
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Forget Deflation: It Will Be Inflation

..As I've said a thousand times, Fed Chief Bernanke will absolutely not accept deflation...

Shrewd gold-accumulators are well aware of [this]. As the deflationary and deleveraging forces press on the US economy, the Bernanke Fed is ready to devalue the US dollar in its ("whatever it takes") battle to hold back deflation.

Let's boil the whole thing down to three sentences.

(1)The Fed will not tolerate the growing forces of deflation.

(2) To combat the deflationary forces, the Fed will devalue the dollar by printing trillions more of Federal fiat money.

(3) Once it is realized that the Fed is on the path to devalue the dollar, there will be a panic to buy and own gold. 

More Here..

Federal Budget Gap Tops $1 Trillion Through June
More Here..


  1. Of course he will accept the deflation. Deflation is a part of the plan. Don’t you get it? They need to collapse prices of assets to buy them for pennies on a dollar. You houses are just a collateral damage they don’t give a f&ck about. Once they completed the transfer of valuable assets, only then they’ll trigger an inflation to wash off you savings. What is here so difficult to understand? They are after those assets. They don’t care about the money. They’ll give the FIAT money to YOU and then will crash it through hyperinflation, so that you’ll be left with toilet paper on hands. Money is not a subject for them. If the elite get their Global bank, they’ll “print” new money-digital non-transferable allowance. They are already half way through the Congress with a bill that will grant more powers to the Fed and reduce cash holdings against loans to zero. Unlimited power to issue instruments of payment. Don’t you f&cken get it? As far as the gold prices-they are controlled through Gold Fixing. The majority of public will not have any money to buy a loaf of bread leave alone gold or silver. Who paid attention what happened in Dubai at the end of 2009? They failed on their obligations to pay for the loans? What happened? They asked the Rothschild to come and “save” them. This is the transfer of wealth I am talking about.

  2. Well; here's what I'm talking about. The 90% of
    us in this country that couldn't bake that loaf of bread to save their own ass.

    That is how pathetic we have become as a nation. Totally dependant upon the likes of barry to kick us a few crumbs! How did we let ourselves get so fat, so lazy.

    I would recommend to anybody that would listen - get the hell out - now! get yourself 10 acres in a nice rural neighborhood with good water and good soil & start living again.

    If you have a good trade and the land is your friend; who the hell cares what they do with the funny money - your services will always be in demand for whatever the currency is. The more you can do for yourself the better off you are in so many ways - I bake my own bread; it's many times better than anything you can buy in the store at a fraction of the cost and I control the ingredients.

    It's as though everybody has forgotten how to do anything for themselves these days - I mean how hard is it to change your own oil ? 20 years ago - everybody did it themselves - not today; they schedule an appointment & for 29.95 they have some dude they don't even know put who knows what in their car.

    We just don't make anything in this country anymore and we don't do anything either - pretty pathetic really

  3. I am afraid it's too late already. The tyranny is here. That land is not going to save you. Remember what happened after October Revolution in Russia? Of course not. They promised land to the peasants to get their support and what happened afterwards? They crashed the individual farmers exactly because they were independent. Look who grabbed the power in your country-the same Bolshevik gang. Yeah, you may survive for a couple of years, true. But they'll crash you anyways later on. So, you are going to die defending your land or will end up in a re-education camp. And what's sad is that the majority of people are still in coma, otherwise they would have cut themselves from the box, stopped watching these idiotic shoes that are only getting worse and worse, stopped going to work, stopped paying taxes. This system is totally dependent on your money-don't give to the crooks. Withdraw your 401K plan-whatever is left of it. But no, you all shit in your pants and you are going to loose it all.

  4. 5.08
    Is right homeowners WILL be looted for pennies in the dollar on your mountains of debt.
    The American middle class nightmare .
    The Great Ponzi and property bubble that was the American economy is said to be in ‘recovery” after the bailout for banksters and nationalizing Fannie and Freddie losses , via a financial coup:The banksters and the bondholders were bailed out by the government for the taxpayers to pay off.. To “save America”.
    By "saving America" what is meant is saving the losses of the finance capitalists controling elite .The real heart of America.
    Meanwhile the ‘homeowners are still stuck with their underwater mortgages and the debts sinking further underwater .but there is a double whammy coming -increased taxes to pay the bill , the now government owned debts.
    Here is a graph chart and the big picture@:
    …”what Americans' homes are worth, their equity, decreased by $7 trillion -from $20 trillion to $13 trillion-, from spring 2006 to spring 2010. In the same period, mortgage debt, what Americans owe on their homes, went down by only $270 billion.
    Yes, that's right: US homeowners lost more, by a factor of 26, than they "gained" through clearing mortgage debt. Thus, if we estimate that there are 75 million homeowners in America, they all, each and every one of them, lost $93,333.

    Good morning America!!

    And your own government is still trying to encourage homeownership?
    Now why would they want to do that in the face of numbers such as these? How much thought have you given that question? Over the past 4 years, the "right to own a home" has become synonymous with the "right" to lose some $25,000 a year.
    Why does Washington, through Fannie and Freddie, Ginnie Mae and the FHLB, continue to guarantee guaranteed losses for American citizens?

    While these may seem separate issues, to me it all feels eerily in the same vein as Eric Sprott and David Franklin pointing out that every single US banking company but the 6 Too Big To Fail ones lost money in 2009, all 980 of them:”
    American capitalism and the Americans holding these debts are more and more insolvant as unemployment and foreclosures and tent cities will increase .
    a failed bankrupt economic system with an out of control warmongering rogue failed state.

  5. Bernanke is Nelson with old fashioned 3D glasses on with a red and green lens.
    "I see no red flags"
    When he closes one eye any red figures of losses magicaly disapear off the ballance sheets.
    But, with the other green eye open ,all he sees lovely piles of freshly painted green paper and green shoots evereywhere.
    Plenty more where that came from !cries bernanke. "No problems .I got helicopter delivery systems too .I see no red flags!"
    Bernanke, learnt this banksters trick of 3D vision economics from the "bubble wizard" Greenspan himself. So America is safe and still in in good hands at the Fed.

  6. Does anyone really think that local stores are going to accept chunks of gold in payment for goods? Do you think that these local stores are going to be tied into the currency markets giving you the accurate value for a chunk of gold? The people trying to sell you gold are only interested in the profit that they will make from selling you something that you will not be able to use. These people are still part of the problem and not part of the cure.

    Wise up everyone!

  7. @July 15, 2010 7:16 AM
    I thought I would let it slip through. But no. In the first place, gold as a medium of exchange worked well for thousands of years. If you actually do a research on your own, without listening to different opinions, you’ll quickly come to a conclusion that throughout history the same amount of gold bought you the same amount of products. Yes, maybe wheat or rye grain or olive oil is more valuable and useful as storage of wealth. But where an average guy is going to keep it? Yes, gold is often a subject of confiscation. True. Yes, you can have a currency attached to energy sources like electricity or oil and gas, but you are going to remain dependant on a given state and its wellbeing for this currency to be of any value. Gold and silver gives you INDEPENDENCE. In case of a country collapse its currency will crash as well. You pick up your gold and silver and move to a different country, and it is going to buy you the same wealth. How stores are going to handle it? I think the big chains will collapse. The small and independent stores will prosper. In order to organize a trade with contemporary means what you would do is simply accept gold and silver coins and issue your customers cash cards (think of Costco cash cards). As they run out of money, they would have to refill them, just like you do it with pay-as-you-go cell phones. But the ultimate question for you is this (and you can talk to people from Argentina or Soviet Union): when a country collapses, what would you rather have on your hands - paper money or gold/silver bars or coins? I do not know about you, you obviously haven’t lost your life savings yet, but I have no doubts what to have. At the end just a common sense observation. What is wrong with you people? Why is it so difficult to figure out what to have in your hands? An industrial, highly demandable metal (which happens to be a precious metal as well used in jewellery) that takes energy, time and effort to mine or a Monopoly note that nobody even knows who printed it.

  8. 5:08 is correct the elite want assets not paper. they will crash the market next when they are ready. as Lindsey Williams said there will be plenty of food in the stores only you wont be able to afford it. as far as gold and silver they control the price because they own most of it its all rigged

  9. 9:10am
    I will invest in suspenders, with all of the gold people like you will be carrying in your pants you're all going to need them. Don't you think that the starving masses are going to notice your droopy pants and find out why?

  10. No inflation !

    Read 3 articles up

    Major Delation !

    Or is that no delation and hyperinflation ?

    No sorry - I had that wrong it's hyperinflation flooed ny a period of rampant deflation. No; no that;s not right - it's defaltion we're in right now - the big inflationary spiral is coming soon though

  11. @July 15, 2010 1:35 PM
    I am sorry, but you sound like a dork. An ounce of gold will probably feed you (depending on your appetite) for 2 months. Have you seen an once of gold? Starving masses are going to loot no matter what. These are the same masses that are sitting on their asses and watching American Idol and don't give a sh$t about anything . I have no regrets for them. They deserve what's coming.


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