
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Las Vegas Has 21 Years Of Condo Inventory


Many World Leaders Resigning..Why?

29 May 2010: Nepalese Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal
link to]

31 May 2010: German President Horst Koehler
link to]

1 June 2010: Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 
link to]

Deposed Kyrgyzstan President Bakiyev Leaves Country, Resigns
link to]

Brown resigns as UK prime minister
link to]

Italy's Prime Minister Resigns over Foreign Policy
link to]

Chad Prime Minister Resigns - 
05 Mar 2010 11:56:50 GMT
Source: Reuters

Belgian Prime Minister resigns

Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:43:58 GMT
[link to]


  1. Im placing bets that it is not over yet for Vegas, I'll wager there is more pain to come. Anybody wanna bet me. LOL LOL LOL

  2. las vegas is a ghost town now, even over this holiday weekend it was down like 75% from where it used to be.

  3. The price of Sin is DEATH!

  4. Oh, go ahead, Murphy. Go out on a limb there and pass judgment...

  5. and I bet they still want 300K for a 1 fkn bed room. not to mention the 10% the real estate agent adds.

    Funny the idiots aren't lining up, I remember seeing a line around the block for 350K 1 bed room condo's in FL one time.

  6. last week I saw one for 86,000 they are getting desperate

  7. A prostitute in Vegas will fulfill your most perverted, sick fantasy for 49.95 I am speaking from experience.

  8. I'd love to buy a condo really, really cheap in Vegas. I'm not a gambler but I love the shows and cheap food! Who should I contact or call for a really, really cheap steal on a 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo?

  9. i really like this website
    i remmeber a few years ago the holiday inns in vegas.
    were taking bibles out of rooms and now instead put in condoms
    they better start praying to thier condom god
    because thier getting it in the asm

  10. 7:35 you must have invested in a condo at the wrong time!

  11. las vegas will come back in 20 to 30 years
    by then ill be dead
    compareing it to manhatten
    is like compareing
    the moon to the sun
    ones the epic center of the world the other is
    a gambling mecca
    i bet you can get a condo for one gold coin soon
    kenny rogers said know when to walk away and when to run
    never count your money

  12. 7:31 has a point. How can someone steal a condo from the banks or the fools?

  13. 654 You overpaid LoL I have Strippers that will do it for some groceries, cigs and a 6 pack, Really.

  14. I remember the $3,500/night girls hanging by the top stairs by Pure night club. Had their own security. All looked great. I am sure their pricing is greatly discounted at this time lol.

    Poor hookers. Could you imagine the discounts?

  15. 21 YEAR SUPPLY!!!

    LOL - LOL - LOL

  16. the condo will be the cheap part... JUST WAIT till you have to pay the Monthly HOA/ building fees

  17. It's AMAZING how many of you think America is going to recover from what's coming.

    When the bank holiday finally hits, with accompanied currency devaluation (or reissue), poverty, crime and protestations will go through the roof. There are not nearly enough law enforcement officials to go around to keep the peace.

    Remember. 20% of the population possesses 85.5% of all wealth, most of whom are white. I can just see the look of glee on the faces of the non-whites, most of whom are bottom feeders in terms of economics, as they sink deeper and deeper into the abyss. No more welfare, daycare, U.I., etc. Frankly, I see racial strife and warfare. In L.A.-alone, there are more than 90,000 gang members! That's INSANE. Obviously U.S. policing is crap.

    Mexico is struggling with drug cartels. Can you imagine 100,000,000 angry non-whites, many of whom have the same types of firearms as the U.S. Military? That's a TOTAL disaster.

    Time to get REAL.

    We are at the precipice of the devolution of the United States of America. The country will break down along racial lines, if it's lucky.

    The wise people have moved to Canada or elsewhere.

    Unlike America, Canada does not have a "gun culture," though there are 7,000,000 or so firearms in the hands of the citizenry. Many firearm owners have more than one piece, like myself, so the armed population is nowhere near that total. We will have hardship, but not like America. Also, many of our recent Asian immigrants will go back to where they originated, because they simply haven't got the language skills and education to survive in a land devoid of low-paying, easy-to-learn, service jobs.

    Canada will ultimately survive; America will break down into several nations, but this will not resolve itself peacefully after many years of "strife" shall we say.

    And to those people who arrogantly think the U.S. Military is just going to takeover Canada, I got news for you: ain't going to happen. Both Britain and France rule this northern kingdom through Freemasonry. In the case of Quebec (the original Canada), it's the Grand Orient Lodge, which also rules France, Belgium and Holland as well.

    Fact is, America has been selected for termination by ruling European factions. You're DONE. Unfortunately, most of you just haven't come to terms with it.

    P.S. Law enforcement may succeed in securing a small part of a city, but not most of it. In the absence of peace, truckers will refuse to deliver their goods. Result: food and basic necessity shortages, nation-wide!

  18. Elizardo Sanchez, of the Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation, said the process of moving dissidents had now begun.

    The archbishop of Havana's office said six of the island's 200 political prisoners were being moved.

  19. If I make it to the 22nd century, which I won't, America will be heading towards being a lush tropical forest and beautiful grassland paradise. In other words, the sheep will stop grazing and the sheeple will be sheep out of luck, LOL.

  20. 10:07 stop reading so many comic books.

  21. 11:05,

    You're delusional pal.

    232+ million firearms PLUS 100,000,000+ angry bottom feeders = a nightmare. Even Jerry Springer can't keep up!

  22. Next to resign the Israeli prime minister and the head of Mossad.
    Israel is fast degenerating as it is led by people so confused by arrogance ,hubris, and superior nation theological /colonial Apartheid racist bullshit ,that they can not think straight any longer .
    Their security services Mossad , was once a useful tool for keeping the elite in power ,using "deception" as a motto and guide for action.They were once feared and beleived effective.Now Mossad and the full Isreali cabinet , the clever elite israelis must debate together on how and how many agents are needed to change a lightl bulb.
    Everything can be acheived by armed Force no brains required!In order to assassinate a lessor Hamas leader, it took flying in to another country at least 14 Mossad agents and copying the passports of foreign country friends and allies to carry out the task.So much for modern technology.
    A full military campaign to fight a small battle the old fashioned way.After all America always can always be relied on to pay and to get them out of trouble!

    These Mossad type geniuses and the Israeli cabinet, after full consideration and debate of what to do about the humanitarian aid ships did not have the political nous to work out it would have been better to at least let the ships come within a three mile limit before sending in half a navy and gang of armed murderous pirates in clearly international waters.
    A little bit of overkill?
    Perhaps ,they do not even know where Israel and the borders of the occuppied territories actualy are?
    Many of the more sensible Israeli people ,especialy the Youth ,those that can get a foreign passport ,are jumping for the exit doors .
    Cheap Condos in Las Vegas might seem O.K.?
    The less sensible Zionists are calling for heads to roll in order to get a more effective leadership again.This is difficult with all the rampant corruption amongst the presidents and top leaders.$$$ But what they have now is as good as it can get on the slippery slope downhill.
    The problem is these "Overkill" desperate paranoid Crazies ,backed and encouraged towards amageddon by their American Christian Zionist allies, are nuclear armed ,brainless
    and dangerous.

  23. 11:15 I am delusional because you read too many comic books. What reality are you living in?

  24. 11:25,

    You're delusional because you can't read the times, nor do you understand the full scope of what's going to seize your nation.

    You really think 100 million plus, largely armed, bottom feeders, most of whom are non-white, are just going to sit put and take it? These folks will not fooled by the Oligarch's strategic positioning of Barack Obama. They know white people are behind this economic debacle.

    How can you be so short-sighted? If you're white, you had better be armed to the teeth, among other things.

  25. 10.07
    There are wet dreams and White racist supremicist fantasies.
    its clear, that for you, its hard to tell the difference .

  26. You are totally in left field pal. I bet you could carry on long conversations with a brick wall (and still lose!).

    Why don't you take your KKK hood and hang yourself with it.

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  28. This forum is almost hilarious. Those of you who can't back up your claims with facts or logic resort to small time disparaging remarks. Brilliant. Just goes to show the sad state of affairs.

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  33. Go to bed cretin. You are obviously up past your bedtime and have nothing better to do than vomit your usual filth. Tell mommy to get the restraints if need be. Your comments will be deleted by morning and you'll probably blink back to reality.

  34. I'm a cop in Cali annnnnddddd I say that the kook with the Apocalyptic Wet Dream isssssss RIGHT...Seriously...No BS...No Joke.

    It's a slippery slope from "Law Abiding" to "Murderous Masses."

    I have no doubt in my mind that we are in for a V for Vendetta style society that has to surpress the lower rung of society because if they don't just by sheer numbers they'll overtake and burn the baby to the ground.

    Don't believe me look at South Africa/Zimabwee/Argentina and Brazil for a few...God knows we Americans are lazy but when hunger/panic/chaos hits people will go crazy.

  35. It would be nice if there was software that could block posts like 12:17 and 12:20 automatically.

    Such trashy mindsets.

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  37. 1126 is trashy and is a worse censor than the red chinese

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  40. Hopefully the Collapse will send us back to Farming and therefore eat non cancerous food and also could eliminate the obesity problem.

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  43. Interesting....Some people in the past have applied science theories to economics and it worked. Is this financial crisis like the cancer you idiots described.....if we can find the protein causing the this crisis and by shutting it down we will save the economy.

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  49. Watch the US markets rebound massively now that Obama has given his approval for Israel to slaughter whomever they like. Had he gone with the rest of the world, the markets would continue to fall.

    Obama has saved your markets America by siding with the devil

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  52. By all the above posts here I think it is safe to say we have entered a black hole and it would be wise for anyone to see the words people speak as rubbish, dream stuff that isn't real.

    Anyways there is no recovery coming, only a hasty and sudden collapse. Good luck to all people who still try to be righteous and and intelligent. Don't let this mindless generation pull you into delusional decay as well.

  53. I love this great site, but from the above postings, it is a sad fact that this great country is rapidly failing. I have enough guns and bullets for all of you. I will eliminate geniuses and idiots with equal fervor, and will loot your corpses for valuables with no conscience whatsoever. Most of you will soon be executed, so rave on!

  54. Oh we have a cancer here all right. What is swimming around at the bottom that will cure it? Oil? Or salt? Salt is a good remedy for blocking evil spirits.

    Glad to know there are 6:43's out there looking out after other people.

  55. 6:43,

    What goes around comes around.

    I believe a well known Author is on record for stating, "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword."

    You need not look far to see how true this is. Just look at the narcotics trade.

  56. gezzeee WTF does 3/4 of the posts on this subject have to do with the price of a condo, smirks, roflmao

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  60. Ha I do believe this is th emost trolling I've seen in one blog here on EA...Either Billy/Timmy is off his meds or we've now taken over as "Kook Central" for the web.

    To those still trying to make decent, intelligent banter don't let the kooks get to you.

    Good job EA...Erase the kooks away.

  61. good job ea, take away peoples right to speak, nice censor just like the communist chinese or nazi germans

  62. "Good job EA...Erase the kooks away."

    I would second that- let's at least keep comments somewhat relevant to the posted article, or at least germane to the blog's focus on the Coming Depression.

    Ad homimen attacks between various posters is a waste of everyone else's time and EA's bandwidth. Please stop.

  63. "good job ea, take away peoples right to speak, nice censor just like the communist chinese or nazi germans"

    You still have every right to speak- Why not simply start your own blog and invite all the kooks here to join you?

    Good luck with that.

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  65. My suggestion is to keep on posting your news, but suspend the commenting for say----2 months.
    Your followers will still have the news, and the break will chase off some of these nutcases who are posting on here. We need the articles you post, but not the garbage comments. Just my opinion. After time, you could resume the commenting and have either a subscription to the blog, or drop the anonymous posting. I bet many of your readers would agree with me.

  66. Just retired, and I have a LOT of much-deserved free time that I've been waiting to use. Las Vegas is one of the tops places I plan to visit frequently.

  67. Thanks for sharing us the information about this. Still want to go to Las Vegas for a visit.

    Angelo H

  68. Great blog you have shared. Will check the links you have shared. Thanks!


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