
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What A Coincidence! Goldman Sachs Sold 250 Million Worth Of BP Stock Before Spill

Firm's stock sale nearly twice as large as any other institution; Represented 44 percent of total BP investment
The brokerage firm that's faced the most scrutiny from regulators in the past year over the shorting of mortgage related securities seems to have had good timing when it came to something else: the stock of British oil giant BP.
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.
Others also sold stock
Other asset management firms also sold huge blocks of BP stock in the first quarter -- but their sales were a fraction of Goldman's. Wachovia, which is owned by Wells Fargo, sold 2,667,419 shares; UBS, the Swiss bank, sold 2,125,566 shares.
Wachovia and UBS also sold much larger percentages of their BP stock, at 98 percently and 97 percent respectively.
More Here..

Physics Professor: Oil leak Could Last For Years
More Here..


  1. Larry Silverstein buys a killer insurance policy on the Twin Towers and then... they are attacked and fall, earning him billions.

    Now, all these corrupt banksters with "inside information" sell off the BP stock, weeks before the collapse of the Deep Water Horizon. BP will not survive this, soon BP stock will be trading for pennies per share. The share holders will bitch and complain and lawsuits will be filed and the banksters will walk away with their billions as the Gulf waters slowly die.

  2. 424
    is anybody surprised!
    did you reallly think bush was lookin out for you
    or obama or clintons
    wonder what clinton and giethner sold out in china last week
    california ?
    buy gold the only thing the goverment cant get thier dirty little fingers on
    hope and change
    means chains and slavery
    everyday one more nail in the coffin

  3. I am 4:24

    When I saw this headline, I busted out LMASOL.

    I have not voted since Regan ran for POTUS. Of course everything is rigged!

    I am locked and loaded. There is no more time for debate and protest. If we want our country back we will have to invest in LEAD, not gold or silver!

    I have my PM's and water and food. I also have enough ammo to take out a shit load of UN troops.

    Get busy or get out of the way.

  4. what is this PM's?

  5. Amazing Coincidence! Oh wait, I stopped believing in coincidences after 911. I now believe this catastrophe was by design, to destroy our once great country.

    The oilcano could destroy North America. How does make the disinfo goons feel? Makes you happy? Your goal of destroying American may be accomplished.

  6. Seems to indicate the oil gusher was an "inside job."

  7. They probably came to the realization of what a crap company they are and how risky all of their deep oil well rig operations are. The Atlantis oil well looks to be another one that is waiting to turn into a disaster. 90% of their designs were not signed off on by engineers. Almost one year ago several congressmen signed an inquiry of concern about what was going on. No doubt they did nothing to change it.

  8. It is always good to keep in mind that it is clear to many since 9.11 that the 'offical" news is being managed.
    And not only in China.
    But not all 'freedom of speech"that conrflict with official 'science" is suppresed in the West .

    For example :The Building 7 collapes mysteries are discussed on the internet.
    Thermite exposives chips have been found and reported in the twin towers rubble.
    but dismissed in the MSM and by government as 'conspiracy theory"and after reporting it is simply ignored and not 'officialy" examined -filed and forgotten-.
    Other obviously far fetched conspiracy theories are circulated to muddy the waters on the facts.
    Panics are created annualy ,Terrorist under every bed , anthrax events .Official science is perverted as we saw with Global warming, Swine Flue and Ash clouds etc panics are regularly created from which our governments 'saves us" from immanent doomsdays.
    Like with TARP and a financial coup at Treasury to "save us" but really to save the rich!
    No real beleivable estimates of the Oil flowing into the Gulf have been made .
    They may be larger or SMALLER than claimed.
    Nobody really knows for example, if the large undersurface plumes / blobs really exist or not.
    Like the Ash clouds in Europe?
    We may yet be saved!

    All that is clear is that there is an oil blowout and that at least a MILLION gallons of toxic dispersants have been pumped and sprayed into the Gulf by BP with government help.
    To save us.
    Are these pelicans mainly being effected by the dispersants, or the oil-blowout ,or both?
    Should we take take the figures on the oil bowout with a little salt?
    Should we beleive BP figures or a semi-monarchial "patriot act" war time Government uselessly sitting on its hands because of corruption by the Oil lobbies in a Corporate State?
    Like with 9.11 this government is incapable of investigating anything at all. It specialises in cover ups and bailouts.


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