Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Orleans Strip Club Files For BP Compensation

  • BP receives 64,000 compo claims
  • Most from Gulf fishing industry

AN unlikely company has filed a claim for compensation regarding the disaster - a New Orleans strip club.

The owners of The Mimosa Dancing Girls, located on the edge of New Orleans, claimed that the spill was bad for business as the fishermen who usually frequented the club cannot afford to spend money there, British newspaper The Observer reported.
BP announced yesterday that it had already received 64,000 compensation claims, adding that it already paid $104 million to residents along the US Gulf Coast.
Most of the 1500 claims the energy giant handles each day were said to be from those involved in the fishing industry, as a fishing ban prohibits them from working.
But according to The Observer, officials at BP's New Orleans claims centre said the bulk of claimants were no longer fishermen.


  1. Absolutely! Loss of revenue due to the negligence (well, actually the deliberate actions) of BP. Sue, sue, sue BP to death.

  2. Yes, even strip clubs affected. Are they trying to turn this into a moral issue? I hope not, because we all know who has the least morals in this disaster.

  3. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 20, 2010 at 6:13 PM

    If you have been
    Porked by BP
    Stop taking Cialis
    And call your doctor

  4. Is that one of the strippers with track marks in her arm?

    Haha! Kidding. But honestly this country can afford to lose a strip club. In fact, when the future roles around (which includes much destruction) we will have to rejuvenate the minds of men and women to fit the new foundation.

    Men will need to relearn chivalry, and women will need to regain self esteem. This way the sexual degradation of the species will cease. Women will not need to parade themselves around to feel the love they didn't get from their fathers, and men will know it is their responsibility to protect women from such degradation and not feed it.

    As far as BP, something is obscured there. Why are they being blamed? If it was on purpose it wasn't them that did it but some whacky green obsessed people or Communists that could have been instructed by Andy Stern so that they could charge in with regulations, and push Cap and Trade. Nobody destroys their own business like that when it is a successful one.

  5. BP lies u die.
    if u sue BP to death, the taxpayers will pick the cleaning cost. it a double edge sword.

  6. I am surprised that the strip clubs are doing poorly, I figured with all the politicians in the area, mugging for the cameras and pretending to care, the strip clubs would be booming.

  7. The MSM is now pimping the relief wells effort. Sadly, this will do NOTHING to stop or even slow the continuing damage. Do the research. Like poking pin holes in a garden hose. Plus they'll probably screw up the relief wells also and make a horrible situation even worse.

    You see, the only thing BP is stressed about is all the oil floating away. They want to capture and profit from it. They don't give a shit about the Gulf environmental damage at all.

    The relief well projects are not being done to stop the continual damage. It is so BP can get their hands on some of that oil, that slipping through their greedy fingers.

    It is lucky for the corporations directly under the Oligarch's control that America is a nation of deluded zombies that won't get up off the couch, let alone be concerned at all.

  8. I was wondering if that Erin Brockovich had some things to say. Apparently she does. She doesn't pussy foot around about it, I'll give her that.

  9. This whole Oilcano situation was planned and executed. None of this was an accident. About as much an accident as buildings being demolished and disappearing planes.

    The end result has already been determined. We won't know exactly what the Oligarch Bankers that own the Fed are up to this time. My guess is they are growing impatient that the giant elephant, the US economy, refuses to die off as fast as they'd like.

    Their short term goal is the destruction of all current Fiat Currencies and installation of the Bank of the World. Nothing better than a 'natural' disaster or war that claims many lives and, more importantly, strikes fear in the hearts of the sheeple.

    Watch for the sock puppet in the White House to start pimping the Bank of the World as the solution to all our problems. All nations need to work together under the IMF, CFR, and UN ... you know the drill .... same ol' story.

    Problem - Reaction - Solution is their calling card.

  10. It's the strip clubs that are most worrisome because they are what truly lubricate the economy. They and crack whorehouses, especially the ones that double as Mc Donald's and the corner pharmacies.

  11. 4:04 Please, come up with something new and original. Please.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Yes, even strip clubs affected. Are they trying to turn this into a moral issue?
    I hope not, because we all know who has the least morals
    in this disaster.
    Right on! ..
    And the winner of this morality contest is spelt


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