
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Layoffs Accelerate: Have You Been Laid Off?

Amylin Pharmaceuticals - 60
Horizon Air - 120 
AT&T Wisconsin - 125
Nexteer Michigan - Layoffs Likely

Huntsville Constellation Contractors - Hundreds of Layoffs Next Week
3 Catholic Schools in NJ - 38
Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department - Layoffs / Furloughs 
Northrop Grumman Corp Amherst Systems Division - 74
Wayne County Detroit - 700 Temporary layoffs this summer

Missouri  - 250
Update: Wayne-Westland school - 32
Jones Day Law Firm - 32
Merck ( France ) - About 800
Prudential Retirement - 60 : 30 in Hartford and 30 in Scranton PA
Morris Township NJ - up to 20
Richland County Ohio - 7 
AOL - More Layoffs Possible?
American Municipal Power Inc - Job Cuts to start soon at Marietta Plant
Adams 12 Five Star Schools Colorado - 188
Fresno Unified School District - Job Cuts or Furloughs
City of Marengo IL - Considering 3 Layoffs
Dot Hill Systems - 10% of Global Workforce
Abbott Laboratories - 101
EastLink ( International ) - 33
McClelland & Stewart - Several Layoffs this week
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network PA - 48
City West Palm - 6
Detroit's EMS - Warns of 36+ Layoffs Possible
US Cellular Tulsa Center - 160


  1. I was laid off from a white collar job over a year ago. Over 700 resumes sent. Only called for 7 interviews in all that time and no job offers despite having 2 degrees and 15 years of experience. These days I have resorted to selling my belongings in order to have enough to pay the bills. I've sold about 60% of my things. At some point I will run out of things to sell. Meals consist of bread, canned corn or peas, sometimes rice. Some days when I feel like treating myself, I buy a pack of the $1 hot dogs. I use a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor as I sold my bed to pay utility bills.

    Life is just wonderful. Thanks a lot banksters!

  2. The faux financial news babes are saying unemployment is going down, the economy is recovering and stock market is up.

    These lay-offs must be an anomaly. I believe we are going to have a robust economy in 2011, and perhaps I can get a job, after 5 years of looking.

    The government will take good care of us in the mean time. Hopefully, we will attack Iran and kill all those terrorist, and OBL who now lives in Iran, as faux and cnn are reporting, will finally be killed for masterminding the 911 attacks from a cave in Afghanistan. The new war will be great for our economy and I feel sure I will get a job.

    Our country will always be the greatest, fly your plastic flags on your car and pray we will kill those terrorist, in Iran and also the homeland terrorist who are located on Main Street amerika.

    God bless amerika.

  3. 12:28. Don't you think it's time to find a different approach? Mailing resume's doesn't seem to work does it? 2 degree's and you can't make a living.....What good are they? You fell for the trap.

  4. What could a pack of $1 hot dogs possibly be made from? Check the ingredients and see if it mentions Soylent Green.

  5. 12:28 I hear you. I don't have it as bad because I saw this coming back in 2005-2005 and am self employed.

    Seeing a lot of homeless people now that don't fit the usual description. Younger, in t-shirts and Nikes on the streets.

    The MSM is having a harder and harder time covering up how bad it really has become.

    The perception amongst the sheeple is the there is still hope. Of course, there is not; at least not for the next 20 years or so.

    Just try to live life to the fullest because in a couple years, believe it or not, you'll look back on today as being the good times.

  6. My husband lost his job at Amylin several years ago. Most of these places already let people go at the start of this depression in 2008 -- now they are trying to lay off even more to keep afloat. This will continue on and on and on until only the "bare bones" are left, and by then, I don't think the USA is even going to exist as most people know it anymore.

  7. Help each other and inform your fellow man about who is behind all of this; have them turn away from the false systems of politics and government help. The thieving corporations and the government are one in the same.

  8. How about the millions of jobs now lost in the gulf? Everyone unemployed from biz owners, oil rig workers, waiters, bar workers, casino empl., maids, fishing Ind., stores of all types. motels and condos (if this keeps up) go into forclosure and boarded up..dead zone towns along the gulf for decades. Landlords that rent cabins, camper lots along beaches are out of an income too. Obama won't allow foreign countries to help, so BP CEO is on a yacht (big deal) and our gov. wants the gulf trashed by not allowing anyone to help except the coast guard and some unemployed fishermen. This is unreal..I lost respect for all politicians years ago..this prez takes the cake.

  9. It is only a matter of time before the system completely collapses! Prepare yourselves as best as possible. Hard times ahead!

  10. 12:28

    You're not alone. I have watched what I have built in the last 25 years evaporate in since 2007. Since I was self employed there was no unemployment check to ease the pain. I'm now down to selling off the last of my worldly possessions. The only thing I spend money on is survival gear such as back pack, tent, water purifier, guns and ammo.

    Maybe I'll see you out there. Our shopping carts may pass bye. Mark yours with 12:28 so I know its you.

  11. With their boldness and lack of caring, the politicians including the head sock puppet are revealing themselves to be what they are; bought and paid for stage actors.

  12. This is going to be fun, I'm going to walk around aimlessly outside and say, "Was that Maximus?"

    No one is really supposed to get that but I am really excited to start a little community with others!

  13. OMG -- the PAIN -- the PAIN I see on here. I wish they had posted their names I would have tried to help them out!!

  14. 2:33 best post I have read in a long time. If we don't have a since of humor, what do we have?

    I remember many years ago being homeless right out of college. I would walk past dumpsters and actually wonder if there was food in there. Going 4-5 days without food does that to a guy. Financing degree and collecting bottles; no jobs.

    Never lost my sense of humor though, never gave up. Probably why I am still around. Not looking forward to going through my early years all over again, but at least this time around I've prepped for it a bit. Plus, of course, much wiser now. Twenty five years ago I would have thought an Oligarchy was a brand of mustard :).

    I will never give up trying to enjoy life. Fully aware of WHO is screwing us all over, I won't turn any wrath toward my fellow man. The banksters love to create waves of distractions and scapegoats. Not buying it.

  15. Shopping carts have solid rubber tires so I will rigged mine up with a deep cycle battery and shocker. When other homeless people try to take a pee on my stuff they are going to get a big surprise.

    Forget shelters. They have a six week waiting list in most cities and if you finally get in you will be buddies with the worst filth on the planet. Freeloaders and scum that will piss on you as you sleep.

    In other words, prepare the best you can NOW and perhaps you won't have to join the cart wars.

  16. Will BP compensate every business that is located along the Gulf coast? All they have to do is claim an economic slowdown, like the Strip Club and expect BP to pay.

    Once the methane gas comes ashore, will BP pay for the emergency relocation of EVERYONE effected? Will BP give these people full market value for their homes, as the methane forces them inland? What happens if a methane cloud forms and then lightning strikes it? KA-BOOM! Will BP pay for the reconstruction of the entire Gulf Coast?

    Will UI payments be increased to extend beyond 2 years? Nope. But you bet if the Defense Dept. needs another 50 billion so they can buy more overpriced weapons, they'll get it right away!

    Looks like tent cities are just a matter of time. Make sure that every tent city is located where it matters. The Washington Mall, Lincoln Memorial, in front of every state capitol building. Make yourself very visible!

  17. Laid off? Not even close. Worked 76 hours last week, and 87 the week before. I'm using and abusing while I still can.

  18. 5:41 assuming your lying, but if you are not, 87 hours a week means you have to work 12.5+ hours EVERY DAY of the week. You wouldn't really be the poster boy for a good life. More like the definition of a wage slave.

  19. Great Post, Keep up the excellent research it must take you alot of time to get all this information. In additoion to you list, I seen a bunch others over at dailyjobcuts . com

  20. It's not uncommon 6:05 I have been there done that. I worked various paper mills jun.jul.aug.during shutdown periods. 14-16 hour shifts were very common 7 days a week. You just kinda zombie out and stack up the checks.Unfortunately most of the mills around here are shut down for good. Best advice I can give is hold out as long as you can,prepare for harder times if you are able. Pray the November elections get us back on the right track.And for god sakes next time VOTE FOR AN AMERICAN !!

  21. @2:33

    I hope things get better for both of us. Guess we need a miracle job to come along.


  22. Damn, you have all give up. What losers. Read, understand, activate and prosper. Those that control and steal have left a door open for themselves! Figure it out or go ahead and starve. You deserve to. Weed out the sheep.

  23. "go ahead and starve. You deserve to. Weed out
    the sheep." All part of The New World Order.

    12:05 doesn’t know it yet but he is one of the sheep that will be sheered. He can Read, understand and activate all he wants but when the oligarchs decide to pull the plug he will go down too.


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