Prayers to all the homeless people of the world.

  6. Go to school ..Go in the military,,then get a job..Have as many childern as you can afford to!!! or none at all....Ask someone that
    has it together........How did so many people do well???? And some


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