Monday, June 21, 2010

North Carolina: Man Finds Oil In Restaurant Oyster

CORNELIUS, NC (WBTV) - A man says he found oil inside his oysters while eating at local restaurant.
Matthew Robertson is  fascinated at that thought that an oyster from the Gulf Coast made it to his plate soaked in oil.
"I rubbed it on my napkin and I said hey Dad look, there's oil on my oysters," said Matthew Robertson, a customer.
He was so surprised at what he found, he kept one of the oysters to show our cameras. WBTV reporter Sarah Batista noticed there was a black substance stuck to the inside.
"That is definite tar, that is not on oysters, "said Robertson.
Robertson says he noticed the oil when he went to dinner at Vinnie's Raw Bar in Lake Norman Saturday evening.
The first few oysters he ate were fine, but then he noticed something unusual.
"After I ate about four of them, I started looking at my hands and I'm like what is this stuff on my hands," said Robertson.
Roy Hall, manager of Vinnie's, admits the substance appeared to be oil.  The find surprised him too.
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  1. Where is the lawsuit? Culturally we have a long road back. This guy doesn't have the good sense to be embarrassed he ate the food. What if it was a dog turd? Again, no personal responsibility, not even for what we put in our mouths...

  2. This is the time to be vigilant! Keep a close eye on this group of Gangsters…while we’re distracted by the BP/Oil Disaster keep an eye on the Congress/Senate Critter in the District of Criminals…they’ll pass everything they can while we’re not looking. This is the Chicago Shell Game…

    Americans Be Vigilant!

    PS-Also called your State Congress/Senate Critters for an investigation of BP/Feds. I realize nothing may happen but we have nothing to lose but our country!

  3. I live in Hartford, Connecticut. I bought a lobster the other day. When I got it home and took it out of the bag, I noticed bubbles, like dishwashing liquid.

    I wonder if the fisherman are washing off their catches.

  4. I think BP deserves criticism, but not vindictive criticism. What they are guilty of is being penny-wise and pound-foolish, when they elected not to pay for better backup controls. It's true we're all paying the price, but let's give BP credit for forking over $20B without a lawsuit.

    And let's look at ourselves and the ho's that our congressman are sometimes.

    Remember Blagojevick trying to sell Obama's seat?

  5. I won't eat anything coming out of the oceans now.

    I won't touch the ocean water.

    Rain water is suspect.

    Most of our crops will probably be poisonous this year.

    Tap water and well water are becoming suspect.

    You know what time it is.

  6. This is a new ready to heat and eat seafood line from the brilliant folks at BP & The BHO Whitehouse kitchen.

    Pre-greased seafood, endorsed by none other um um um Barack Hussien Obama. Just toss in the Wok and it is ready to stir fry with no additional oil!

    m Um Um GOOD! Never waste a crisis!

  7. So what's so surprising here folks, this stuff occurs all the time,

    I said on another blog something about all the homeless hobos with a row boat from 3 states around LA will be putting in a claim as a shrimper

  8. HELLO! I was with Matthew in the restaurant on Saturday night at Vinnie's. I can tell you now that this was meant to be a human interest story about the impact of the oilspill on all American's not just the people from the gulf coast region. There is no "lawsuit" involved and will never be! Vinnie's was very good about acknowledging the oil on the oysters and we have no problem at all with them! It was inevitable that oil would show up on the seafood at some point and it just so happened to be noticeable on our oysters. With millions of gallons of oil spewing into the gulf daily, what can we expect? It is amazing how many hateful comments have been posted when all we were doing was informing Americans of the far reaching impact of this diseaster. Nothing more!

  9. 2:40 I don't think the public is mad at the restaurant, thats for sure! I suggest the eater submit a lawsuit to BP, or better yet these officials should be thrown in jail for an ecological disaster. China would EXECUTE THEM!

  10. look at the joint where the two halves of the shell meet that is clearly where the substance came from and the fact that it seems to have broken into peices onto his fingers and the fact that oysters are filter feeders they filter down to micron size particles if it were in the animal itself the animal would most likely be discolored and dead remember oysters generaly are found near inland areas and lots of detritus or broken down organic material is captured around the shell of the animal I've seen lots of that gunk having spent my life on the gulf coast Im not convinced that was oil. and most of the oystermen in the panhandle of florida to louisiana are kicking back and getting paid by BP to do nothing right now. we cant get oysters from anywhere closer than Galveston Bay Tx. right now.Im skeptical.


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