
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oil Gusher and Global Financial Meltdown: Each Mirrors The Other

The explosion of Deepwater Horizon and the collapse of Lehman Brothers share similar characteristics of risk, denial and coverup.
My good friend G.F.B. recently observed that the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe uncannily mirrors the global financial meltdown that was triggered by the September, 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers.
G.F.B. suggested that the Deepwater Horizon fiasco mirrored the global financial meltdown, almost as if it were a physical manifestation of the same hubris, denial of risk, manipulation and misinformation which collapsed the global financial house of cards.

How? Consider:
1. The extreme levels of inherent risk in each system were downplayed/misunderstood by those responsible for their management.
2. The unprecedented risk intrinsic to each system was masked by facsimiles of regulation and specialized expertise.
3. The initial warning signs were dismissed, downplayed or ignored.
4. Each system was on the outer edge of human engineering (mechanical and financial) but was treated by regulators and managers as entirely standard.
5. Once the system collapsed, nobody knew how to fix it.
6. As the full extent of the damage became apparent, those responsible sought to mask the true extent pf the damage.
7. The mainstream media and elected officials unskeptically accepted prevarications, mis-statements, misinformation and manufactured facades as representations of the truth.
8. As the true extent of the damage, distortion/manipulation and failure of responsible authorities became undeniable, public confidence in government, regulatory agencies and the market irrevocably eroded.
Here is a chart of the market with my notes. This basic pattern applies to Deepwater Horizon as well, only on a much shorter timescale.

Didn't anyone notice that it is the height of insanity to be drilling down 18,000 feet down into a seabed which is 5,000 below the surface of the sea?

More Here..


  1. BP will file for bankruptcy by 9/11/10

  2. "Didn't anyone notice that it is the height of insanity to be drilling down 18,000 feet down into a seabed which is 5,000 below the surface of the sea?"

    Not when the plan was failure all along.

    You are BP. You are given a license to do anything you want and if you screw up, you are only liable for 75 million dollars in damages.

    That is peanuts. So, you go for it without regard for risk because you are covered. If you screw up - or if someone plants C-4 on your platform - what is the worst thing that can happen to YOU?

    Well, the worst that can happen is 100s of billions in profits. YOU are an oil company after all. YOU don't give a shit about anything but profits.

    In the 90s, Shell Oil paid out hush money in Nigeria in the millions to hide the fact that they had tribes slaughtered to make room for their drilling.

    YOU have no moral boundaries. YOU are a lot like the corporation otherwise known as the USA. Death, destruction, genocide, who cares! It is all about PROFIT.

    No company makes money as easy and without any risk as BP and the other military-industrial complex croonies.

  3. Make no mistake this is an attack by the NWO profiteers.

    Nothing short of cleaning up after a staged nuke attack could make this amount of profit and grant so much power to the Oligarchs than this 'accident.'

    There will be no fix for a long, long time. It COULD be fixed within a week if they sincerely wanted to fix it. They don't.

  4. Just as the economic collapse has been engineered so has this oil disaster. The same elite families are benefiting in both cases.

    The greatest transfer of wealth that has ever happened is only months away.

  5. It is incredible that sheeple could believe when trillions of dollars are involved that there are not controllers meeting behind closed doors planning strategies on how to benefit from the clandestine criminal scamming.

    Conspiracy fact, not theory.

    When there are billions and trillions on the line they are making sure you get nothing and they get it all.

    As George Carlin so apply put it, "It's a big club, and you and I are not in it."

  6. I noticed in the new Castrol Oil commercials they removed the BP logo in the ad.

    Boycott BP, Castrol, AM/PM markets

  7. Now ain't that sumpin'June 10, 2010 at 10:29 AM

    EA, did you see the Jackson Games Illuminati playing card from 1996 called 'Oil Catastrophe' ?

  8. Perhaps I'm a bit slow this morning, but I fail to see the profitability of this disaster. BP lost half of it's market value yesterday. Stock prices are falling like rain. BP will likely go BK by years-end.

    I do see some bastard banksters buying up Gulf Coast properties for pennies on the dollar as people are forced to evacuate the area.

    Perhaps a second cup of coffee will help...

  9. In the corp games, BP is expendable. They are simply setting up dozens of corps for the cleanup, controlled and owned by the same criminals. BP is just window dressing. There is a cool trillion in profits waiting to be made.

    Now they need another 'war' or distraction to cover their tracks.

  10. Problem Reaction Solution

    Who really cares about BP? Queen Beatrix as well as Queen Eliz own most of BP, best thing I have heard if they go bankrupt, though you can be sure the big stock owners will not be hurt, just the pensioners and little guys.

    It's all by design...

  11. Who exactly is getting benefit by this?

    Not BP...

  12. the us govt benefits by getting an evacuation, they get to try out their fema consentration camps built by haliburton

  13. The kiddies definitely won't be partying in Panama City or Cancun come next March.

    Don't count BP out yet, they aren't getting killed on the cleanup like some simpletons may believe. WE will be paying to all of that, not them. To the tune of TRILLIONS.


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