
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Despair Keeps Mounting: Feeling Crunch of a High Jobless Rate

Thousands struggling to find work locally lost their benefits and have no income

The day Erin Mahoney-Lamb found out her job as a paralegal had been eliminated, the news came that her husband's extended unemployment benefits were being cut off.
"Our whole world just kind of crumbled in a matter of 24 hours," said the Town of Tonawanda mother of two. "We had already cut everything down and were being very careful with money. It was like, "Oh, no. What do we do?'"
Early last month, 9,300 laid-off Western New Yorkers found their federal unemployment benefits abruptly cut off after Congress adjourned without approving an extension. A temporary measure to extend emergency unemployment benefits to the jobless — beyond the typical 26 weeks and up to 99 weeks — expired June 2. Efforts to reinstate the benefits stalled when Senate Republicans blocked a bill to continue the payments.
But even if they are reinstated this week, those whose extended payments have been suspended for the past six weeks still may not receive checks until August.
Unemployment benefits generally provide recipients 50 percent of their former salary, up to $405 per week. Before it expired in June, the Federal Additional Compensation program supplemented an additional $25 per week.
For every check that has been suspended, there are mortgages and car loans that are not paid, groceries and gasoline that go unpurchased. It's a significant amount of money to drop out of the Western New York economy all at once.
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Oil reaches Mexico’s Yucutan, near Cancun (PHOTOS)
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  1. Hey guys havent been in a While how are you guys all doing ?

    Anywase , i know times are very rough but i just have one Question . When unemployement benefits run out wich has happened to me quite often in the past before i had my trade cards i know its tough and this is something ive never ever tought or dreamed about doing , but when they do expire , i know its degrading and all , but in the U.S isnt their some kind of Social assistance (Welfare) for people who are in dire straights with kids to feed ? Dont get me wrong i hate being dependant on Government , i despise it , but for people who really need it why dont they apply , it is there for a reason , it is to help people in need . I know ones sense of pride flies straight ou the window waiting in line at the welfare offic e, but when theyre are no other option what else can one do , when there is no work and all opportunities have failed what else can one do really ?

  2. 5:58 Don't mean to sound cold here, but where in the Constitution does it say that the gov is allowed to take money from the taxed people and give it to others? (Don't try to use the general welfare clause - not intended for general support)What people should do is go to church groups (ones that are still left) where they have food pantries that are set up to help people in real need. Also cities have groups that distribute food which are usually supported by residents of the cities. Some will also pay electric bills for truly desparate people. The point being we need to return to charitable giving rather than gov dependence - but wait, maybe that's now becoming impossible because so many groups have tried to ruin beliefs in God's words and Christian churches that always, in the past, have given to the needy with open hearts. Maybe we are starting to reap what we sow, no?

  3. Duh? get off your butts and get retrained. When the shirt/clothing factories closed in this area, folks got retrained. HVAC, auto mech, aircraft mech for men; women were trained on computers and got well paid for medical claims, etc. (work at home) others took accounting, nursing, etc. There is no excuse for long term unemployment checks, 26 weeks was always the max for years. These lazy college kids sit at home all summer; that was unheard of in the past.

  4. 8:28 You said "but where in the Constitution does it say that the gov is allowed to take money from the taxed people and give it to others?"

    Good point!! But what is Federal Income Tax that you pay and who does it go to? The Federal Reserve banksters whose job is to fleece the Sheeple.

    So the Government is taking your money (tax dollars) and giving it to the Federal Reserve Banksters. How much of your income are you paying as federal income tax?

  5. It's like anything...Some people deserve to be unemployed...Some don't...Some think they are great workers but they're not...Some sit at home drink a lil beer, smoke some pot, eat Ho-Hos collect unemployment and complain...Some panic about how the f*ck to feed their kids and are out there pounding the sidewalk trying to get a job in a world where there are no jobs or a simple living wage.

    All these comments from people in their 50's and 60's about "Well back in...Moved, went back to school, retrained..." are meaningless being that if that was true the LEAST chance of getting hired wouldn't be people over 50...Because according to those bloggers people of those generations are adapt or flexible since they already experienced this in the late 70's and middle 80's.

    However, this shit is new...Like some super virus depression that touches all things...It slowly breaks down: food, housing, currency, manufacturing and all stability.

    Like a slow train wreck...We in the US due to being semi-isolated notice JACKSHIT...Multiple riots around the world in the last 2 years...Collapsing of governments...Hyper inflation and huge cuts in spending from every single government EXCEPT?...Our own.

    Collapse is feasible...Mad Max world?...No...More like Mexico/Argentina/Brazil with peasants and rich.

    Will we be strong and make it work?...No...We can't read, write, think critically, survive without complaining and most have forgot what hard work is...Even me.

    Will we have to?...Yes everyone will have to "Sing for their Supper" or starve.

  6. If you are homeless and/or broke, you can apply for public assistance. But don't think it's any great handout. I had a friend who was disabled and destitute; his wife threw him out and I let him live in one of my apartments for free while he applied for help.

    It took three months to get food stamps. It took another three months to get non-food money (for things like toilet paper and toothpaste). They gave him no money for rent because my place didn't meet all their requirements, yet if I threw him out, he'd be on the street or sleeping on a cot with forty other guys.

    It took two years for disability payments to start (a big $600 a month)--and then he died, probably from all the stress.

    As for jobs, retraining only works if you are learning to do a job that's still available in the U.S. Haven't you noticed most of them are gone and are not coming back?

  7. 9:43 - Federal tax money should not be given to the banksters, state bailouts, welfare, and the list goes on. If the Fed gives a dollar to you, it is obligated to give a dollar to me. That's the very argument Davy Crockett had with a farmer when he was running for re-election to the United States House of Representatives (1827-29, 1829-31 and 1833-35). The farmer would not vote for him again as he had bailed out a family in another state with Fed tax dollars. So, the issue boils down to redistribution of Fed tax dollars and it's illegal according to the US Constitution. Redistribution is Statism, and we are a Republic. And BTW, I pay plenty in Fed taxes and have done so for years. Do I support redistribution? Absolutely not, in any form. Now with the recent news about abortion being funded with Fed tax dollars, I may well become a conscientious objector (war against the unborn) and finally cease paying any future Fed taxes as it is 1.) Illegal to redirect funds to a specific group 2.) It's against my moral principles personally.

  8. Unemployment benefits are funding mostly by employers and depending upon the state the employees. The only criteria to qualify is having worked enough hours the previous 6 mos to 1 year and being terminated from your job.

    Welfare and food stamps are completely different. There are income requirements, you cannot have savings, including in my state 401K or IRA accounts, they limit the number of cars. If you own your home the government will place a lien on it for the amount you received. Food stamps are supposed to be supplemental. it varies by state but it averages $100/ month for an individual and $200 for a family of 4.

    It is not a helping hand it is a trap to keep you dependent upon the system. In the 90's a distant relative was getting welfare benefits and she explained that you aren't allowed to save money because any money you save from month to month comes off of your benefit for the next month.

    Retraining sounds great but if you are barely scraping by on your unemployment benefits can you afford several thousands of dollars in tuition costs. If you can get a loan will you be able to pay it back?

    A few months back Laura was promoting moving to another area where jobs were plentiful - like they did in the 80's. [Anyone who lived through the late 70's and early 80's every think we'd look back on that as the good old days? Remember the Delicious government cheese?]

    So all you have to do it get retrained/ educated; sell that underwater house, load up the truck and move to an area where the jobs are plentiful, the women beautiful and the men smart. And hope and pray that your new skill wasn't outsourced while you were studying.

    People are postponing retirement, there is talk of raising the retirement age again, there is a glut of skilled able bodied people who can't find jobs and a surplus housing inventory.

  9. Trex, Yes if you are in a bad situation and need help you should be able to apply for food stamps in social services in your location. In the process of applying for food stamps you can explain you situation and they will help you out. Forget about feeling shame. People have paid for these benefits in their taxes. You are not getting a handout it is what taxes are paying for. People like to ad a stigma to these things but I say nonsense we did not trash the economy the decision makers did. Do what you have to do and hold your chin up. And forget about what others think it's none of their business.


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