
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gulf Fisherman: Its All Done, Game Over


  1. 95% casualities and the remaining 5% are toxic///

    Thanks BP your greed killed the Gulf and its people

  2. bp and the us govt, bringing death, destruction and fascism to the once great usa

  3. Job done, gulf is dead, all sea life dead, human life to follow.

    Where is the outrage? Why are they (we) not on
    the streets?

    I mean, if this catastrophe isn't waking up the sheeple, then the sheeple are permanently brain dead.


  4. ...Thanks BP your greed killed the Gulf and its people.

    And BP dose not care one bit! They will eventually go bankrupt. The CEO who sold his shares and Goldman Sachs who sold their shares, just before the gusher started will profit greatly. Remember the CEO paid off his house after selling his shares. Perhaps some disgruntled share holders will follow him home someday. Sometimes payback can be quite painful.

  5. Thank's OBAMA, this is the Hope and Change you promised.

    This is 100% OBAMA's FAULT. He wanted this job so fricking badly, he had all the answers and solutions. He had a plan, blah blah blah, We'll guess what genius, this disaster goes with the territory.

    The list of disasters goes on and on in such a brief time. Destroying budget, jobs and health care. Killing American soldiers with your pussy policies. Ordering NASA to court Muslims, Suing AZ because you refuse to do your job.

    Um um um, any golf courses 'round here? What a loser.

  6. Look. I didn't care much for Bush II and even I wouldn't have blamed this disaster on him if it happened on his watch. I don't understand how this became a partisan disaster. We should be focusing our anger at BP and the idiots trying to make an extra buck.

  7. Okay. Give me a break already!

    America's insatiable appetite for OIL is what killed the Gulf of Mexico.

    Had you morons switched to electric vehicles powered by batteries recharged by electricity derived from solar farms in say, Arizona, the world-wide production of oil would not currently be in declined. You had plenty of warning and time to do so. I remember the time and person who did the warning: JIMMY CARTER. Not such a dummy after all.

    You blame everybody but yourselves for your ills.

    Why do you have bad government? Answer: you don't do your homework and understand the Second Amendment.

    Why do you have bad economics? Answer: you don't do your homework on finances and take back the issuance of money, as your Constitution allows, from bankers.

    The list goes on and on.

    Blame everybody else but yourselves while your nation continues to burn and cave in for good. Great plan.

    Very frustrating to watch such a great nation die due to common man stupidity and neglect.

    The Forefathers would not be proud to be American if they saw what was going on today. That, you can be sure!

  8. "the idiots trying to make an extra buck".

    Those would be Obama favorites that will rip-off the taxpayer for inflated clean-up charges. There will be special deals cut to hire only those deemed by EEOC to be dis-advantaged businesses, i.e. black or Hispanic, and then at inflated rates several times what the job is worth. This is all about paybacks. The disaster was allowed to unfold to increase the windfall.

    BP will not "pay" for the disaster, the US taxpayer will, at least 50% that actually still pay federal tax and not feed off the the federal tit. BP through acceptable IRS accounting practices will offset fines with tax breaks and higher fees to customers.

    Obama is not one to waste a good crisis. He is at fault and behind the biggest criminal act ever pulled on humanity. Second only to the crime of stealing the US presidency as a non-natural born citizen.

  9. I hate oysters, anyway. Not much of a loss.

  10. What I can be sure of is idiots like you calling others stupid when you have no friggin' idea what your talking about.

    Do YOU have ANY ANY ANY Idea how many "solar x-12" grids ( that's the best conversion man knows of now ) it would take to power a fleet of 10,000
    buses ?

    Do YOU know ?

    Then do YOU know what the expense would be to get the power from say oh I dunno ARIZONA to say - maybe MICHIGAN ? Unless maybe you plan on telepathically beaming it there Scotty.

    Any clue ??

    As for fault - there is plenty to go around - but the policies of this government; who in the
    end, control it all; have been once again, reactive instead of proactive, We have all known for 20 years that this day was approaching and what did they do?

    Kick the can down the road.

    That road is now uphill and without lights

  11. 3:44 Oysters first ... you next.

  12. For the commentator who said "America's insatiable appetite for OIL is what killed the Gulf of Mexico."

    You should do some research and understand the early automobile industry ran on ALCOHOL - Ford versus Rockefeller - Guess who won and started PROHIBITION? No more alcohol for the auto industry and history is set by Rockefeller and his OIL Empire.

    Spare me the ignorance of the American People - the systematic destruction of Education (thus History) and the interbred political/economic greed of business/government interests have destroyed our country.

    Men are no angels therefore government is needed... BUT what happens when those who are our representatives are the Devils themselves.

    STOP blaming the victims and get off you ass and do something productive... I will let you think about what YOU should do.

    Maybe its time to rediscover alcohol as a fuel...distilled in you own home...and why not Hemp as well... so no petroleum or plastics from oil, only organic/natural non-toxic materials.

    RESEARCH "Alcohol can be a gas"

  13. 3:57,

    Yes, I know.

    Take a REAL GOOD look...

    You've been lied to over and over and over. So much so, you actually believe the crap you spewed on this blog.

    If a common man can convert an S10 pickup to run off an electric motor and use solar panels to obtain all the electricity to do so, including his home, why oh WHY can't the rest of America???

    The Peak Oilers are DEAD WRONG on the viability of solar energy. DEAD WRONG! However, they are correct in terms of mitigation time; we don't have enough to convert 800 million or so vehicles around the world before the sh*t hits the fan. Nevertheless, there's still time for some of us, thank you very much.

    P.S. If 5% of the Sahara Desert were covered with solar panels, it would be sufficient to run the entire modern infrastructure, including all the electric vehicles we could desire, for all nations. We could even build solar farms to separate hydrogen and oxygen, through electrolysis, to power our steel foundries.

    Peak Oilers don't know everything! For damn sure!!

  14. 3:44 hates oysters, but loves sausages!

  15. I have personally filled a container with distilled water and added electricity. What you get is called "hydrolysis". H2O (water) atoms are split and what you get is two parts pure hydrogen gas and one part, pure oxygen gas and it is very easy to separate these gases. I even used solar power (free electricity from the God given sun) to supply the electricity! It's these gases (in solid form or compressed) that launches the Space Shuttle into orbit. The white "smoke" you see every time the Space Shuttle launches is WATER VAPOR when the hydrogen and oxygen mix in the exhaust chamber!

    Yes we can run our cars on water based fuel and have ZERO emissions exit the tail pipe.
    Who is stopping this from happening?

    Exxon / Mobil
    Union Oil


    Dick (wad) Cheney and his companies
    The Bush family

    The list goes on.

    Hydrogen is highly corrosive to conventional aluminum based engine blocks. All it would take is a little bit of change to engine design and we would be free of oil dependence.

    Any questions?

    Class dismissed.

  16. Some choice, contaminated seafood from the gulf or the crap the chicoms send us raised in cesspools. Eat grass fed beef, raised up wind of the gulf.

  17. While this is a disaster and will no doubt kill more then shellfish before it's all over, I'm betting after they get this capped and a few hurricanes blow through 99% of the coast and inlets and seabeds will be virtually oil free. It's happened before. Any takers?? I'm also betting in 5 years the oysters are back too.

    To you "alcoholics" who think alcohol will replace oil, can you really be that dumb? The ethanol from corn program uses more energy from fossil fuels then it produces in alcohol. It is depleting the groundwater in the plains and it costs more then gasoline. It is a disaster except for the corporations getting billions in subsidies. There is no substitute for fossil fuels. When it's all gone we will be stuck somewhere between the stone age and 1899 and a lot of people will die.

  18. If you'd do a little research you'd see they are not "fossil fuels"- oil doesn't come from dead dinosaurs or any other dead source. Oil is abiotic and comes from deep in the earth (that's one reason the oilcano is under so much pressure). Most of the old oil wells thought to be empty have refilled. Russia, thought to have no oil, is now the world's second largest producer with ultradeep wells. We could produce here on land in the US if it wasn't for environmentalists wanting to destroy this country. But then, we could all have clean, cheap nuclear if it wasn't for those same environmentalists wanting to destroy this country.

  19. 6:16, the question is why havent YOU converted your truck/car/vehicle to electric and erected the proper amount of solar panels and switched to electric if it is so easy for the entire american public to do so. Well?

  20. This energy crisis will only get worse! The things I will miss are regular creature comforts like A.C., laying in bed on my laptop, my cellphone (albeit it is only a regular flip phone) Television, my refrigerator, it is gonna SUCK when states run out of money to supply their citizens with POWER!!! I feel like I'm living on borrowed time.

  21. 6:22: He who loves sausages, and the law, should watch neither being made. Cheers!

  22. 10:16,

    I live in a major city that is powered by hydro-electricity. We have buses that run on the stuff, including an elevated, automated, light-rail system.

    I plan to convert no less than two small pickups to electric mode shortly, and help a friend/colleague to do the same for himself (one for a total of three in all). This will eventually morph into a small gas-to-electric conversion shop: a most suitable business model in an era of declining cheap oil. Believe me, you, and millions of others, will soon grasp the genius of this exploit when oil is permanently set above $200. I will be in a position to set a minimum price then watch the finish product go to the highest bidder (bonus money)! Such will be the DEMAND.

    Some of the pickups will have solar panels to soak up free energy. Of course, customers may opt to affix such structures to their homes and get off the Grid altogether. That is their choice, but not necessary in this corner of the world.

    Admittedly, with the continuing collapse of credit, cost is a barrier for most people. We cannot save everyone. Also, time is short. However, we can start, one vehicle at a time. Perhaps we can inspire others to do the same?

    If you have an electric-powered pickup that obtains energy from renewable sources, you will be in a position to offer transportation services around town, at a minimum. Think long and hard about this, in an era of high unemployment and unaffordable gasoline and diesel fuel. Transportation is key to economic recovery. Moreover, at the lower end of the speed spectrum, range increases considerably. Consider a car conversion I recently examined:

    45 mph - 75 miles
    25 mph - 110 miles

    (Try doing more than 5 mph in many parts of Manhattan during rush hour.)

    Please note: the aforesaid conversion has the wrong electric engine installed. It could easily get 35% more horsepower with another model using the same electrical input.

    Bottom line: electric vehicles with conventional lead acid batteries are quite viable, thank you very much. Also, converting an existing gas-powered vehicle to electric mode is far more environmentally friendly than manufacturing a brand, spanking, new electric vehicle from scratch. It takes no less than 27 to 45 barrels of oil to manufacture a gas-powered car or light truck, as an example.

  23. Home Solar Power must not be depression!!! Home Solar Power

  24. Environmentalists want to destroy this country? It would be funny if you weren't so ignorant. The oceans are so polluted and overfished there's a good chance your kids will be unable to eat any seafood. But humans can't seem to think past next Tuesday.

  25. I planed on making a living in the solar / wind industry. Instead I have been jobless for 2 years. I live in Southern California where we have sunshine all year.

    Why am I broke and nearly homeless?

    - No financing available for solar installs
    - A typical home install is $20,000
    - Banks are sitting on their cash, rather then lending it.
    - People have no extra money or they are saving every penny
    - Grid power is cheap and reliable. I pay about 8 cents for every 1,000 watts consumed.
    - Solar and wind energy will not attract attention until people are stuck paying 20 cents or more, per kilowatt.

    People will continue to drive gas powered cars until gas is $10.00 a gallon, only then will they consider other options.

  26. 9:06,

    The key is transportation.

    Home energy use is small compared to going back and forth to work, and other road duties. Do the math.

    As an additional selling feature, electric vehicles require far less maintenance; there is only one moving part--the rotor. Add the unfolding oil crunch, and you have marketing power.

    Never mind current costs. What about future ACCESS??? Don't wait until it's rationed, folks. You might not be able to get around as much.

    You're a smart man. Problem is, you're surrounded by a great company of fools who are more interested in sports and entertainment. So target rich folks. They tend to know what's going on; why they are rich!

  27. Stock up on some extra food because famine is around the corner.

  28. People like 6:16 just kill me - They should be forced to invest all of their time, energy and money into this solar and elec. bullshit - that way when they go belly up; maybe they'll shut their ga damn yaks awhile.

    I hate to tell you this Einstien; but here in the N.East, we'll be damned lucky to get full sunshine 30% of the year - damned lucky ! In the wintertime; we can go for weeks without cathing a glimpse let alone a ray or two.

    Then what boy blunder ( I mean wonder) ? Oh plug it in now ? Oh yeah - have you ever even run that particular cost conversion ?

    Take that famous battery ride of yours and bring it to the UP of Michigan in january when it's 20 below - that fucking thing won't even move !

    You just hang on to your your california dream; where everything is just groovy man. Meanwhile; the rest of us who gotta work for a living - need

  29. 3:19,

    If you want to close your eyes to solutions, that is your prerogative.

    For your information, I have already gone over workable details on several blog entries.

    For regions that have unreliable access to Sun rays, the solution is to transmit power from solar farms in deserts. Long distance transmission of electricity is done all the time. It is nothing new.

    As for cold winters, it may surprise you to learn that there are battery warmers and passenger compartment heaters that work quite well and immediately.

    As for distance, people need to live closer to where they work. To say that electric vehicles don't work for an individual because he commutes 100 miles a day is incredibly foolish. Obviously the problem is the person's unsustainable lifestyle in an era of diminish oil.

    Lastly, quit pissing on people who have viable solutions. If you don't like electric vehicles, I'm good with that. You can also walk or ride a bicycle once oil becomes too expensive and/or unavailable. :-)


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