
Monday, June 7, 2010

Is This The End: BP Toxic Chemical Rain?

 A mystery is unfolding across MidSouth farms.

Something is killing crops, trees, even weeds and nobody can explain why.

Farmers are scratching their heads and some are worried their crops may be lost to the mysterious plague.

It's happening along a large swath of land near the Shelby and Tipton county border along Herring Hill Road and elsewhere near the Mississippi River bottoms.
Tiny dots appear to have burned onto leaves of all types of plants, and they appear different depending on the plant.

On corn stalks, the dots seem to turn white in the center.

On other plants, a white dust speckles the leaves and then destroys the green life underneath.

"We found it all in the herbs, in the flowers, in the plum tree, in the weeds," said organic farmer Toni Holt. "It's apparently in everything."

Holt grows organic produce that she sells at area farmers' markets.

As she and other farmers inspect the new growth covered in the perplexing plague, they fear their entire crop may be lost.

Less than ten miles from Holt's crops, the damage could possibly hit hundreds of acres of corn at Wilder Farms.

It appears to have hit everything in its path.

There does not seem to be anything in common with the affected plants.

The Holts raise organic crops, so they don't spray pesticides on any of their fruits and vegetables.

The first thought among some was a new parasite or insect caused the damage, but Wilder farms sprays pesticides and the damage there is exactly the same.

Farmers first noticed the damaging dots over the weekend.
Then Holt came home to find baby birds dead in their nests.

"There are two dead birds hanging out of two different bird houses, so we're concerned about that. We don't know if it's related, but it's alarming," said Holt. "We've got horses, we're concerned about the horses on the grass. We've got chickens. We sell our eggs at the market."

Farmers we spoke with are convinced something in the air caused this damage.

They're asking the USDA and other experts to look into the problem, and so are we.

More Here With Video


  1. The obvious one-chem trails maybe?

  2. This is really scary stuff. If you look on the US map the affected countys are directly north of the first landfall of oil in LA. If indeed this is acid rain caused by the mix of oil and dispersant by BP in the Gulf we are in for a horribly wild ride.

  3. Don't worry, once all the farms have been destroyed by airborne toxins, there will be plenty of food available for you at your local FEMA camp. A cattle car will provide you with free shuttle service to get there, if you don't wish to walk.

  4. its all happening according to schedule
    the bilderbergs will have you all in fema camps soon

    be sheep dont question just eat and die thankyou

    hows american idol
    also please dont buy gold so i can buy more!

    your making it expensive sell your jewlery

    obamas here to help you
    we are screwed
    georgia guidstones are all you need

  5. And when the hurricanes come, even if they are no more than Tropical Storms, they will pick that toxic oil off the ocean surface and blow it all over the region.

    The next headline I expect to read will be something about people coughing up blood, mixed with black sputum.

    My question is why is that BP, CEO still breathing air?

  6. Things are getting scary. If this is from the BP oilcano, we are totally screwed. Chemtrails? I wonder if there are greenhouses in the same areas and if the vegetation is affected in a greenhouse? That would be a good test.

    Of course the MSN will probably never cover this story, and the sheeple slave units will have no clue.

  7. The description sounds like a virus infection of vegetation. It will probably burn itself out once the virus rages across most of the grainbelt in the midwest. The virus appears to primarily affect vegetation used for food or human consumption, so it should not be a problem for most folks.

    Have a great summer.

  8. Wonder if this has anything to do with the bee problems. I think it was called Israeli paralytic virus or something like that.

    This is really scary.

  9. Maybe it is bio-terrorism - who knows!

  10. Doubtful that it is chemtrails, which have been with us for many years. We would have seen this "plague" a long time ago.

    However, I've read that the hurricanes could carry the oil very far inland, going north up to the 40th parallel (I think Philadelphia is at that level). No one knows what the affect will be.

    Meanwhile, don't freak out until this current infestation is scientifically examined.

  11. In the comments for the story they talk about a leak at a local chemical plant. Here's an extract from one comment that sounds plausible: "On May 25th, the Lucite facility next to Dupont on Hwy 51 and Fite Road in Millington had a chemical leak of sulfur trioxide. The chemical could easily have evaporated in our local atmosphere then recondensed as acid rain on nearby plants. Chemical burns can cause that kind of spotty damage. Sulfur trioxide combined with H2O results in sulfuric acid (SO3 + H2O = H2SO4)"

  12. All the conspiracy theorists here are generally whack jobs - because its a way for YOU to duck your own guilt. OUR guilt! You've been consuming more than you produce, for years now.

    You are likely obese, you likely consume massive amounts of food, fuel, electricity, minerals and etc. But don't actually contribute ANYTHING nearly to the world that you consume.

    America is %6 of the worlds population, consuming about %50 of its resources. Sorry folks, we ARE the evil empire now, and we deserve what we have coming.

  13. The chemtrail theory is a bunch of garbage, ask any pilot they all make fun of it.

    The amount of resources being wasted to fly planes like that all over just to spray us with chemicals, they don't need to go to such lenghts to control people.

    Is this the end? Not because of a silly vegetable killer, my gosh those have been problems for man since he began farming 12,000 B.C.E.

    I do believe this is the end for many other reasons however, but this kind of stuff is inane. The end of the world is more about consciousness than anything else, all of the outside events are just displaying that there is no worthwhile future nor should one get distracted by what occurs here and there... it's everywhere.

  14. Well the British finally got their revenge for the American Revolution!!!

  15. nothing to see here.... Move along Sheeple

  16. I wake up at the end of a long, dark, gloomy year
    It's bringing out the worst in me
    I hear your voice start breaking in fear
    When the lights go down

    And I still feel you looking over my shoulder
    Your sinking guilt and approaching nightmare
    And I know none of us'll survive
    Because I know everything

    And my dear I need you to move a little faster
    This second counts as the rest of your life,
    Your final word and an itchy finger
    And then it's taken away

    And we'll be beaten down without mercy or meaning
    I turn my face to a careless skyline
    I'm searching hard for a sign from Heaven
    But they've Forgotten me here

    You can just stop talking, I get it (I hear your silence loud and clear)
    I know it's barely a thought but it'll see us through
    I'm only setting you free so just let it happen (Let it happen, no need to fear)
    Yeah you can just stop talking, I get it
    and for the dodo's that think its ok if "they' poisen our air and food, I hope you go first.

  17. Simply put the worst the Oligarchs can make this disaster the more billions in profits they will make, no need for speculation. They know no bounds.

  18. "All the conspiracy theorists here are generally whack jobs"? , strangely though you keep coming back day after day reading "whack jobs" comments, lol, this "whack job" presumes that the massive stock pile of plastic coffins that are behind the razor wire fence down in Georgia isn't preplanned readiness for the freaking 100's of thousands that may just start "coughing up blood, mixed with black sputum". Get a clue @ 16:15 commentor.

  19. Ok, the coffin nonsense, has got to stop. If TPTB were planning mass extinctions (which I am NOT refuting), do you think they would really be concerned about individual christian burials?? NO, they will be pushing the corpses into mass graves with bulldozers.

    The so called coffins, were photographed outside a facility that manufactures GRAVE LINERS, they were awaiting shipment to Cemeteries around the country.

  20. There are millions of conspiracy's. Every family, every company, every group of every kind looks out for its own self interest first. Fortunately there are SO many conspiracy's, they sort of cancel each other out.

    It doesn't take some clever manipulation by an all-powerful group to do this. History shows very clearly that when a power becomes an empire, and becomes spoiled and hedonistic, lazy and arrogant --- eventually they pay the piper.

    Two hands working accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer. If you think stockpiles of food and guns will keep you safe? You are a tool. The only long term safety is growing your own food, making friends/allies with your neighbors, having useful skills... . etc. If its YOU against the world? The world will win.

  21. This situation is crazy!

  22. the caskets are real, fema camps are real, chemtrails are real, all this is by design, they will collapse the economy when they are ready, Prepare

  23. Think about this, fertilizer comes from oil, pesticides come from oil, the air we breathe is burned oil, and now we are worried that this oil in the Gulf is raining on our crops.

  24. 6:48 very true.

    If anyone can tell me explicitly how destroying coastlines and wildlife and fishing in the gulf and in the process losing millions of gallons of oil in the process is somehow how extremely profitable I will be extremely amazed. Why? Because it ISNT. What is wealth? It can be measured by things like the richness of the earth and its resources, namely oil which is the backbone of this here "control" economy.

    Why not just accept that it's all going to he0ll in a hand basket and not even the world's global players know what to do about it.

  25. Well, my inference from all the linguistic babble on this site is that most or nearly all of you are pretty smart. My take on this is that we have another Black Ops experiment. I mean, we're living with a Government that had no moral qualms about feeding retarded children with radioactive oatmeal to see what happens several decades ago. Man is inherently evil. To accept that as a fact, rather than a postulation, is the first step to understanding how this planet operates.

  26. I've noticed a number of sites are doing the "after approval" statement for those wishing to comment. Hmmm. The lawyers are getting desperate to find some work as there's so many of them about.


    Yesterday, Care2's Erin Polgreen posted a useful article about the true nature of chemical dispersants being used in the Gulf "clean-up" efforts, and how they could affect the environment for years to come.

    From the article: According to Popular Science, "Dispersants have never been applied on this scale, leaving environmental scientists guessing about the consequences. Corexit may have caused seven cleanup workers to be admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and nausea."

    Of course there are also concerns regarding the impact of dispersants on wildlife and undersea plants. According to this study, when applied in small amounts to Mallard eggs, Corexit is as fatal as raw crude oil.

    Many have focused their concerns about Corexit (the dispersant BP continues to use despite an EPA order to stop) on what it's doing under the water. But as we know, the oceans are part of a larger precipitation cycle, and scientists are worried that soon the consequences of using dispersants could be falling from the sky.

    A report prepared for prepared for President Medvedev by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources warns that "a greater danger involving Corexit that with its 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when combined with the heating Gulf of Mexico waters, its molecules will be able to "phase transition" from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as "toxic rain" upon all of Eastern North America (European Union Times).

    Note: It has since been alleged that the European Union Times is a less than credible news source. To support the concepts suggested by the EUT, here is a quote from Dr. Remata Reddy, who studies and teaches tropical meteorology at Jackson State University:

    Tropical storms usually form in the far eastern Atlantic early in the season. But as the Gulf heats and the oil continues to spill into the open waters, that concern and storm potential will grow together, Reddy said.As oil evaporates and comes into contact with a tropical storm, the chances of acid rain falling within the storm are possible, Reddy said.

    This toxic rain could be fatal for all species- from the microbial level up- no matter where it falls, essentially collapsing the environment from the bottom up. The devastation of a hurricane with these chemicals dispersed in it would multiply the effects and hazards.

  28. Being that I'm one of the 46% of long term unemployed, I have time to read. I am almost done with "Dr. Mary's Monkey". For those who believe the Feds can do no wrong, here's the short story.

    - Polio comes for a unwelcome stay in the 1950's

    - Jonas Salk develops a vaccine and it works.

    - Much like the flu vaccine is cultivated with chicken eggs, the Polio vaccine was cultivated with Monkeys.

    - The plan was to extract the anti-polio cells and leave everything else behind. The problem was that shortly after declaring the vaccine "safe", the NIH discovered that 2/3 of the vaccine was contaminated with various monkey virus' that could be deadly to humans.

    - They could have recalled all the vaccine. They chose to administer the vaccine anyway.

    - They fully understood they had created a monster and should have killed it. They chose not to.

    - They knew that all the children vaccinated in the 1950's could grow up suffer from various soft tissue cancers. They did not care. All they wanted to do was cover their tracks.

    - Soft tissue cancer was unheard of in the 1950's, now it's common as can be in the form of breast and skin cancer.

    Where did AIDS come from? The same labs that created this tainted polio vaccine. AIDS can be traced back to the monkey virus / polio vaccine developed in the 1950's

    The Feds are NOT our friends.

  29. I flunked physics so can anyone help?

    Is it possible for the ocean to catch fire?

  30. And I quote @ 14:11 "Is it possible?" Why yes little Timmy, it is !

    "Revelation 20:15

    15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."

    Not to be spreading propaganda nor paganistic symbolisms.

  31. 11:36 you are naive. Of course the oil disaster is extremely profitable for the companies lined up to do the cleanup. The Haliburton types. You don't think disasters and/or wars are profitable? Get a clue. 100s of billions or more will be made on this oil sabotage.

  32. Disasters are EXTREMELY profitable for the few corporations tied to governments for the cleanups. The Haliburton types.

    They could fix it, but fixing it is like having the patent for a new chemotherapy drug then announcing the cancer cure. Isn't going to happen. Money, money, money, dollar bills y'all.

  33. Quote: My question is why is that BP, CEO still breathing air?

    Hmmm, everyone seems to forget that the rig, workforce and equipment are leased from Occidental - an american company that was also involved in the piper alpha incident. I think Americans and Obama should look a bit closer to home before laying all the blame on BP.

  34. bp are scum, they should be boycotted and beaten in the wallet and people are making them pay and it will continue

  35. Thanks for sharing ... Chin MW,


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