
Monday, June 21, 2010

New Jersey Collapse: Tax The Rich or Cut Services To The Elderly?

 New Jersey politicians are due to battle on Monday over whether to slap a tax on millionaires or cut services for low-income senior citizens and the disabled.

The clash in the state legislature is part of a wider battle over how to erase a $10.7 billion budget deficit and is emblematic of the decisions facing states across America whose budget deficits have soared during the recession.

Democrats want to re-impose a one-year tax on millionaires that has been vetoed by Republican Governor Chris Christie. The 10.75 percent tax on income above $1 million would hit 16,000 people, some of them likely to work as financial professionals just across the Hudson River in New York.
More Here..

Illinois Collapse: 8 Dead 52 Shot In Chicago, on Weekend!
More Here.


  1. Is EA located in New Jersey?

    A 10.75% percent tax on his earnings from this blog would nearly close the state's deficit...

    (Just kidding- please hit the bitton above and contribute to keep this blog from 'closing')

  2. In Hamilton county, In. I paid 4.4% state and county income tax on $700K a year. Florida has no state income tax and the sales tax is the same. Guess where I moved to? Today you can live and work anywhere.

  3. You sure can

    maybe you can take some of that seven hundred grand a year and rent a tar ball picker upper
    for your oilfront property

  4. To Whom It May ConcernJune 21, 2010 at 6:57 PM

    There appears to be a lot more oil in the gulf
    than could possibly come from even the most
    wildest outlandish 500,000 barrel/day figure from the Macondo well for 63 days.

    Warning! The following image is over 10 megabytes.

    Also, several weeks ago someone on the internet posted pictures of what looked like massive amounts of red oil in a New Jersey Bay.

    That would indicate some kind of giant leak that started long before April 20th, 2010.

    Perhaps January or even December of 2009?

    Could the rumours of a much larger catastrophe occuring prior to Macondo be true?
    Could it be true they blew Macondo to try and help explain the real problem?

    Even my most conservative estimates come out at 1000's of entire Exxon Valdez tankers full of oil to make that image.

    Is something far more disturbing going on in the gulf than we know?

    Look at the bizarre weather patterns over the entire united states caused by this oil leak,
    and the weird dotted clouds that seem unnatural.

  5. That 10 mg pic is pretty worthless without context. What exactly am I suppose to be looking for. I see no red spill in that image. Meh

  6. What does gun violence/gang shootings over the weekend have to do with Collapse? You make it sound like Illinois is imminently collapsing this very moment. Come on, lets try to be a little more measured with the news.

  7. people of the usa I,m going to tell you something you will not like .The oil spill is a deception it does,nt really exist like the 9/11 world trade center bombing was a deception to start war with iraq/afganistan .the oil gushing from the well that you see on tv and internet is filmed in a studio kind of like the fake moon landings to deceive the world and thus more funding for Nasa through excessive patriotism and support from deceived americans .FAA flight restrictions over gulf of Mexico ,news media banned from covering stories along gulf coast ,scientist told to stay hush hush .Now they are saying that there is methane gas everywhere along the gulf coast ,oh ok let me send a real scientist to confirm this the oil rig you see on fire is footage of another rig that caught on fire ,the oil you see along coast is there but it was releast to give the illusion of major spill but this is just a precursor to call a mass evacuation along the gulf coast in the name of methane gas posioning to humans then they will send you to fema camps to gas you with methane gas then all those fema coffins you see on youtube can be put to use .You dumb americans are being decieved .When the UN comes to do autapsies on the millions of depopulated bodies in those fema coffin they will tell the whole world that they died of methane gas poisoning and the world will buy this deceptive story just like 9/11 and the moon landing

  8. 6:22 Gerald Celente: when people have nothing to lose, they “lose it. Thats part of a COLLAPSE. Please do some research before you spout stupid comments!

  9. give up non of this will ever happen!!!

  10. Go ahead.

    Tax the rich.

    It won't work.

    It's very simple - when you increase taxes, on any group of people, they lose incentive to be productive, make investments, and create jobs. Sure you may be taking a bigger piece of the pie, but in doing so, the pie gets smaller.

    The bottom line is that A LOT of promises that have been made to people (e.g., in the form of salaries/pensions (both public and private), Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) that are mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to keep.

    In the "near" future (probably by the end of this decade), you will see a huge reduction of governmental expenditures - at all levels - as measured in today's dollars.

    There are two ways to do this: cut spending or inflate the heck out of the dollar.

    It's coming - one way or the other.

  11. "6:22 Gerald Celente: when people have nothing to lose, they “lose it. Thats part of a COLLAPSE. Please do some research before you spout stupid comments!"

    There is no reason to be rude. I am sure I have done far more research than you have. My point was that gang violence is not directly related if it was ALREADY a problem. Again the insinuation is that it reveals how the state is in imminent collapse. American culture has been "collapsing" for a long time. Dont be a jerk-off and assume people are unaware because you ignorantly disagree with something.

  12. 7:57, bud, it already has been happening and is now in full acceleration. The only way you could still be blind or in denial is if you live under a rock.

    I am not too sure what you look at that shows everything being normal or the same. The television or people on myspace perhaps? Look at things in real life, television and myspace are an unreality.


    I have noticed people becoming more edgy and violent which is abnormal where I live. Two years ago where I live people were so calm compared to the cities, now they seem to be losing their nerves and look terribly depressed. However I don't think an incident of shooting would be anymore significant to anything. Though robberies and home invasions are on the rise, now being commited by otherwise non-criminals.

    There was the case where that college girl attacked the lady working at the store with a pipe or something like that. Even though most college students are drunken losers, it still makes me wonder if the girl was desperate enough due to her tuition debt.

  13. 11:22 in bad times people break down sooner...Weird thing is that things really aren't that bad here in the US...YET.

    I mean there's hunger, anger and violence but can we compare it to other countries?

    Problem is Americans slowly kill themselves and don't prepare till it's too late...Case in point...Food/commodities getting expensive...Containers and servings getting smaller...Money worthless yet people refuse to believe anything bad is happening.

    Few hoard and prep or try to stay healthy for the long run...Seems that when they lose their jobs they try as hard as they can to maintain their lifestyle.

    WON'T give up the cable/expensive foods/unnecessary travel/clothes buying/gift giving etc etc till there is NOTHING left...THEN it's panic time.

    At this point we're screwed...There is NO turning back numerically/mathematically/scietifically we have gone beyond the threshold and now we wait for the collapse...All it takes is a bank run...A small attack...When confidence is lost in the dollar we're f*cked.

    Part of me wants it to start fresh in a couple of years...The other part of me is spooked...No matter how well prepared I am it won't matter in the long term...Just means I might be the best fed cadaver...Not super religious but God help us all and pass the bullets.

  14. I do wonder if this oil spill is a hoax. Is there anybody who lives along the coast verify that oil is really washing up on the coast like they show on the news. I find it strange that BP has the power to keep media out. They are just an oil company. I lived along the coast of texas before. Tar balls on the beach is nothing new. Just our governments way of passing cap and trade. Kinda strange how just 2 weeks before this so called accident that Obama said he was going to expand offshore oil exploration. How convenient for this to happen. I figure something was up then so all of this comes as no surprised.

  15. 7:00 am it's all a lie.
    Come down to Sunny Coastal Louisiana and enjoy some delicious Oysters fresh from the bay!

    It's all a lie, a big propaganda show. It's not really happening.

    You can relax and go back to your filthy sinful lifestyle you thought would go on forever unpunished!


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