
Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Big BP Cover Up



  1. So we're supposed to believe that BP has now capped this previously uncontrollable gusher.....and this follows on the heels of the media blackout? This smells to high heaven. If it's true that it's capped, and I find that doubtful, then it's plausible they let it gush all this time needlessly. If so, why?

  2. They may have capped this gusher but what about the MULTIPLE rifts they caused which are bigger and maybe pouring out more?

    That's where it's going to get REAAAALLLLLLYYY bad.

  3. Why is the pressure still in the range they said would indicate a leak? Not sure about Simmons though. His track record????

  4. Hmmmm not super duper religious but ever read Revelations 16 (1-3)?

    1. Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”

    2. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.

    3. The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died.

    Friggen spooky...Every time I see the red/burgundy petro I think of that.

    If you read the whole chapter it even includes a section on "Preppers" like ourselves.

    15 “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

    Some say the bible is fake and it might be but damn it gets so many things right even after 1000's of years.

  5. The original writings of scripts put into the "Bible" were a lot more Esoteric and had a higher spiritual representation. Over the centuries scholars misinterpreted the languages and each time they remade a Bible it became further degenerate.

    There are some things in the Bible that a rare few on Earth today can see and understand what was really being said.

    Jesus (Isa/Yeshua) actually was a Buddhist, not only that but Gautama was not so much about "peace and happiness" but talked more about how the Earth life was illusion and fallen like the early Christians (Gnostics).

    The Apostles understood the Matrix Prison like today's conspiracy groups, "Take up the Armor of God, for our conflict is not with man but with the leaders, teachers, priests, authorities, and beings of the dark world (Astral Realm)".

    Jews also don't represent Jews - there is no such thing as a Jew the same way today's Christians (and all the 20,000 different churches) are not Christian. The Jews represented geniuses and avatars who have been dismissed, ignored, and shut down by Pagans, or the ignorant humanity (the masses).

    That's just touching on the tip of the iceberg. The destruction described in Revelations is largely encoded in metaphor for those who have Eyes and Ears ("Jews" or Gnostics - Evolved Souls). On 15 you may notice "stays awake" - only a fool would believe that to mean not going to bed. Staying awake implies awakening the soul and enhancing the consciousness - evolving past the human condition. Those who are not attempting are those who are asleep or under the Cosmic Spell (Lucifer).

  6. 321 whoa Yeshua a buddhist. yeah right. Don't know what your reading but it sounds whack. revelations speaks of 2/3 of the seas turning to blood. Always wondered how this would happen. Blood can mean death. Bible prophecy developing before our very eyes


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