
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP oil spill?

The new line of defense employed by the Obama Administration to deflect criticism of its lackadaisical handling of the BP oil spill is to launch a criminal investigation of the company.
Perhaps this is the best thing that could happen.  Such an investigation would, of course, uncover all of BP's connections to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama, who were the single largest beneficiaries of BP campaign contributions over the last 10 years.

Granted, the Obama Justice Department, under the leadership of Obama lackey Eric Holder, would never delve into any real criminal activity if it involved revelations concerning the Administration's connections to BP, as well as the cozy relationship the company has with Democrats on the Hill.
Someone else, however, has already done such an investigation and has uncovered explosive information that possibly implicates Barack Obama, certain members of his Administration, and Democrats in Congress, in the committing of crimes.
The key is to follow the money trail.
JoAnne Moretti, along with a team of investigators, delved into records which pointed to a paper trail connecting the major players in this disaster--BP, Deep Water Horizon, Halliburton, Citigroup, Goldman-Sachs, the U.S. Government, and a company called 'NALCO.'
A few recognizable names of individuals involved in the paper trail also surfaced--Warren Buffet, George Soros, John Holdren, Tony Rezko....and Barack Obama.
At the heart of the scandal which Moretti reveals is the concerted effort by all of these major players to delay the cutting off of the oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico.
The bottom line--NALCO is the manufacturer of chemical dispersements and water purification systems that are being used in the Gulf to attempt to 'disperse the oil before it reaches the shoreline.'
This is what is known as 'the top kill' method which BP has claimed is the best manner possible of dealing with the spill.  The top kill method, however, does nothing to actually stop the flow of oil from its source--the well hidden deep in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Obama Administration and BP have been noticeably lazy about stopping the flow of oil into the waters of the Gulf.  Obama claimed that as soon as the explosion of the oil rig occurred, Federal SWOT teams were dispatched to the area in order to 'secure it.'  The notion that the Obama Administration did not know the extent of the leak is contradicted by the announcement that federal teams were 'on the scene from day one.'
Obama claims that he backed off from doing anything to stop the oil leak in deference to BP, which he claims was better equipped to deal with the situation.  And indeed, that much is true.  BP did, in fact, say such a thing publicly.
But BP's interest in actually cutting off the flow of oil into the Gulf is just as suspect as the U.S. Government's.
And here is where the story takes a sordid, and potentially criminal, turn.
Moretti says the following:
More Here


  1. Our Lord and Savior the Most High Barack Hussein Obama is innocent without question. "He speaks only unvarnished truth: Oprah Winfrey, 2008.

    Anyone who questions him is an evil racist. Keep pushing the issue and he will suspend the Constitution indefinitely (with the help of the brownshirts in the Democratic party) until the people spreading these outrageous lies can be found and destroyed or otherwise marginalized by the MSM.

    HAIL OBAMA!!!!!

  2. Well, Obama is not an engineer. But he should have accepted the Dutch offer of skimming the oil. A bandaid thing would have been better than nothing.

    It looks like all nations are bankrupt. What would we gain by foreclosing on each other.

  3. it seems something has gone awry with the "more here" link... hmmm...

  4. Bush was bad, but I miss him very much. I'll have a blue country without him.

    Anything is better than this mindless, prejudice, Socialist, and manic-depressive Obama tard we are stuck with as he enjoys his job destroying the country.

  5. Bush was the worst, I dont miss him, The country Loathed him as a whole, good riddance to him, no one could be worse, but obama had a hard job coming in, so I dont blame him completely, but he needs to do better, Soon.

  6. You have GOT to be kidding us ! ALL of us !

    This mind numbed community organizer has done


    He has done NOTHING !


    To HELP the comman man/woman of this country


  7. Who wrote this article? President Obama and the Democrats received more money from BP then the republican party? Is this writer mentally incompetent? Republcans are the only party that receives the most money from the oil industry. There was not a single cent from the BP PAC sent to President Obama. That went to John McCain and nutjub (now a Wealthy nut job). Now Obama did receive money from BP employees, Nothing to do with BP itself. The republican pary and their deregulation, from Reagan,to the bush's have ruined this country. Obama took over the Worst economy since the Great depression. President Clinton left our coutry with a 3 trillion surplus. Bush/Cheney never paid for the wars or Medicade plan B. President Obama did put both wars and plan b in the budget.
    The republican party is appologizing to BP, republican party keeps blocking Unemployment Benefits, the republican party is stopping the progression of the Wall Street reform act so we won't get in this mess again. The republican party wants to even tax the poorest of the poor because they make less then 19,000 a year and receive money back. Come on, todays republican party is the party of NO, they don't care about the Poor or the Middle class. They take care of the Big business, Period. A vote for this new republican party (tea) is a vote against the Middle class and the poor.


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