
Friday, June 18, 2010

Oil Spill Solution? $7 A Gallon "Global Warming" Gas Price

President Obama has a solution to the Gulf oil spill: $7-a-gallon gas.
That's a Harvard University study's estimate of the per-gallon price of the president's global-warming agenda. And Obama made clear this week that this agenda is a part of his plan for addressing the Gulf mess.
So what does global-warming legislation have to do with the oil spill?
Good question, because such measures wouldn't do a thing to clean up the oil or fix the problems that led to the leak.
The answer can be found in Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's now-famous words, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste -- and what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
That sure was true of global-warming policy, and especially the cap-and-trade bill. Many observers thought the measure, introduced last year in the House by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), was dead: The American people didn't seem to think that the so-called global-warming crisis justified a price-hiking, job-killing, economy-crushing redesign of our energy supply amid a fragile recovery. Passing another major piece of legislation, one every bit as unpopular as ObamaCare, appeared unlikely in an election year.

Read more: Here..


  1. It shows EA is a stand up guy to even allow the above 1:19 shill/troll post.

    1:19 you bonehead. Ask ANYONE who runs a blog like this if they make more money than they would working at McDonalds and they'll tell you NO. Of course, you already know all of this.

    Do you think anyone wanting real information here is going to give a shit what EA makes? Do you think about what the lying talking head on your boob tube makes? Or what the author of an MSM crap article made?

    My friend ran a 9/11 blog for five years, had millions of hits and lived in a studio apt and rode a bus.

    Give it a rest. Grow some dignity and scamper away.

  2. Ahh, I do love a moderated blog, mmmm yes I do!

    As for the topic, I have been itching to get a 500+ HP car for a while, but have changed my mind.

    Maybe a Honda Insight. 45-50 mph will look really good next year when gas prices hit an all time high. Plus I can always sell the car at a huge premium.

    Think about how expensive it is going to be to get from A to B when gas is $7-$10 dollars a gallon.

  3. I guess I have to moderate this blog again since a certain individual is attacking me again, for whatever insane reason!

  4. i love this website
    148 its some kid whos an A$$ HOLE
    i keep trying to post at max kieser
    but the dum broad wont let me post
    thats why i dont even bother listening to taht idiot

    1 48 thier are plenty of blogs this is the only one that lets an idiot like you post
    so shut up
    or go on your way
    i hope this guy makes millions

  5. The truth messenger is always attacked, that is the way it always has been and always shall be.

    Truth is poison to TBTB and they must embrace every dirty tactic to try and suppress it.

    There is honor and dignity in telling the truth, but that is about where it ends. The sheeple always want to hear what comforts them.

    If EA wanted to make money, this surely is not the correct venue! HAHAHA Have to laugh at that statement because it is so true and obvious. No one showers people with money for telling the truth because the truth is at most times painful and disturbing.

    EA - if you want to make money start an online religion and talk about a loving man in the sky or how to get rich with nothing down real estate.

    What does the truth of this blog accomplish for the 2% of the populace that can absorb it and understand? It allows you to prepare for the economic tsunami that is coming. Any preparation is better than none.

  6. The deleted post had nothing to do with "how to make the world better." It was a personal attack on EA. 1:46 why don't you start your own blog so we can post insults aimed at you.
    Oh, and don't take any donations or advertising.
    We're waiting..

  7. There will only be one period of time where EA MAY make some money and that is AFTER SHTF. The sheeple will be running to and fro looking for advice and help. They can and will be doing a lot of clicking in the Blog Archive.

    Since hits will increase a thousand fold, who knows, it might pay off. Hopefully so!

  8. EA rocking out with his car:

    Sorry, EA, we love you, but EVERYONE is entitled to some friendly ribbing now and then. All in good fun.

  9. I can't wait for November. Hopefully by then, this country will have come to its senses and vote someone in for their content of character and not by the color of their skin. Race is so up in our face that we can't see the forest for the trees. Baraq Hussein Obama. Case in point.

  10. 2:28

    I agree with you about change...but don’t bet on it. There's a great "FALSE FLAG" event coming our way which will suspend/cancel all elections by Martial Law and we'll be stuck with all the "endoplasmic reticulum" we already have in DC! Obozo’s numbers are dropping like a rock and the only way Kissinger and Brzezinski and prop them up is war. This is so apparent even kids in high school are talking about it…Mom & Dad is our Government really going to start a war with Iran just to Jack Obozo’s poll numbers? We talked about it in Civics and History today.

    William Perry

  11. EA is NOT making $$ with this blog. He IS providing us a valuable forum with articles for us to review and decide if they have merit. Many times, articles appear here with truthful statements (i.e. methane rising from B.P.'s well) long before they appear in the mainstream news. Thank you again, E.A.

  12. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 18, 2010 at 6:03 PM

    We wubs u

  13. I knew this pump price rise would come.

    It's already confirmed that global warming is not real. With in mind, I still believe we need to move away from driving gas hogs.

    I have been out of work for nearly two years. I've got lots of experience as a machinist and metal worker. I would be pleased as punch to work with a bunch of other unemployed professionals and develop a "city car".

    I have a PO Box that I visit 6 times a week. Add to that visits to the grocery store, bank, home improvement store and such, but for the most part, my driving is always just a few miles from home, 15 miles max.

    It would be nice to have a 1-2 person City Car that gets 150+ MPG with a top speed of 35, after all, it's a City Car!

    The frame could be aluminum or titanium or carbon fiber. I have carbon fiber ice skates. A hockey puck can hit those skates at 100+ MPH and deflect it without hurting the foot.

    Bicycles have disk breaks these days, so can a City Car. Remember the old VW "Thing". Removable doors and top. Same idea for a City Car. Keep the weight under 300 pounds, 200 would be much better.

    I visit this blog multiple times a day. I know we are in for tough times ahead. Most days I have little to do but think of ways to make things better, not worse.

  14. oilcano=gas tax+cap & trade

    Sheeple, that's whats really happening, after all, man made global warming is real because of the hockey stick, al gore and cows farting.

    Stop exhaling CO2! Your destroying the world!

  15. Come on, idiots, the price was going to rise eventually anyway. It's an infinite resource that is running dry regardless of what these abiotic freaks say. The days of cheap oil are over, It's an expensive endeavor for here on out. Abiotic believers, or Peak Oil deniers, are freakish Glenn Beck supporters.

  16. in general EA this is a good blog /yes im a lurker learning all aspects of everything i can get ahold of /TPTB want a population reduction /
    almost everything that is presented as reality is a patended fiction that is designed to mislead all / fed reserve /central banks in most countries are doing their damdest to create situations that make the sheeple demand reform that consolidates their power and ability to implement global government / most people i see everyday are absolutely unable to think for themselves / the end is near as far as the world as we know it /
    I see 10 $ gas and world famine from a variety of depletion of liquid fuels i hope and pray to god im wrong

  17. Destroy environment through oil spill, get sheople to back "green"...

    Embrace Green Energy

  18. $7.00 a gallon is better than getting drafted for Iraq war.

    $7.00 a gallon is an incentive to lower consumption of everything.

  19. yes lower consumption, don't have less kids, but lower consumption, yer so smart. yer a genius.

  20. 6:59,

    You make a valid point. However, prices should be stepped up rather than doubled overnight.

    I've made the point repeatedly on this blog about the viability of electric cars.

    The World uses 70% of all oil produced just to run land vehicles. This is incredibly RETARDED. Another 10% is used to run airliners; okay, maybe that's not so easy to stop.

    Few people need a vehicle that has a range over 75 miles, which is well within the duty scope of electric vehicles.

    If you need to go out of town, take an electric train, or failing that, rent a gas car for the task until such time an appropriate electric form of transportation is made available.

    As for people who commute more than 75 miles a day, you need to MOVE your residence CLOSER to where you work.

    Why is this so damn difficult for the population to get?

    For those of you who have had enough of Big Oil with respect to transportation, go here:


    Everything is there to help you get started, especially you backyard mechanics. (Out of work and have a little capital? Why not start a business converting gas cars to electric? It's the next BIG thing.)

    P.S. For those of you who live in cold climates, the solution is to live within 10 miles from where you work. It is easy to convert an gas car to electric that will do the job and keep you warm all the way. What's more, you don't have to use lead acid batteries that lose anywhere from 40 to 50% of their efficiency in such environments either.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.