
Thursday, July 1, 2010

7 Potential Economic Effects Of A War With Iran

Note: The photo showing is the massive cache of guns and ammunition found at the Mexican border. Follow the link at the bottom of this article for the rest..
The following are 7 potential economic effects of a conflict between Israel and Iran....
#1) The Price Of Oil Would Skyrocket - One of the very first things a war with Iran would do is that it would severely constrict or even shut down oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz. Considering the fact that approximately 20% of the world’s oil flows through the Strait of Hormuz, world oil markets would instantly be plunged into a frenzy. In fact, some analysts believe that oil prices would rise to $250 per barrel.
So are you ready to pay 8 or 10 dollars for a gallon of gasoline? What do you think that would do to the U.S. economy?
The truth is that every single transaction that we make every single day is influenced by the price of oil. If the price of oil suddenly doubles or triples that would absolutely devastate the already very fragile U.S. economic system.
#2) Fear Would Explode In World Financial Markets - Even without a war, the dominant force in world financial markets in 2010 is fear. We are already seeing unprecedented volatility in financial markets around the globe, and there is nothing like a war to turn fear into a full-fledged panic. And what happens when panic grips financial markets? What happens is that they crash.
#3) World Trade Would Instantly Seize Up
#4) Military Spending Would Escalate
#5) Russia Would Greatly Benefit
#6) Massive Inflation 
#7) The Price Of Gold Would Go Through The Roof
Look What They Found At The Mexican/TEXAS Border!
More Here..


  1. Seven potential economic effects of a war

    --------- you fill in the blank

    I mean holy guesswork Batman

  2. According to Truth or Fiction it was actually 140 miles south of Laredo, Texas.

  3. Isn't that about equal to what they found in the David Koresh compound in Waco? so much for the right to bear arms.

  4. As long as the paranoid lap dog is restrained there will be no US war against Iran.
    Sanctions and war scares are sufficient to boost the international cost of oil any time required by the oil companies. Future Cap and trade carbon tax plans on for “ national energy security “ on oil are well in hand and becoming politically acceptable to Americans owing to the gulf oil blowout and peak oil propaganda.The Iranians do not rely on selling their oil priced in dollars like the Saudi puppets and have other markets .
    Obama may be sending in drones to kill pakistani “militant “ Muslims but Iran is not Pakistan or Afghanistan.In todays world , the US only capable militarily of attacking weak third world counties as in Iraq after they have been disarmed by US sanctions and UN weapon inspectors and are sure that the enemy cannot fight back with “WMD” .A country that cannot fight back strongly , because they only have a weak airforce ,run down outdated worn out tanks that cannot withstand depleted uranium ammo weapons attack .
    The US cannot even impose a puppet druglord government on the people and tribes in Afghanistan fighting guerila warfare, despite nearly a decade of trying .
    So, The Iranians are not frightened of a US attack , bluff ,or continuing ‘all options on the table” nuclear provocations.In fact they laugh at American Bush or Obama led stupidity Despite more US sanctions or noise being made to pacify the crazy redneck Americans of the Christian /Zionists type by acting tough,and waving a big stick. It is only hot air.Any attack by the US,another Hiroshima
    would only lead to the loss of whatever moral prestige The US still may have left in the world today.
    . JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (Worthy News)-- Iran has warned of a military confrontation with Israel and the United States after at least eleven American warships, including an aircraft carrier, and an Israeli vessel passed through the Suez Canal, the largest fleet of ships to cross the volatile, strategic waterway, in recent years.
    "We warn the U.S. and certain adventurist countries that if they are tempted to inspect Iranian air and ship cargoes, we will take tough action against their ships in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman", said Ali Larijani, the Iranian parliamentary speaker in comments obtained by Worthy News Sunday, June 20.
    Sio the US escorts its puppy through the Suez canal!
    Even without a nuclear bomb program ,that is not decisive for Iran,they have some modern missiles. And a very patriotic military and National Guard ,widespread support in the third world. And can claim a moral superiority over imperialist 'great Satan".
    Even a few small P.T. type boats armed with modern weapons , such as say , Armour piercing uranium or depleted uranium tipped torpedoes , would slice through the ships sides, creating super heat in compartmentalized confined spaces on big ships .
    This mean the big US aircraft carriers will be turned into floating coffin ships with cooked crews and US military /naval dominance in the Persian Gulf will be lost forever if the US or its lap dog attacks Iran.
    The Iranians know that short of an outright nuclear attack even ‘the great Satan” is just bluffing. That even its loud mouthed generals like David Petsareus are not stupid enough to attack a country that can fight back !
    But the danger for an America already weak and bankrupt economically by its wars , is that, its paid for military ally , the Euro settler colonialist lap dog country , now still existing on the world map, may think it is actually meaner than a junk yard dog and that coffin ships for another country , are an acceptable price to pay for a war of perceived benefit to themseves..

  5. 9:25 I am an American and I agree that we have lost our stomach for war. Most Americans in my opinion do not believe that Iran can responsibly have Nukes. With statements by the Iranian government about removing Israel from the face of the planet with Iranian nukes as soon as they have them shows irresponsible use of a WMD to destroy an entire nation.

    Americans would regain their stomach in a flash if Iran gains the power to do harm to masses. We have invested billions of dollars on weapons that allow us the luxury of attack with minimal loss of American lives. It is my prayer that none of this happens. I wish the Iranian government would publicly retract all threats of harm to Israel and her neighbors. Saudies have already made the necessary arrangements for Israeli planes to fly through their airspace unharmed in an attack against Iranian military targets. Most Iranians are not in agreement with their current regime. It is also my sincerest hope that the Iranian people will in mass overthrow the current government and install a peaceful government that will strive to live in harmony with her neighbors.

  6. Hey 9:25, I didnt know that your Iranian Gov let you guys use the Internet.

  7. This article is friggen so far off its pathetic

  8. @8:38 are a complete moron...aircraft carriers are accompanied by a carrier group for protection, you would not get an enemy boat with in 5 miles during combat open. MORON

  9. 7:31 am , yeah that's true except that incident where a Chinese diesel sub surfaced in the midst of a carrier group. Apparently, the Chinese have been investing heavily in technology to damp sound vibrations and had covered the entire sub in something like Sorbothane.

    Not good.

  10. What do carriers have to do with guns found on the border, MORON? Combat open this.

  11. "With statements by the Iranian government about removing Israel from the face of the planet with Iranian nukes as soon as they have them shows irresponsible use of a WMD to destroy an entire nation."
    This is pure distortion propaganda and paranoid fantasy, usually circulated by those believing in the superior right of people of one 'race" or religion to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Whatever the needs and rights of the rest of humanity .
    Citizenship is determined for colonialist setters such as Russian or American immigrants by Israel under the right of the “law of Return” for religious or “racial” reasons without any such citizenship rights for the native refugees it has expelled .
    American supporters of this subsidized by American taxpayers ,Apartheid like, Euro-colonialist state are often delusional religios nutters “Christian/Zionists” that believe they are supporting “Gods Plan” for a “Chosen people” according to their own interpretations of the timing of Prophesies said to be the ‘word of God” in ancient religious texts, at whatever cost to the human rights of the native peoples and democracy.
    Iran’s stated support for redrawing the apartheid type map of Isreal to replace an exclusive 'Jews only state" with a democratic one state solution, whereby all the people in Palestine, Arab and Jew, would have equal rights to citizenship and a democratic vote as in a normal modern state, is not the same as an aim of "removing Israel from the face of the Earth” implying the genocide of the “Jewish” Euro -setlers by nuclear war or other genocidal means. None of this genocidal stuff is the stated policy of Iran . That sort of Racial genocidal stuff is usually the preserve Of European ‘races”as with the American or Australisn natives. Or by Christian “G ot Mit US” racial ‘lebanstraum” .criminals .
    Jews have been living for thousands of years in Persia /Iran since babolonian times without being “genocided” for religious or racial reasons.
    Since the State of isreal was established ,subsidized by the US and The rich world, and imposed with UN backing in Palestine , justified out of guilt for European “race” crimes against Jewish people as a refuge. There has never been an opportunity supervised by the U.N. for the Palestinian people to have a vote to exercise the human right of self determination.
    All we have seen since that time in 1948, is an expansionist "Israel" map ,creating 'reservations" for the native mostly Arab and Christian peoples as refugees like in Gaza and apartheid type settlements and walls established by colonialist force in the military occupied West Bank. It is a sad fact that The Israelis will not even allow the establishment of even a “two state solution” in Palestine ,only endless 'negotiations' on "Peace maps"American imposed "Roadmaps" and the like. The Israelis refuse to even recognize a Palestinian state establishment on the remaining lands not occupied by the settler state and thereby determine the borders and map of Israel. .
    Thus you assert the right as an American? to “Roadmap” and redraw the borders of the state of Israel by military force by the colonialist occupying party , without the right of self determination by the majority of the people in historic Palestine including its Jewish people.
    You further assert superpower hegemony “right of might” of the US and Israel to threaten the nation and people of Ian with nuclear destruction in a pre-emtive strike .
    “We have invested billions of dollars on weapons that allow us the luxury of attack with minimal loss of American lives. It is my prayer that none of this happens.”
    How "luxuriously" kind of you!
    Are you a just a bigot racist or religious Zionist nutter ? Or both?

  12. Anonymous said...
    @8:38 are a complete moron...aircraft carriers are accompanied by a carrier group for protection, you would not get an enemy boat with in 5 miles during combat open. MORON

    MORON replies.
    Asymmetric warfare is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differ significantly.
    Wikipedia:"Asymmetric warfare" can describe a conflict in which the resources of two belligerents differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. Such struggles often involve strategies and tactics of unconventional warfare, the "weaker" combatants attempting to use strategy to offset deficiencies in quantity or quality.[1]"
    The US found out about this asymetric war in the land war in Vietnam.
    You are in denial, blinded by hubris and think that the US will be fighting again the ww2 war in the Pacific with aircrsaft carriers dominant protected by escorts..
    First, you ignore the nature of heat producing armour piercing missiles and a possible co-ordinated combination attack by missiles and boats. You are thinking puny “Kamakazi” attacks , Suicide planes as fuel bombs, for mere explosive power on the external sides and superstructures..
    Even small Super- Heat weapons can do more harm to a crew of a compartmentalised
    ship than just the explosives power of an old fashioned bomb or torpedo .
    This is the 21st century .
    On the sea ,a well armed small boat could destroy a big ship. A number of small boats could first knock out the escorts and then get around to the carrier itself later ?
    War games carried out by the US in testing the ability of a US fleet to defend itself in asymetric warfare with a country armed like Iran , showed the US fleet would lose in a very short time .
    You know david and Goliath.,the Chinese sub mentioned above. Or perhaps you can tell us how that Sth Korean ship that was CLAIMED to have been sunk by Nth korea, the Sth Korean aub was sunk during war games exercises under the protection of the mighty US navy?
    Are you prepared to accept the losses if not of carriers then , but only of their escorts and their crews turned into coffin ships, in order to declare the pride in a US victory ?
    ‘Mission accomplished?
    Hubris does not win wars and could lead not to a ‘walkover for the USbut to the deaths of many Americans .
    For Whom?

  13. "If you add up the base population and expected propagation rates, you realize quite easily that nine to ten million Jews had to have been murdered for so few of them to remain."
    Genocide Easily proven!
    All by malthusian population increase by geometric progression maths , proving what the population of Jews should be in Iran in a perfect pure math’s world.That is if this number of their decendents do not exist today in iran with the jewish religion still, or have not moved on to other countries
    like these jews you say once felt safe enough to once move to Persia , they must have all been genocided !
    With this argument we come to a Conclusion !
    and then a justification of your "racial" hatred for a people.

    ‘Iran is the most evil country in world history”

    Even worse that Hitler’s Fascist Germany he only killed 5 or 6 millions ?
    Learn a little on logic and fallacies.
    ‘Description of Fallacies
    In order to understand what a fallacy is, one must understand what an argument is. Very briefly, an argument consists of one or more premises and one conclusion. A premise is a statement (a sentence that is either true or false) that is offered in support of the claim being made, which is the conclusion (which is also a sentence that is either true or false).
    There are two main types of arguments: deductive and inductive. A deductive argument is an argument such that the premises provide (or appear to provide) complete support for the conclusion. An inductive argument is an argument such that the premises provide (or appear to provide) some degree of support (but less than complete support) for the conclusion. If the premises actually provide the required degree of support for the conclusion, then the argument is a good one. A good deductive argument is known as a valid argument and is such that if all its premises are true, then its conclusion must be true.
    If all the argument is valid and actually has all true premises, then it is known as a sound argument. If it is invalid or has one or more false premises, it will be unsound. A good inductive argument is known as a strong (or "cogent") inductive argument. It is such that if the premises are true, the conclusion is likely to be true. “
    A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support
    A good website to teach you about logical fallacies in racial histories ,and lost tribes of Israel ,based on bible or torah word of god stuff that also teaches about a real historical genocide of Jewish peoples by racists.

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