
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Texas Completely Falling Apart: 18 Billion Needed Just To Break Even!

Faced with city, state and national campaigns to get people to accept more cuts in our living standards, the crowd was ready to dig in their heels.
Here in Dallas, a $130 million budget shortfall has brought proposals of closing more libraries and swimming pools while laying-off hundreds of skilled city workers. But, it hasn't stopped city-subsidized construction on a new "designer" bridge across the Trinity River. The city does plan to convert the old bridge into a park. Another big park is under construction in the arts district, near the new symphony hall.
The State of Texas says they need $18 billion to break even in the legislative session that begins in January. Their proposals, so far, are to introduce more gambling and to crowd public school students into classrooms. The Texas AFL-CIO has demanded that they start spending the state's "Rainy Day Fund" before starting layoffs, but the Republican governor and top state politicians are not responding.
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In Gulf Oil Spill 'war,' Cleanup Foot Soldiers Threaten Mutiny

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Halliburton Buys Oil Clean Up Company just 10 days before spill.

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  1. The States collapsing is like a train wreck in slow motion. The old saying is that everything is bigger in Texas does that mean they will surpass California in debt?

  2. the gulf article
    im in construction my uenployement has been cut off

    they play with people in washington
    and dont give a Shet
    i cant beleive they havnt started rioting
    and formed militia groups

    to attack bp im actually in shock they dont drag these guys down to the ocean and throw them in

    hey gulf youll all be dead anyway your food your air
    and your water is destroyed

    and these were the proud south
    cant beleive we didnt whip you at first and second mannases

    the southerners haved turned into sheep lazy
    and stupid .im starting to think they deserve it.

    im just saying im looking at the clock
    wondering when the south will rise again.

    and stop sucking thier thumb.
    saying sorry masta

  3. Texas Completely Falling Apart...really? Wow, that is news to me. One would think you would have some kind of example or piece of evidence to substantiate such wild claims besides some poor people holding a rally in Dallas.

  4. Ha!
    that's a friggin' hoot man!
    Skilled city workers indeed !
    Your a regular riot !
    try $35/hr ignoramus that won't do anything more than absolutly neccesary and cannot be fired -

    Can sure as hell be laid right the hell off though !

    See ya fatso ! Skilled city workers - gimme a break

  5. The State of Texas will be lost like a ball in tall grass when it comes time to prepare the biannual budget beginning in Jan 2011. The state legislators will get bog down the entire six month. Gov Perry will call a special session after Jun 2011 for another 30 days follow by another 30 day special session in order to create the budget. This time around, Christians will gladly accept state wide gambling with casinos at horse track and on indian reservation. This will be a last minute stop gap effort to continue to rob Texans who will flock to the newly created casino in there area. Do not fall for this bull shit you sheeple Texans

  6. 607
    you mean like the the news on uenployment march in dc
    or how about them marching everyday in france
    i think today it was a million

    you mean like the news thats not shown

    like the general that called obama an idiot
    then was fired and said he made a mistake

    i just wonder which general will someday
    just call martial law drop congress and arrest the president

    ask the romans what happends next
    our govermnet has gone mad and have left us to die look at the gulf infact go swimming thier
    and take big gulps of water

    you live in your own world my friend
    we have destroyed ourselves
    its sad ,oh well anoter empire in the toilet

  7. I especially like the statement "crowd public school students into classrooms". Blatant scare tactics. Every school in the system has more teachers then they have classrooms. The modern version of featherbedding in every school system. Fire the excess teachers and it won't make a difference to the number of students in the classes. Balance the budget don't increase taxes.

  8. GW! We still blaming GW? Haven't you heard? ZeroBama is in charge and he is using the crisis to pay off his supporters and buy more. Wake up before it's all gone. ZeroBama is anti-American and intends to destroy our country. We would all be better off if he was just the corrupt Chicago thug we all thought he was instead of a Manchurian candidate.


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