
Sunday, July 25, 2010

5200 Resturants Closed In The US, Just This Spring

More than 5,200 restaurants closed in the U.S. this spring, dropping the total number in operation by 1 percent, according to market research by The NPD Group. The firm's census showed that independent restaurant closings contributed to most of the decline, while chain units remained relatively stable.
The number of fast food restaurants declined 1 percent, by about 2,500 units. The number of full service restaurants also fell 1 percent, by 2,683 units. That data came from a survey conducted from April 2009 to the end of March 2010.
The closings came as diners pulled back their spending and ate at home more often.


  1. All they serve is poison anyways. We eat organic at home, we dont eat out anymore, unless we are away from home. Let em go out of business. McDeath is the worst of the bunch, Never eat there again.

  2. Well, with over 500k restaurants in the U.S., this is to be suspected with any economic downturn.

  3. Eating organic is a big crock. Go blow your money that way if you want. You better read up on the whole organic thing. You are being taken for a ride. And what's wrong with McDonalds? They employee a lot of people. They have good salads and other healthy options. Why should McDonald's be called evil when it's the fatso stuffing his/her face with nothing but fast food? An occasional trip to McDonald's with a well-balanced diet won't hurt anyone. Get of your high-horse.

  4. Amen anon @ 9:34
    McDeath needs to die. I haven't eaten one of those toxic burgers in probably 15 years--they make me feel ill and that sh** will never touch my lips again.

  5. Fast food is indeed occasionally okay. Actually it's pretty much the same as eating out anywhere. None of it is great food, all of it is actually bad for you.

    You should be cooking at home. People don't want to do that. Well, now, people will do that, because it's too expensive to eat out anyway. The food might taste a little better and it's less work, but if you get good at cooking you can cook stuff that tastes just as good too, and usually cooking just requires preparation in advance and it isn't that big of a deal.

    If you really don't want to cook for a few days just grab pasta or pizza and eat that for a few days.

  6. I must agree with 9:51pm...Even though McD's is evil it can be a decent, cheap place to eat when down on your luck, needing calories from semi-healthy food (Think a salad, a small McChicken sandwich and a strong small coffee...About $3.50).

    I once went to an Adventist University and all I ate was whole wheat/multigrain bread, no meat, juices and milk, low salt, no spices, tofu, soy meat, veggies, fruits and you know what?

    I was hungry as hell...Grouchy and I looked pale and thin to the point people thought I was ill...So screw that...Give me a Big Mac every now and then.

  7. Hey 9:51, what exactly is your mental issue? If the commenter doesn't like McDonald's let him or her say so, do not "police" our comments.

  8. The Original CurlyJuly 26, 2010 at 8:36 AM

    The organic shit is nonsense as well as the McDonald's salads being healthy.

    9:48 this is beyond an economic downturn - this is economic death. 50,000 closed in spring alone, how many you think closed in the last year? Two years? Will close this year and following? Get it?

    9:34, 9:48, 9:51 - The Three Stooges.

    I can just picture each of them as Curly, Larry, or Mo whacking each other as they take turns trying to figure something out.

  9. What, exactly, do you think is bad (poison) about McDonalds??? Is it the hamburger? It's actually better beef then you can buy for home cooking. Is it the bun? Nasty bread!! But don't you eat bread? Maybe it's the tomato or the lettuce?? Could be the pickle or the special sauce. WHAT! Exactly. Admit it you are simply biased and have no clue what is bad about a McDonalds happy meal :>)

  10. I didn't know who to tell or if I should because we live in a small town and I'm afraid someone will recognize the place I'm talking about and somehow I will be outed for telling this but I was in a diner on Main Street about a week ago where I always go when I want to pig out because it's all you can eat and when they brought the sausage and rice and I started eating I found a button with what I am sure was a piece of a shirt attached. I didn't get seconds like I usually do and I didn't say anything but as I left I noticed the waitress who is a huge greasy woman with a loud mouth looked at me funny and I realized I had left the thing on the counter next to my plate so I went back like I was leaving a tip which I never do and it was already gone. Also the cook who looks like her inbred pig brother-mutant looked at me with his little eyes like I was just some more meat. Since then I have noticed that the traffic on my street late at night has picked up and I have started staying awake for much of the night. I don't know if I can take much more. I have cut most of my classes and bought extra ammo for my automatic. What should I do? Like I say this is a small town and even the sheriff's deputies look like they are the same kind of fat greasy pig people. I have only lived here about six months since it is convenient to the campus where I go and I guess I'll have to move. But if they are watching me will they move on me when they think I am trying to get away? Am I going to end up in some stew? One thing for sure if I am going to go that way I'm going to have on clean clothes so no one can say I made a nasty meal.

  11. 656 you are braindead, lets start with the french fries and chicken mcnugget made with silicone a deadly plastic, the processed meat with hormones, everything they serve is literally killing you.

  12. All these tofu lovers who think they are better than everyone else need to read up on the facts of tofu. Any fake tofu meat, cheeses and other crap can and do cause cancer in laboratory tests. Read up on it....moreso than meat. People who buy nothing but crap from healthfood stores are being taken for a ride. Most of it is garbage with a healthy spin. You eat organic veggies? Oh, nice, you are eating a lot of animal CRAP that is used to grow your food and your chances of getting e-coli are much higher. Well balance, moderation is the key to healthy living. And if that includes a trip to McDonalds every couple months, so be it!

  13. Hey 5:09 am, aren't you 'policing' comments by doing the same thing? Quite hypocritcal (and hillarious).

  14. 4:03 You are the one with the dead brain. Prove to me McD's fries contain silicone? Here are the ingredients.

    French Fries:
    Potatoes, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, natural flavor (beef, wheat and dairy sources), dextrose, sodium acid pyrophosphate (to preserve natural color). Cooked in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (may contain partially hydrogenated soybean oil and/or partially hydrogenated corn oil and/or partially hydrogenated canola oil and/or cottonseed oil and/or sunflower oil and/or corn oil). Contains derivatives of wheat and dairy.

  15. What, exactly, do you think is bad (poison) about McDonalds??? Is it the hamburger? It's actually better beef then you can buy for home cooking.

    Yeah, right. Ever hear of processed "meat additives"? Oh, it's made from meat, but it ain't the same. Processed toxicity is what McDeath peddles.

  16. Because McDonald's has so many freaks out there trying to catch them doing something wrong, they have stricter policies than your local poe-dunk organic farming co-op. I'd trust them over these organic farmers any day who use crap from many different animals, ridden with bacteria and disease, to grow stuff.

  17. The move super size me has already busted mcdeath without a doubt. Busted them bad and I saw some mcdeaths that were closed last time I was in La so that was good, I notice when I go by one, they have less customers, that is a good thing, but you 953 Please eat it for every meal, also smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and take pharmaceutical drugs everyday as well, Please do this.

  18. 4:57 You are an evil person to wish unhealth and death on another person. In another post, I emphasize the importance of moderation in all things. If you overdo it on anything like the movie "Supersize me" which I watched, you are asking for problems.


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