
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Who Is The Terrorist?

Fighting homegrown terrorism by monitoring Internet communications is a civil liberties trade-off the U.S. government must make to beef up national security, the nation's homeland security chief said Friday. 
As terrorists increasingly recruit U.S. citizens, the government needs to constantly balance Americans' civil rights and privacy with the need to keep people safe, said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. 
But finding that balance has become more complex as homegrown terrorists have used the Internet to reach out to extremists abroad for inspiration and training. Those contacts have spurred a recent rash of U.S.-based terror plots and incidents. 
"The First Amendment protects radical opinions, but we need the legal tools to do things like monitor the recruitment of terrorists via the Internet," Napolitano told a gathering of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy. 
Napolitano's comments suggest an effort by the Obama administration to reach out to its more liberal, Democratic constituencies to assuage fears that terrorist worries will lead to the erosion of civil rights. 
More Here..

"All safe deposit boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed... and may only be opened in the presence of an agent of the I.R.S."
President F.D. Roosevelt, 1933


  1. Quick show of hands, who fears terrorist attacks? Okay, put your hands down...all 2 of you. Now, raise your hand if you think we have to worry about an economic collapse?

  2. Last week in Utah a convicted felon was executed -
    shot by firing squad to be exact.

    We spend billions spying, chasing, catching, trying and housing the scum of the earth; only to have a runaway court system that has no regard for the constitution to hand them exoneration.

    These touchy feely bleeding heart idiots are merely a small part of why this country has reached the point of no return

    Either follow the constitution or abolish it

    Like every other aspect of our overstuffed, overthought, overcooked, sedentary lives; we have exhausted the limits of lunacy and now find ourselves greedily scampering hither and fro in search of some "new" morsel of what we are not even sure.

    Follow it to the letter; letting the supreme court settle all discrepancies or get rid of it.

  3. Cue in the false flag in order to pass legislation..

    The fascists continue their quest for total domination.

  4. Yeah and in the meantime Incompetano is so worried about the internet that potential terrorists are still getting a free pass crossing the Arizona border. The legal citizens of AZ sure know BS when they see it - and they should since Incompetano was their governor and didn't do squat to stem the illegal tide then either!

    Well, it makes sense why she got this job now doesn't it?

  5. I just finished watching this. HOLY SHIT!

  6. Know this: Americans CAN NOT BE TERRORIZED!! Americans do not cower in fear from petty sneak-attack criminals, neither foreign nor domestic.
    Enough said.

  7. 7:40,

    Americans used to not cower, we seem like we do now.

    The military is now going to give out medals for restraint, something that is just insulting to marines.

    The amount of fear in people when they hear talk about the coming crash shows how pathetic they've become; they'd rather sit on myspace and make up fantasy lives than face what's coming.

    Also people in this country seem to be developing a pussified mentality like Virginia Tech when everyone in the classrooms just ran around screaming instead of maybe trying to do something. The anti-gun focus of people is astounding too, right, we'll have psycho kids like that have guns and the people won't be able to defend themselves.

  8. Wow,nice, one of the best read posts so far.

  9. Yes, Marines shouldn't show restraint. They should continue to use cab drivers, goat herders, women and kids for target practice. People that did nothing to us. Great idea.

  10. I have a 5'x8' US Flag. It was a gift when I graduated from the police academy many years ago. When I hang that flag, the neighbors are fully aware of what country we live in, even though the illegals in my neighborhood fly their little Mexican flags. Not till recently, I figured out my flag will easily cover my casket. I still consider myself young at 50+ but I have to remind myself that I'm past the half way mark.

    On my desk is a copy of the Constitution and Dec. of Independence. I was once a "hard core" Christian (I still am a Christian BTY) and my usual answer to a debate question was "where in the Bible does it say _____" fill in the blank. Many Christians believe if the Bible says it, they must believe it and there are no other options. These days I say (mostly to myself as I read this blog) "where in the Constutituon does it say (or ___ fill in the blank)?"

    I have spent the last two years of unemployment, looking for a job, trying to figure out how to start a depression-proof business and learning all I can about our Government, the economy, and TEOTWAWKI.

    I have stored away,
    food and water
    guns and ammo
    OTC medicines and a large First Aid kit
    water filtration
    solar power
    wind power
    night vision

    I have a "DONT TREAD ON ME" FLAG

    Am I a Patriot?
    or a Loan Wolf, Homegrown Terrorist?


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.