Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Facts About This Depression Are Getting Extremely Grim

Many readers have been contacting me with reminders that the most important story in America right now - the shockingly high level of long-term unemployment - is about far more than the latest statistics.
It's about people's lives.
"I was laid off in August of 2008. I am worried about the future. I am the mother of three children," writes Simone Perry, an audio/visual producer. "I have no problem working or seeking employment. Many times I have not even received a response to the resume I submit. I have gone on interviews, only to get disappointed."
She is not alone.
"My husband and I are fortunate to be able to move in with my 81-year-old mother-in-law. But how sad is that? I apply for jobs and nothing happens," writes Gayle Hanson. "Who wants to hire a 59-year-old woman? My answer is nobody. [I] have years of experience, excellent references. And nothing to show for it."
I get letters like that almost every day, and I assume a great many elected officials nationwide can say the same. The mystery is why so many lawmakers remain convinced that the government should do absolutely nothing to help fix the problem.
So-called fiscal hawks in Washington recently voted down a proposal to extend unemployment benefits for these folks and millions more like them - people seeking work and in need of a little help until they find it.
That's not just heartless, it's foolish. The current recession is not like any we've seen since World War II. An ocean of data refutes the myth that America's millions of jobless are maybe a touch lazy, and need the added incentive of losing their unemployment check - around $300 a week, on average - to persuade them to get back to work.
A comment by Sharron Angle, the Republican candidate trying to unseat Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada, is typical.
"They keep extending these unemployment benefits to the point where people are afraid to go out and get a job because the job doesn't pay as much as the unemployment benefit does," Angle said in a televised interview.
She's wrong on two counts. First, there's no clear evidence that what Angle says is true: economists are, at best, divided over whether receiving unemployment benefits causes people to delay their jobseeking.
Read more: Here.


  1. Dead wrong. When the government doles money to someone who isn't working (for whatever reason, and whoever's fault it is or isn't) they have to take the money from someone who IS working. This, in effect, punishes productivity and rewards non productivity, no matter how much you, or I, or anyone else wishes it wasn't true. This activity is economically debilitating, and is one reason recessions turn into depressions. The best thing the government can do is nothing. Honest.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. OK ...so exactly how long should unemployment benefits go on? If almost two years isn't enough then how much is?

    Hey, regardless of the job climate, at some point we need to move the long term unemployed to just food & shelter.... albeit on the governments terms.

    Why...because the US is BROKE! That's why.
    The unemployed should feel grateful for anything they get.

    Yes, I know about the banksters bailouts, the perpetual foreign wars, the boondoggles of government. Nevertheless... paying someone to do nothing for years on end isn't sustainable.
    So unemployed, I'm struggling too so don't expect open ended support that keeps you somewhat in your "normal" existence. At some point (after a couple years) you need to expect to downshift to a very basic level. Yes, I support that for extended periods. Food & shelter at a gov facility and little else.
    Be thankful for that.

    Don't like it? Then you should've been more selective in who you voted into office.

  4. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 14, 2010 at 12:30 AM

    @*8:57 y @ 8:23
    Your domicile is what is called a
    And as such
    Impossible to defend long term
    I know u probably think u r serious badasses
    Maybe u r
    But if too many of them what u want to cut off
    Get cut off
    They'll start poking around
    Might smell your phat 5" thick ribeyes
    Might wanna take what's yours
    Then you can either lose it
    Or pay 40k a year to keep them in jail
    It's a delicate balance
    Platitudes are best kept on the AM radio shows
    U both so obviously enjoy

  5. If you are unemployed screw you, but lets give billions to billion dollar corporations that dont need it, lets give it all to big business and screw the little guy, Yeah for capitalism, this country is over, empire like rome always collapse and we are next, no doubt about it and you can see the signs everywhere, if you dont see it, it is because you are blind or just dont want to see it.

  6. purposely posting here to get everyone stirred up in anger.

    He is not serious about his post like the previous few posts where he was among the first to comment.

    EA can we get his comments banned? This isn't to block out people who have opinions but it is very tiring to see HIM making comments that are made to be funny so people would get mad.

    We all know the entire world is economically fucked, businesses are being ruined and people are suffering left and right, it is getting worse constantly. Where does his comment hold true to the slightest extent?

    It's done on purpose to be funny or he must live under a rock.

  7. The way the government can help is by not giving out hand-outs. They need to encourage business to expand, but they are discouraging business with all the scare tactics and socialist/communist control. Socialism caused the crash, and socialism is strangling the economy which is why people can't get jobs. Tell big government to get out of the way, and let unhindered capitalism create jobs for us. If you want to know why you can't find a job, the answer is one simple word = obama.

  8. Notice she said: "I have no problem working or seeking employment." She did NOT say "I want a job." People like this will look for a job if required, but they would rather keep the free money rolling in. Socialism is choking this country and will destroy the little freedom we have remaining.

  9. My next entrepreneurship is going to be coaching ppl to talk back to creditors who call to collect. First step: get a vuvuzela and a whistle, and get ready to use both to blast eardrums.

  10. Ive never seen so many unsympatheitc people , Ask yourselves this , why do we pay U.I benefits off of each paycheck , i hear people here say we shouldnt be entitled to it , pleas ermeind me why we pay for this if we shouldnt be allowed to collect when it is our time in need of help , Capitalist b*tches !!!!

  11. Anon commenter @ 9:30 is utterly clueless, with his little text type "u r" this and that bullshit.

    Listen boy,

    What people are saying is that government needs to get out of the way. I have kids, and they don't owe THIS generation money because we screwed things up so badly, understand. I just want to take people like you, pull you up by your neck and shake you until you understand. The next generation doesn't owe us SHIT. Got it. My 6 year old and 9 year old don't owe you or anyone you know a living based on their future tax payments.

  12. People forget what caused a lot of the unemployment the US Government signing into these trade agreements like NAFTA etc... and jobs going overseas to China, India, etc... if you have a job right now how long are you going to have it? What are you going to do on unemployment and food stamps? Or what about when all of theat money you worked so hard for is devalued so you lose 40-70%?

  13. I know some couples that moved overseas for work with gov contractors; others had to move out of state (us in the early 80's)..Those motivated will find jobs. Extended unemployment solves nothing, but encourages laziness. My generation always relocated if they had to, so why should it be any different now?? Plus, there are computers now and easier to make job connections.

  14. to 6:37. You don't owe me, huh? I have no kids, but I've been paying school taxes for 20 years. Why? Because I know that this generation--and the next generation--needs to be educated or they'll be as stupid as you are.

    If there are no jobs, then even if you say "I want a job," you won't find a job. What is your solution for people who have used up all their savings, sold all their belongings, and still can't find work?

    You think that giving them a few hundred dollars in unemployment so they won't starve is terrible. I can't wait until you lose your job or develop a serious illness and need to ask people for help.

  15. There are like 5 people applying for every job and soon that number will rise, laura you old flea bag, get a clue, more will be jobless soon, no matter where you move, there are no jobs, welcome to the depression, hag,

  16. 8:02AM: there are jobs for anyone with mechanical experience, auto, HVAC, aircraft mech. etc. I know, butt head, as friend's kids took these courses and are working! Get off your butt folks, and get retrained or start a biz. Younger people are doing it, not just middle aged.
    ..Gov programs will pay for some of this, I know for a fact.

  17. SharonSJ,
    I think you shouldn't have had to pay school taxes for 20 years. Government run education has been a disaster in educating people. People graduate knowing virtually nothing nowadays. It has been a huge waste of money. I feel sorry for people who are losing their unemployment checks and my family is donating to food banks and other charities to help but government checks are not the answer. It is disgusting and reprehensible that our government is transferring trillions to Wall St, the banks, and themselves and that our children and great-grandchildren will be paying for it but adding to this with longer unemployment just adds to the debt.

  18. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 14, 2010 at 11:29 AM

    Tell ur kids not to worry
    I've been self-sufficient since age 16
    But thinks for thinking of me sunshine
    The US historically has extended benefits
    When UI is high
    Even a tricked-down mind like yours can understand why
    When those benefits r not extended
    They move to long-term Welfare
    Or crime
    And when they get caught, they r incarcerated
    At a cost to your 6 y 9 year old
    Of about 40k/yr
    So as the high-powered businessman u r
    Cuz I'm sure u know all about P&Ls
    Balance sheets
    330/week for benefits extension
    Or longterm welfare
    Or 40k/year for prison
    Doesn't take a genius
    Ask ur kids
    They'll tell u
    Now, sunshine
    Let me leave u with this awesome quote from a
    True Conservative giant
    Who didn't trickle on humans
    Dwight David Eisenhower:

    "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower, l952

    (lol Ike says guys like u r fringe tards that will be forgotten)

    Now go back to listening to AM talkradio, chico

  19. Obama said he would put America back to work. He lied.

    - We were to repair bridges and roads.
    Some of the roads near me are so bad you can't drive over 15 MPH without risking damage to the car.

    - We were to invest in green energy. Obama lied again. He wants Cap and Trade.

    I am a self-taught solar and wind energy expert. I lost my job in Sept of 08 and have not found another since. My roof has a small solar system and a 500 watt wind turbine. I planned on having a green energy business. Try to get a bank to finance the purchase of solar panels, it's not gonna happen. There is a lot near me that is full of repossessed work trucks and vans. You think I could get a loan to buy a work truck and start a business that could employ a few people? Not gonna happen. The banks are sitting on the cash and will not loan it.

    One would think that California would bend over backwards to encourage small business development. Not gonna happen. There are very few tax free enterprise zones in California.

    Obama said we should have digital medical records. He lied again.

    The job I lost was in the digital imaging industry. I have converted paper medical records to digital. Hospitals understand the value of going digital, but they won't pay for the service, therefore my production scanner sits idle.

    And to think if that almost trillion dollars of stimulus money were set aside to help people start or expand their small businesses, do you think we would be commenting on this story of the coming depression?

  20. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 14, 2010 at 11:57 AM

    @7:45 Laurita
    The time u refer to was different, miha
    Moving was a different adventure
    Even in the 80s
    I was there
    Today, companies do not hire unemployed
    I'm sure u heard
    And lenders or renters do not
    Lend or rent
    To people what have marks on credit
    Which happens when u lose ur job and don't pay
    On time
    It isn't as easy as it was
    Sorry the world got so complicated

    Please do some research y understand
    Benefits have historically NOT been extended
    When unemployment is lower
    Even at 6%, there is typically no extension
    People get their 26 week safety net
    Then it's hard cheese
    I support that y I'm sure u do too
    But when companies like Sony y NCR list in their ads
    "Unemployed need not apply" -- google that
    Y there are 7 jobs for each U3 applicant
    Meaning probably 14 to 21 U6 applicants
    por each trabajo
    Ur silly "laziness" platitudes sound uninformed at best
    y retardado and mean at worst

    Y when those people r cut off AND can't find yobs
    They will turn to crime
    Not being criminals, they will get caught
    Then u will pay much much more
    To keep them behind bars
    Which is a bad business move
    7k for six month extension or
    40k/year for multiple years for prison
    U tell me which costs less

  21. when the chips are down these men in there fancy suits will eat each other.

  22. Most of the gibberish that is vomited from the mouths of most of you should be ashamed. Not one person in this country, legal or illegal, working or not working, IS GOING TO SUFFER. i am from SW Virginia, during the late 70's-80's and 90's our Gov't officials bot fed/state allowed our good paying mfg'g jobs to leave the state and states to placate the growing lust for profit, and yes, kickbacks and perks for our "elected officials". In our small town, there are many unemployed, they are looking, most of you liberal golfballs think that the vast majority of the unemployed would prefer to make $325.00 per week with no benefits or insurance than to work and have benefits. I am sure there are people out there who are to lazy and unconcious to get off their backsides and take the inituative to find a job. Well for those I would say one thing, the way our job market today is, you better get used to making far less than you previously made. It's not there! Not all can be Dr.'s & Lawyers, nor can we all be working in the medical fields, so, where does that lead us?

    We as taxpayers need to start pushing to bring these jobs back into this country and stop supporting the walmarts with this foreign goods crap. I know that there are many famileis today who have more "stuff" cluttering their homes, and would probably not need to buy anything more for years.

    Unless we are prepared to with less and hold these companies accountable and bring jobs back to this country WE WILL ALL BE ON THE DOLE!

    Next time there is a town meeting with your local rep., go and participate, hold them accountable, let them know you want the federal gov't to lower the business operating tax, tell them you want incentives for these companies to reopen and to want to stay here instead of these third world mongrel nations.

  23. Here are some ideas for Tea Baggers like Angle, close every miltary base, Germany, Japan, Korea..End those Republican wars that they lost.Stop sending $90 billion to Israel, they start most the trouble over there anyway.
    Stop letting corporation hide profits over seas and make them start making stuff here in America.
    F**K Walmart they have everything made in China. screw that! When Tea Baggers but cheap crap at Walmart half of the money goes to China. Lets get back to MADE IN THE USA. How about that TEA PARTY!!!

  24. We cannot spend money we do not have, and paying unemployment benefits when we do not have the money for it, or paying for anything else when we do not have the money for it, is silly and counterproductive.

    I am now unemployed and am not eligible for unemployment benefits. If my wife were to lose her job too we would be shit out of luck, and would have to move in with relatives.
    But guess what? That's life. Nobody owes us anything. I don't expect the government to print more money to help me, I expect them to cut expenses/ cut taxes and get the hell out of the way so that businesses can generate more wealth.

  25. To bad people didn't hear Ross Perot, he told America what would happen if the Gov passed all these crazy trade agreements "It would be a sucking sound of jobs leaving this country". Now we know he was right! We've been sold out by the Democrats and the Republicans and now here comes the Tea Party what a big joke, it you believe these people a got a lake on the moon to sale you. I bet most of them can't find the USA on a world map.

    God help US, it may be something to this 2012 thing.

  26. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 14, 2010 at 12:59 PM

    Maybe look into "Stockholm Syndrome"
    People start to sympathize and identify with
    Their abusers
    Now look, mi chicos y chicas
    The states where people hate entitlements y benefits
    aka "red states"
    Happen to be the states that take the most of it
    Maybe start ur lil tea party by giving it back
    Nah u won't
    Second to red states, corporations get the most
    Esta loco, que no?
    But true
    But u, with ur Stockholm Syndrome
    U look at ur neighbor
    y u say "I hate that u have a union pension"
    "u pig"
    Or u see a black chick and think she has 80 kids
    All on the wehfair
    Even though they only make up 12% of the pop
    y r mathmatically irrelevant anyway
    Keep kicking the little guy
    Keep hoping y praying u r not a little guy
    Wag ur tails for ur plutocrat masters
    Hoping y praying u can join the club
    But u can't join the club, bub
    U will never be in that club
    Ur just a petty, misinformed slob what bought the lie
    y kicked people while they were down
    Thinking it makes u a better daddy

  27. BrianWilliamDotyIII, Great comments. As Fascism kicks into overdrive, we are seeing the all the obvious characteristics. Scapegoating is front and center. Kicking the defenseless....and believing you're somehow different and above it all. Adored and beloved by the Fascist Elite. It's the First They Came story.......the current Unemployed are ahead of the curve....a curve that will eventually include the majority of those same critical individuals. What will they say then?

  28. "The states where people hate entitlements y benefits
    aka "red states"
    Happen to be the states that take the most of it

    Read more: http://thecomingdepression.blogspot.com/2010/07/facts-about-this-depression-are-getting.html#comments#ixzz0tgN1jB79
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


    There is not one shred of proof to support that little bit of nonsense.
    And quit denigrating the tea party, they are the only people standing up for individual rights anymore. The left has been completely swamped with the very elitists you hate. Shut your trap, you're illiterate.

  29. who is this briandoytlil.whoever he is he is a complete ass.Ive never witness such a diatribe of absolute b.S.This guy or gal needs a visit asap to a shrink for a mental exam.jesusssss.

  30. We really need to get rid of Harry Reid. Angle or anyone would be better!
    So are we going to have a permanent unemployment class? What do you do for a living sir? " Oh, I have been on unemployment for the last ten years. I am worried about my retirement. I don't qualify for Social
    Security, because I have not worked worked forty quarters. "

  31. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 14, 2010 at 4:12 PM

    Sorry vato
    I don't buy into left/right paradigms
    That's ur board to bang
    I don't like or dislike the Tea Party either
    But I did notice the strange timing y irony
    That they were silent during the wild spending daze
    Known as the Bush years
    Cheney say "deficits don't matter, home slice"
    Si si, he said home slice
    Tea Party must hate him
    If only they weren't so dazed y confused
    Now ya boy BWD, living in a Money Magazine
    I see Los Baggers in their powdered wigs often
    Or is it whigs?
    Anyway they hold up signs
    A welfare state is one wherein
    More federal money is received than its residents pay
    To Los Federalis
    Since u called me an illiterate
    I'm sure I don't have to tell a literate
    Bastardo like u
    What stage of the Hegelian Dialectic we're in

  32. You would have to be incredibly naive to be unaware that people do indeed put off getting a job if their unemployment benefits are being paid.

    Bush (and every administration for the past 50 years) did indeed run a deficit. However are you blind to the fact that Obama ran up $3.5 trillion in debt in his first year?? That is more then Bush and Clinton did in 16 years.

    Being opposed to killing unborn babies is not exactly a bad thing. While you may favor abortion you certainly don't have any legitimate leg to stand on to call those opposed to it "wrong".

    I don't believe making drugs legal will "fix" anything but I'm pretty sure it will mean a lot more children being abused and dying from drugs. I'm not sure what it is you think is "good" about the illegal drugs

  33. Free trade was a bad idea. A VERY bad idea. They freely traded our jobs to the rest of the world. Socialism is a bad idea. Socialism takes from the workers to give to the non-workers, but eventually there is no one left working to pay for everyone else. It doesn't work. Welfare and unemployment should be limited to 2 months benefits per lifetime, period. And yes, once you've paid your lifetime amount of the tax, you should no longer be required to pay unemployment taxes. Have you ever wondered why the chinese people work so hard? It's because they will die if they do not. While that may seem sad, it is the only way that the system will work. If you don't get off your butt and work and earn, then the system cannot be sustained. Are there some people making way too much? Sure. And some people are making way too little. But those who work will get by and those who sit back and play the system for their free ride allotment will rot and decay until the system collapses and they are suddenly left to die anyway...in other words, there is only one system that works - get up, get to work, and earn your keep. And while you are at it, if we are all earning our keep, then we can all have our freedom back too. Tea party lover or tea party hater - makes no difference. The people of this country have had it with the socialist/communist pigs, and we are taking this country back. Get out of the way.

  34. So much muscle flexing and condescension. Try being convincing with logical true statements. Some of us may be illiterate but we're not stupid.

    Shipping the jobs to China etc. was supposed to avert a war. Maybe it did. Sure our military would have prevailed hands down. But what would have been the cost of a nuked US city or three? You guys are so smart I know I don't have to do the math for you.

    This depression thing is just a hangover. You say you didn't get any of the booze? Bummer. I only got one long taste. But I didn't toss it back and look for more. Make everything last longer. I know it won't save your house or your car. Maybe just your soul. There are angels.

  35. 637/1125/1157 - William Willaim Doty III is a 33 year-old "businessman" who lives in Santa Rosa, CA. Due to his very strange posts I did a Google search on him in mid-June. In seconds, I learned that on June 23, 2010, he was arrested on assault charges in Santa Rosa - assault with a DEADLY weapon! He claimed he attacked his victim because "he was making cocktail waitresses two at a time". I've provided links to his arrest in previous posts and he admitted committing the assault on this blog.

    He likes to write like he's from some Mexican ghetto, but he's as white as I am. From the info I've been able to gather from the Internet, he seems to be a spoiled brat who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. I also learned that his father is a well known lawyer in Santa Rosa/Sonoma County. He is highly contemptuous and has major issues with authority and authority figures. In my opinion, he has serious mental health issues.

    I've also asked EA to ban him from posting on this blog. It's nice to finally see other readers saying what I've said for several months now. EA - please take note!

  36. lol what a load of crap. Pretty much everyone looks for a job, there just aren't any out there. If people really didn't want a job and didn't look, each job ad wouldn't get flooded with thousands of resumes and most places wouldn't get unsolicited resumes either.

  37. I liked what william had to say....snitch

  38. 1001: You're a nut job just like BWD3.


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