
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mainstream Media Mocking This Blog and Others--> Wall Street Apocalypse: The World of the Doomsday Investors

Predictions of the end of civilization are nothing new, but the direst prognosticators have, traditionally, existed on the fringes of society, where their dark visions can be comfortably attributed to an excess of libertarianism or a shortage of Prozac.

In the last few years, however, something strange has happened. While there is no lack of survivalists stockpiling cat food and rifles, some of the direst thinkers are now working on Wall Street, where a combination of fear and foresight has many of the country's money men contemplating their escape routes.

Patron Saint of Dire Predictions

The patron saint of the Wall Street apocalypse society may be Barton Biggs. The leader of Traxis Partners, a multibillion-dollar hedge fund, Biggs has gained a reputation for his dire predictions, particularly those of his much-quoted 2008 analysis of World War II, Wealth, War and Wisdom. At the end of the book, Biggs offers his conclusions from his brief study of history, suggesting the likelihood of a future era in which "People with wealth" will face "another time of cholera when the Four Horsemen will ride again and the barbarians unexpectedly will be at their gate."

See full article from DailyFinance: Here..


    of the article
    as hitler said those that laughed at me in 1936
    arent laughing anymore in 1942

    the market has lost a third of value
    4500 its down 2/3 rds
    gold will be at 4500
    and then the fun starts

    many will be in shock .our leaders are worthless
    this is the end game.
    hope cahnge you got it

  2. People are thinking of escape routes? Is that why you now need a visa to go to Canada?

  3. This is a broken record to warn those who don't already know.

    The World is entering a most dire oil crunch to which there is no timely remedy. That is to say, there is not enough time to mitigate this disaster, i.e. moving people to alternative transportation, etc.

    The European PTB will likely destroy the United States of America to buy time for the rest of the World. It's easy to see why. America uses 21 million barrels a day directly (25% of total daily production) and many barrels more through products manufactured for its people by overseas sources.

    Do the math. Sacrifice 308 million people to save 6,500 million others.

    Think about it. Why else aren't the problems in America being dealt with. Remember, the people who own and control the Federal Reserve System also own BP.

    Also, you should note that Saudi Arabia has peaked and is in irreversible decline. Many people think production is already down by as much as 25% through no desire of the Saudi Royal family. This is apocalyptic because one of the five largest oilfields ever found (Cantarrell in Mexican waters) had been producing 1.8 million barrels a day and is now struggling to produce 500,000 barrels. That means, Saudi production could drop by as much as 75% total in less than three years. The World can ill afford such a scenario.

    Sorry. That's the way it is. If you have the means, get out of America.

  4. @ 6:31.

    Are you American?

    Because unless they passed some new law today, Americans do not need Visas to visit Canada.

  5. 6:31,

    You're pretty perceptive. Yes, of course!

    The US of A is the Titannic; Canada is the lifeboat. The analogy is perfect. Like the original event, there is not enough space on the Northern lifeboat.

    They don't want to alarm people, so as to keep the lifeboat "sea worthy."

    Understand. If you were trying to bring down an enemy nation, how much differently would your tactics be, if you gain control of the government thereof? Think long and hard now. Connect the dots! You see I'm right, unfortunately.

    The US of A is being sacrificed to buy "oil" time for the rest. Oh yes it is!

    Pretty soon 40 or so million Americans will need to be evacuated from the Gulf states. This will no doubt precipitate the next, lethal round of economic chaos. This is no choice. The airborne poisons are mounting and spreading at an alarming rate.

    We are not suffering in Canada. At least, not the overwhelming majority of us. Hmm... Get a clue.

  6. The barbarians actualy at the gate are the hedgies and banksters themselves , the speculative horse they ride is debt enslavement,
    They are a real plague on productive wealth creating humanity .

  7. I thought we might have had a little more time, but reading between the lines it means we don't. For the elites to start turning their focus onto blogs like this means that they are beginning to panic and know time is almost up.

    They want to keep as many sheeple from waking up as possible down to the last minute, to better prepare themselves. If they are acknowledging the problems rather than lying about recoveries and ignoring the survivalists you know they're about to make a run on the survival materials and they don't want the competition.

    Get everything you need NOW. There is literally not much more time to waste. I give it about 2 months now, rather than the 2-5 years I thought we had.

  8. Sorry, but I didn't see them mocking this blog specifically. It's funny though. Do any of you cats stock cat food? Not a bad idea! I imagine a can of it alongside a banana would make for a pretty good meal on the run.

  9. 11:18 its the first line, existed on the "fringes of society" on the italics see where it gets you.

  10. This is one of the few times I agree with the mainstream media.
    There is no Depression coming or Crash or End of the World.

    Just look at the markets, look at the MASSIVE gains and profits being had.

    You people need to get out and live your lives and be part of a thriving society.

  11. 8:32 look at the MARKETS? Profits? Are you deranged? The market high is 14k. It went under in the 9' see the pattern here? HELLO?

  12. The blind can not see-- even when it's REAL economists telling them the party is over. The author of the article couldn't even figure out that the wine storage (taking up food space) was because the water supply will be tainted. What I hate most about people like that is when they run out of food/water, they will demand to search my pantry and take my last can of soup and probably the gum from my kid's mouth.

  13. Question for all you who say "get out of America". Where is there a country on Earth that is not effected by this global economic mess we're in?

    How about Gillian's Island? Now that's a nice place.

    What I see, is a slow reversal back in time. A time when we lived in small communities and town and took care of each other. This country is bigger than you think. I recently drove Coast to Coast and there are stretches of land that runs 50-100 miles, open undeveloped land for as far as the eye can see.

    Before we settle the land, we'll have to deep clean the District of Corruption and burn down Wall Street, then we can start over.

  14. The stock market has no connection to reality. The stock market is nothing but high-speed computer trading so the banks and hedge funds can get rich. They also manipulate the prices of commodities such as oil and food, so the cost of these things has nothing to do with supply and demand.

    The best thing to do is ignore TV business news and just look around you. I know too many people who cannot find a job or earn a decent living. They can't pay all their bills and are freaking out.

    So although I am comfortable living in the country in a paid-for house, I still stock up on everything I can. A time will come when I will not to able to afford food prices.

    By the way, some economists are finally using the D word to describe what's happening. You can't have a "jobless recovery." When 70% of our economy is consumer driven, and people have no money left after paying bills, there will be no economy.

  15. I was and am one of those feeling the "hard Squeeze." I have no excuse...If it was stupid I did it...Lent money to friends and family that never paid back...Co-Signed for a friend who then lost her job...Went exempt to pay bills waiting to be reinbursed which never happened...So now even though I make good $ it's all going to bills.

    I love having good credit...But at this point all I'm doing is living check to check...With a heavy heart I'm going BK...It's against my nature and everything I've been taught by my parents but it's do it now and get by or wait till the waves overcome me.

    I'm not alone...There are many among me that are dropping like flies...All I can say is God help us all cus if you think it's bad NOW? You have NO idea how bad it will GET.

  16. Okay, thanks for pointing it out.

    For a long time anyone discussing the inevitable end of the economy was more or less on the fringe. Economics is an occupation not exactly built upon deep insights and future trends outside of the market-place. So as the party continues forward we all continue laughing it up thinking that at some point it HAS to return back to the way it always was (and and on for the last 50 years).

    Now every other person on the street might have an opinion about where the economy is going. Even experts on MSNBC sometimes tell you things are not exactly looking bright in the long term.

    Shall we run to the hills with our rifles and grenades? Not just yet, unless you are hunting for bigfoot, but more unwinding is sure to come.

  17. 6:32,

    You mean the thriving society where most people are either on drugs, alcoholics, obese, or suffering from some disease? Thriving society where? What city, what state?

    I think it is you who needs to come out and live life so you can see what reality is and not what is shown on television shows like CSI Miami, you know, where the beach is hopping with beautiful people and everyone drives shiny cars.

    God damn, get a hint.

    Anyways I really pray for a crash rather than the course we are on now (a slow, painful decay). Without a sudden collapse half of us will live in poverty, about 10% will live like the old middle class did, less than a percent will live in mansions, and 40% or so will live on the streets starving.

    Before all this shit most people lived like the middle class, only retards and addicts were homeless, and about 2% were in mansions and shown on television to make the other 98% of the people chase after shadows for things they could never have.

    I'm kind of wishing I was born in a third world country, that way they won't see the difference much. In this destroyed country we have flooded our lives with bullshit and still are among the most unhappy people. Now we will carry that unhappiness and excess of bullshit into a third world economy... we are going to be perhaps the most violent, miserable society in world history.


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