
Saturday, June 12, 2010

PONZI Finance Recipe for Economic Catastrophe, Gold Not a Bubble

No amount of PONZI finance or money printing will rescue the Western world from its immorality masquerading as morality.  SOCIALISM is IMMORAL and that is why it always FALLS into BANKRUPTCY.  As Margaret Thatcher once said:“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY”    - Margaret Thatcher 

Of course they now have.  The idea that asset values (malinvestments) or economies are going to resume growth or achieve pre-2008 levels is FALSE.  Extend and pretend is DEAD, political lies are being exposed for what they are: Deception of the dumbest among us who swallow them hook, line and sinker and who then place their trust in government to solve problems they themselves should be solving.  Let’s look back at a chart of the percentage of GDP the West’s social welfare states CONSUME and then MISALLOCATE to the unproductive and crony capitalist elites:


Simple math tells you that if budget deficits approach 10% of GDP these freeloaders, socialist redistributionists and misallocations of capital must cut government spending by 20% to restore ANY CHANCE for a private-sector recovery.  FAT chance; but even a reduction of 1/3rd of that will bankrupt many of the crony capitalists and their LENDERS. 

Instead they are implementing another power grab in the name of reform and believe that when it comes to spending they only know one word: MORE.  The more public serpents and elites try to preserve the absurd in the name of JUSTICE and FAIRNESS, the farther recovery becomes the horizon.  
Authors note:  The world is AWASH on a sea of FIAT currency and credit creation.  The only places where there is no cash are (1) welfare-state government coffers, as economic activity collapses tax receipts, and (2) on the balance sheet of the largest players in the financial system who are choking on the toxic assets they themselves created and borrowed money to buy.

At no time in history have assets -- stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. (malinvestments inflated by cheap credit) been more MISPRICED, and since the value of fiat currency as a unit of exchange is unknowable (not measured in GOLD or silver), prices are set to REPRICE and create VOLATILITY rarely seen in history -- other than previous “CURRENCY EXTINCTION” events such as Argentina, Weimar Germany and unfolding in VENEZUELA right now.  Volatility is exploding and set to increase, creating HUGE opportunities as these markets zoom up and down.  Learn how to fix your paper currencies and diversify into absolute return alternative investments with the potential to thrive in UP and down markets!

More Here..Long Read


  1. There's tungsten bars in Fort Flocks.

  2. Everything is a bubble these days. If it looks like a bubble, smells like a bubble.....then it's a bubble.

    Gold is most definitely a bubble.....a purposeful one. Those who consider a safe haven to the stock market are in for a rude awakening when they soon realize that they can't eat it.

    Gold is being hyped because those in it right now want buyers in order to liquidate their tremendous gains realized during the bubble. It's a sure sign the gold bubble is going to bust.

  3. The good news is that it's the weekend

    Nothing will happen

    Because it's the weekend

    Monday; all bets are off !

  4. 4:58 thats only in your dreams. No gold bubble, the next few weeks will prove that. The only bubble is FIAT MONEY. People like you will be broke and starving, I'll see you pushing the cart.

  5. Gold and silver are a joke. It will never be allowed to rise to the value it should. They will probably never confiscate it becuase it is kept low forever and it's not worth taking it back from the 2% of those that actually have physical

  6. I can't even take the anti-gold shills as anything more than pure comedy.

  7. 17 Reasons to Own Gold:

  8. 4:56 here is a preparation site for you:

  9. 11:01

    Sorry; But history proves you very, very wrong

  10. 11:01 You say that "Gold and silver are a joke." amazing that thru history gold and silver have been money far longer then fiat paper money like US Dollars that are really Federal Reserve Notes of Debt.

    So Gold and Silver are real money and "Fiat US Dollars are a joke". Too bad the jokes is on all Americans and others who hold US Dollars.

  11. let the shills spew their bitterness. when the dollar gets replaced by the "new dollar" and they can only get $10 new dollars for every $100 old dollars then we'll see who was right all along.

    this is the best time to buy silver,in two years, you'll be lucky to get it at $60 usd . there's been a lot of talk mostly under the radar about the new dollar or Amero being backed by silver and or gold.

    listen to this interview by Jim Rickards.

    buy your PM now because those in the stock and paper market will get wiped out and will be forced to liquidate their assets at great losses.


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