
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mass Country Wide Closing and Layoffs

Here are closing stores, restaurants, layoffs etc just in the last few days! I'm sure the readers here are familiar with some of these businesses. Click on the links. Comments on "Green Shoots"?

Johnnie Walker's Men Store in Milwaukee Wisconsin
Pipkin Cameras and Imaging Store in Oklahoma City
Allain Gallery in Richmond Virginia 
Stone's Throw Golf Course in Newton Ill
Glacier Ice Arena in Grand Junction Colo.
Maumee 18 Theater in Maumee Ohio 

Eccentrix in Joplin MO
The White Pine Copper Refinery
3M to Close Ardmore Plant - 125 Jobs Lost
Provincetown High School in Mass.
B&G Golf in Brookfield
Update: Taylor Sawmill in Enfield ill
Pages New and Rare Bookstore Arizona 
Select Medical Corp Manchester MO Facility - 66 layoffs 
Caye Upholstery, Closing 2 NC Facilities - 160 Jobs Lost
Ripley County Fair NY
Blockbuster in Oak Ridge Tenn. 
The Hubbard BMV in Ohio
The Golden Corral Buffet & Grill restaurant on Seminole Trail VA?
Update: Ken Lee’s Gallery 11 in Steamboat Springs

Hillsborough County FL - 200
Brown University Bookstore RI - 8 
Lucas County Sheriff’s Office OH - 16
La. Department of Education - 31
Exempla Healthcare - 100 Position from Hospitals in Denver 
Boeing - Lost of Constellation Funding Could = 180 Layoffs
City of Romulus - 32 Layoff Notices
Burke County Public Schools NC -  70
Middleboro School District - 30
Marian Community Hospital - 26
Cinram - 482
The Siena Hotel Spa Casino in Reno - Eliminating Table Games = 35 Layoffs


  1. I have been waiting over 10 years for this country to go down the tubes. These last 2 have been almost unbelievable & I think I could write a complete set of books on all the misguided shit our own Government has forced down not only our throats - but those of other nations as well.

    Having said that - it stands as an amazing testament at just how strong this country is.
    I mean; holy I sold you down the river without an oar batman ! These idiots in "charge" have spent us into oblivion - and then we spent ourselves into oblivion.

    I don't want to beat a dead horse; but the greatest example yet has to be the Gulf Oil spill
    I mean - you could not sit down with 10 of the greatest losers of all time and screw it up this good - seriously ! You couldn't do it !

    And yet - here we are muddlin' along; finding ways to keep the populace spending, borrowing
    and signing up for this, that & the other.

    It's really amazing is what it is. I have a neighbor that got laid off 13 months ago. This dude was down to his last reserves & trying to live on 375/wk. Unemp. Well - last week he got called back ( machinist ). I'm not making this up - I drove past his house this am on way to the grocery store & there sat a brand new 2010
    Dodge 4X4 Hemi.


  2. America deserve to die. It is for the good of its citizens and the world. The American politicians are wasting and exploding the collective resources of its citizen and doing bad things around the world. Break up of America is the best solution.

  3. The green shoots are poison ivy.

  4. If our military dies along with us, that would be a good thing for the world.

  5. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 12, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    Now THAT mi amigos
    THAT is one helluva recovery
    Hail CNBC
    Hail Cramer
    Puro recovery

    Enjoy the cannibalism
    Tard Nation


  6. It took a long time but a lot of my friends who had hope in Obama realize now that he is just a puppet like W was and that things will not get any better.

  7. For only 10 dollars...June 12, 2010 at 9:23 PM

    There are people, still, who watch Oprah if it is some scammer is on their teaching people how to become a millionaire by attracing spiritual positivity.

    Hehe, the real trick is to advertise your book on the Oprah Show and stare at everyone in the audience with black-hole eyes and tell them that they too can do it... even though they are all losing their jobs and livelihood.

  8. 4:03

    You are traitors. You deserve the firing squad.

    We The People did not cause this. Congress and Barry (and Bush, Clinton, Regan and all the others back to LBJ, (JFK was our last real president)) and the Federal Reserve caused this mess. All of those phuckers need to be jailed.

    If I knew how to stop this without firing a shot, I would be happy to share it, but I don't. I only know that we have millions of armed citizens in this country and we collectivly posses BILLIONS of rounds of ammo! Putting that plan to work is all I know. Way back when, it worked fine, when we had to finally bitch slap the British back home.

    Read the Constitution!!!

    Article III, Section 3
    Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

    Actual war, or economic war, giving aid and comfort to the enemy (the NWO crowd, allowing them to live freely in the USA, knowing full well, they have plans to destroy the USA), allowing BP to "think long and hard about ways to stop the gusher, while actually doing nothing to stop it, is treason. We know full well that Barry and Hillary both stopped their campaining during the Primary to attend the Builderburg meeting. For 3 days they were both off the radar, but imformed folks knew exactly where they were. Barry and Hillery are TRAITORS along with every menber of Congress that have committed felony's, high Crimes and Misdemeanors! all impeachable offenses.

    We the People have more power than we know. Were are the New Founding Fathers of this generation?

  9. 628, Excellent! You are right on.

  10. @3:45

    He walked in and was told "Have a seat and cup of coffee, let me talk to my manager. You won't believe how much we will give you for your old truck on the new 2010"! "How can I earn your business today"? "I can get you this new Dodge for nearly nothing--completely forget about the MSRP"!! "We need your old truck, in fact I may buy it myself"! "What if I knock off another thousand"?
    "Let me talk to my manager. I will be right back". "OK, I'm back---He says if you will meet him halfway, and take the rustproofing and VIN etching, he can play"!!! "He says your trade in has a lot of miles and dings---so maybe not quite as much on it, but he's knocking down the 2010 a little"-----
    (Hours later)
    "OK sign here for the 84 month financing, your gonna love this Dodge"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I'm sorry but the every day Joe is responsible for what is going on today. If you are someone who is 'sold out' or 'conformed' to the system then you are responsible for what is happening today.

    Conformity is one of the biggest problems we have today. George Carlin was right when he said the elites own you(conformists). The elites are the masters of the conformists. When you sell out, you give yourself over to the elites. So please, think you aren't part of the problem when you are the main cause.


  12. I've been telling you that you must moderate the comments here for some time now. Presently, you see that you no longer have a choice. Have you set up a snail mail PO box to which I can send a cash donation? If not, please do and post it on the home page. Thanks. I've been a regular reader now for over a year, but I can't remember when I first discovered this blog. Can you? :)

  13. I love how people "deserve the firing squad" because of their divergent opinions. Don't you realize how bad you sound? Imagine if former President Bush or Obama voiced such comments. Either of them would make Hitler look like a nice guy.

    These jobs that are listed above are just a drop in the bucket compared to overall job losses, so not really an example of mass countrywide layoffs. Id love to see a more complete list but they come so fast it is probably difficult to do.

  14. America isn't the problem. Bozo is the problem. While things were bad before him, he's determined to finish us off. Socialism is the problem. Communism is the problem. Fascism is the problem. Progressivism and blind democraps are the problem. We need to get this blog out to the world. We need to post links to this blog to as many other sites as possible. Not just today, but every day. We need to help those who stand for good, but don't know what is happening to our world. We need to help those who want what's right, but don't know where to find the truth. Please, friends, help me spread this word to as many sites as possible and together we can begin to turn the tides. Has not America been under great stresses and in great peril before? Did not the citizens of those times stand tall and bring her back from the brink? We can and will save our country from the dark forces which so blatantly want her to fail.

  15. I agree with most of what is written here & I would add that there are just simply no MEN in Washington - None.

    The last real ones were IKE and Patton

    Sorry, but JFK was a cockhound puppet like the rest.

    WE don't need anymore gadamned touchy, feely fembots running hither and yon and then slithering back home to their constituents to put 4 pounds of icing on a fucking cake that is already burnt to a crisp.

    Nosir - we need a couple dozen genuine USA certified studs that aren't afraid to make a friggin' decision based on the constituition and then ram hard.

    Your going to piss alot of "people" off - but look at the "quality" of the "people". We really don't need their imput anyway - send them packing and carry on. Same with these damn wars -
    pull the hell out and let the chips fall - if it comes to our shores; deal with it decisively; otherwise - it's your baby.

    We won't do it of course; but it's nice to read it aloud anyway.

  16. ...I love how people "deserve the firing squad" because of their divergent opinions...

    * Abortion or freedom to chose is a divergent opinion

    * Evolution or creation is a divergent opinion

    * Ford is best, Chevy is best is a divergent opinion

    * homosexuals choose their lifestyle or are a homosexual because it's in their DNA, is a divergent opinion

    Writing in a public form about how pleased you would be to see the total and complete collapse of the United States of America and see our land taken over by invaders to start a new government, such as communist China where you can expect to be publically executed if you speak out against the Comrads, is treason, not diverse opinion. Osama wants the USA gone forever and every American dead. Is that a diverse opinion or is he an enmey of the State?

  17. Let me tell you about my experience over the weekend. I went to a local one-time flea market to look for stuff to buy and then resell and I ran into a bunch of second-hand dealers doing the same thing. I also talked to people selling their belongings at the flea market. They all said they or a spouse had lost their job and couldn't find another one. They needed to find another way to earn money or they'd be homeless.

    Welcome to the new economy--which is the underground economy. Every one of us said that the only reason we had not gone under was that s lot of the buying and selling was done in cash. Every dealer I talked to, who traveled around the northeast and south, said the number of poor people was growing.

    Every town they passed through had an increase in second-hand stores, yard sales, and flea markets. Everybody was trying to stretch a dollar to make a buck. If you recall, I jokingly prophesied this quite a while ago. Well, it's not a joke anymore.

  18. I agree with 4:03 and 4:19.

    "You are traitors. You deserve the firing squad. We The People did not cause this."

    LOL. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid 6:28.

    "Were are the New Founding Fathers of this generation?"

    Google "leaderless resistance" and read the first result.

  19. I've said it before & I'll say it again

    The founding fathers of this country had divine intervention. They came up with the 2nd greatest
    documents ever written - period.

    Never was their like seen on this earth

    Never will ANY of them be repeated


  20. Right.............

    That's what they said about the bible.

    But religious worship and the relinquishing of one's inner power to something else always leads to the same destructive end.

  21. 4:52 you sound as brainwashed as the rest of them.

  22. 12:12

    Read what the founding fathers had to say about God and worship ( all worship ) they did not differenciate between this faith and that and to a man had roughly the same outlook on personal faith.

    Not the least among these categories was the fact that without God as supreme power in the universe; man would likely become a lawless ape;
    having no real reason to fear repercussions from within' his own; he merely takes what he wants; when he wants it ( we see this in other cultures that still exist and to some extent the gangs of our inner cities ).

    By not relinquishing this inner strength; one of 2 scenarios also always happens - neither one do I care to enter

  23. This is a great blog. Having that out of the way maybe I can help answer a question here.
    Where are our new founding fathers--In Washington, as dismaying as it may be that is what has occurred. While wringing our hands about what to do, and how to do it the country was killed. If you do not believe me look around, get out of your car and look around. Where are the jobs, rights, rule of law, leaders who lead us not to a cliff, banks that do other than lie and get paid for it. Where is the will to secure our nation? We have lost the greatest nation on earth, through ignorance and laziness.
    Would anyone like to start a new one?

  24. 12:44 Man, in his purest form, is a lawless animal. It is our laws that enslave us and turn us into mad, caged gorillas. The "enlightened" founding fathers merely perpetuated a legal system handed down to them from the English and before them the romans, and so on. If the US ssystem were so perfect then we wouldn't have become the worlds biggest bully and thief from the get go. It is no secret in fact that religious doctrine was a convenient excuse for theft and control as well. And so the indoctrination/brainwashing continues...


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