Saturday, June 19, 2010

"We Are On The Verge Of System Failure"

Arnella Sims has seen a lot in her 34 years as a Los Angeles County court reporter, but nothing like this.
Case files piling up by the thousands, phones ringing off the hook, forced midweek courthouse closings and occasional brawls as frustrated citizens queue for hours to pay parking fines.
“People think we’re becoming a Third World country,” said Ms. Sims, 55. “They don’t understand.”
It’s a story that’s being repeated all across California – and throughout the United States – as cash-strapped state and local governments grapple with collapsed tax revenues and swelling budget gaps. Mass layoffs, slashed health and welfare services, closed parks, crumbling superhighways and ever-larger public school class sizes are all part of the new normal.
California’s fiscal hole is now so large that the state would have to liberate 168,000 prison inmates and permanently shutter 240 university and community college campuses to balance its budget in the fiscal year that begins July 1.
Think of California as Greece on the Pacific: bankrupt and desperately needing a bailout.
“We are on the verge of system failure,” warned Jean Ross, executive director of the California Budget Project, an independent think tank based in Sacramento. None of this would matter much to anyone outside the not-so-Golden State except that California’s budget crisis is a harbinger of a grim dilemma that all Americans will soon confront. The country has built an elaborate and costly government machine, tied to a regressive tax system that can’t generate enough revenue to pay for it all.





  2. How about this gem from the article:

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger complained that the state’s broken budget process has left him facing a “Sophie’s Choice.”

    What an ironic statement considering Arnold's a Nazi Scumbag.

    The Masses are going to rip all those with stolen wealth limb from limb, and let's face it, if you have wealth, it's has nothing to do with how well you've planned.

    Those with wealth will in all likelihood meet the same fate that Mussolini did in Italy. The Oligarchs and their sycophantic Technocrats better run for the hills when this thing has unraveled.

    There Will Be Blood.

  3. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

    Google it!!! Websites and Videos of the SECOND Set of Books - WHERE THE REAL MONEY is for the States and every other incorporated entity!!!

    The Budget is a facade of where the insiders - your elected officials (state, city and educational boards) invest YOUR money as their personal slush funds for those EXECUTIVE-Only Retirements packages!!! Look for assets, revenue and do not be fooled by falling economy, the return on these assets could FULLY FUND the city and states without raising taxes or losing public services.
    Good luck to everyone as they intentional collapse our society and degrade our culture for their power play of total control...and look up the sky will be falling soon too!

    Even a blind man can see what is occurring...
    Si vis pacem, para bellum


  5. 924

    the shellgame is to fool the masses and they are
    fools these white shoe harvard boys

    are taught how to lie but really its not lieing its repreasenting!!

    use big words

    last time in my union 12 trustes where let go good men
    outside union guy comes in the new suits
    says they were not doing thier job madoff lost the money and the trust indanger

    when asked why he didnt know
    infact he didnt know anything

    they fired the 12 guys because they new and where a threat

    how long before complete collapse aweek a month 5years

    its coming and theyll be no retirement for anyone

    but the sheep will wake up and get thier room at a fema camp 3 squares and a cot
    and some antidepreasents
    and thier own obama doll
    with a pull string

    clean energy! pulll nwo good, pull im your new daddy!

  6. I used to be the biggest Arnold fan on the planet. But even I finally had to agree with the likes of 9:04. The guy is a scumbag who looks up to the elite with great favor.

    Arnold is a great success story and that is very admirable in many ways, but just 99% of our elected officials, he is beholden to those that put him into office. The corporate interests.

    Edward Furlong would have made a better governor.

    In Arnold's defense, he doesn't have a printing press at his disposal so his state's budget will go down the tubes like every other state.

    I remember when Sacramento had a surplus budget the spent 13 million dollars putting marble entryways in the state buildings.

    In the words of George Carlin, "They don't give a shit about you." They don't. They only ultimately care for those that installed them in office.

  7. I really love that line that " Americans expect alot form their government"

    Fuck that shit you blowhole - the only people in this country who expect anything from Uncle Sugar are the welfare buns that have been bleeding the rest of us dry fro going on 3 generations now. California was one of the first states to merely "expand" the meaning of welfare.

    I sincerely hope the whole thing goes up in smoke - we will then see about who should really be running this country.

  8. This is 100% the fault of the state politicians who don't have the guts to balance the budget in line with revenues. They are all bought and paid for by the unions and other special interests. They should have cut staff and other expenses over a year ago and their inability to act has now created a crisis. I can't wait until Nov 2nd...

  9. Same here 11:54,

    I can't wait to see everything crumble, people who are trying to cling to this decaying life style on Earth are insane. That fearful? They're too worried they won't ever find true love or why their husbands don't pay attention to them and the men are too busy rooting for some lame ass football team because they come from their home state or watching two brain damaged idiots beat the shit out of each other's brains in the ring.

  10. “People think we’re becoming a Third World country,” said Ms. Sims, 55. “They don’t understand.”

    Oh, they understand perfectly. We ARE becoming a third world nation. It's the reason I pushed my family out of CA 2 years ago. Anyone with half a brain could see the train coming.

  11. The end is near, not just for CA but for mankind. The handwriting is on the wall, the curtain comes down in 2012.

  12. Cap the well and pay the tax for the clean up saving the future environment and profits of BP and big oil.
    You can see this is necessary .
    After all its 'peak oil" shortage time dont you know

  13. If you don't like immigrants you will have to pay an American more for the same labor.

    Either way, it will cost more.

    Might as well eliminate the middleman with single-payer healthcare.

    Also we have to liberate folks in jail for victimless crimes. It is costing too much.

  14. Heh heh...this has been a few years coming. I lived in California, and I saw the writing on the wall and got the hell out. Not that any state will be safe, but CA was going to be the first to fall and that was obvious. Even Michigan knows how to delay total meltdown a little at least.

  15. So goes California... so goes the nation.

  16. Why is the "good news"on Noahs Ark been posted above as a comment on the oil blowout???

    Noahs ark gets regularly "refound" by fundamentalists as material proof,(for doubting Thomases and skeptics) of the bible and gods interventions into the world of men.

    Its a good thing the Ark has been "found" again right now!

    Very timely indeed.

    I suggest the ark With OBAMA acting as Captain Noah be sent off to the gulf straight away, for God to save the fishes and the animals and Gods people in america,before the "ark"gets lost again.

    The "rainbow sign"and colors of gods promise
    can be seen in the BP brand by all believers as proof that god works in mysterious ways.

    The END IS NIGH but at least God is not destroying the world by water this time ,just oil ad gas ,so as usual, he has kept his promises.
    Start a canpaign to save the Gulf now ,to
    Elect Obama As a modern captain Noah!
    No birh certificate is needed as qualification for this Messiah task.

    God Bless America!


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