
Monday, June 7, 2010

Wisconsin Borrows $1.4 Billion from Feds for Unemployment Funds

The State of Wisconsin has run out of money to pay unemployment benefits and has borrowed one point four billion dollars from the federal government to fill the gap.
Wisconsin’s loans place the state as one of the largest Unemployment Reserve debtors in the country.
As the economic climate worsened in Wisconsin the past few years, more and more people lost their jobs and the state’s Unemployment Reserve Fund became insolvent. 
“We are coming out of the worst national economic times since the Great Depression,” said John Dipko, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Communications Director. “Unemployment insurance has been a critical lifeline for many workers who are out of work through no fault of their own.”
The Wisconsin DWD administers the state’s Unemployment Reserve Fund.
If the amounts in Wisconsin’s Unemployment Reserve account in the U.S. Treasury are not sufficient to cover anticipated unemployment payments, the state can borrow funds from the federal government.
Link Here..


  1. borrow?
    they will never going to pay back. it is not borrow.

  2. When is the whole charade going to come crashing down? I can't believe how long TPTB have been able to keep the plates spinning.

    When do we reach critical mass?

  3. As a resident of Wisconsin, I can attest that the state government has created a very anti-business atmospere here for over 30 years. What was once a higly industrailized state is now an empty shell, yet all the generous social benefits and highly-paid govenment workers still remain. Now even Harley-Davidson, the last vestige of our industrial legacy is talking about leaving. I hope they don't forget to turn off the lights on the way out...

  4. Well, this is really not news, as I think almost all the states are borrowing fake money,i.e. debt notes. Barry is going to have to raise the debt ceiling again, I read recently, surprise,surprise.

    Sooner or later, and probably sooner, the house of cards is coming down. Borrowing from the US treasury when the total debt of the US is over $120 trillion dollars?

    It just doesn't get any better...

  5. It doesn't get any better than this !

    John Dipshit - oops! I meant Dipko "announced" that " we are coming out of the worst economic times since the great depression"

    You lying commie bastard

    I sincerely hope that every state that takes communist money from the fed ( which is all of them) get's tjere just deserts

    I am totally sick of these sonsabitches and daughtersofbastards screwing us uo the ass all the while smiling

    Just sick of them

  6. There's money sitting on the sidelines in CEOs pockets, especially bank CEOs.Raise their taxes. Remember, it's easier to keep a handful of bankers on foodstamps than it is to keep most of the former US middle class on foodstamps.

  7. You lying commie bastard

    "I sincerely hope that every state that takes communist money from the fed ( which is all of them) get's tjere just deserts

    I am totally sick of these sonsabitches and daughtersofbastards screwing us uo the ass all the while smiling"

    Screwing Who In the ass?

    But ,Yes, send in the troops at the first sign of bankrupt States defaulting on these Debts .

    These "Commie" states are even forced or willing to borrow money from the US treasury for the unemployed.

    Filthy socialists All.

    Real capitalism With Austrian economics in control Would not tolerate This iresponsibility at all.

    No more than the New German backed EU Monetary Authority ,NATO and America after bailing out the profits of bondholders of the Greeks by supplying more debt will tolerate defaults .

    That Other Austrian Anti-Commie knew how to Use an army against Commies!

  8. Can anyone tell me why someone who has only had 27 weeks of unemployment benefits is now told that "the state has no more money"? Congress went on vacation without authorizing and many people are left without resources.


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