
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Industrious Homeless Man Breaks Into Shuttered Bar To Start Selling Booze

It had seemed like the shuttered Valencia Club had a new lease on life. Alcohol was flowing, and customers were crowding the bar.
But Placer County detectives say the landmark business in Penryn was actually being operated by a local transient, who broke into the club, re-opened it, and posed as the new owner.
Investigators arrested Travis Lloyd Kevie, 29, of Newcastle, on charges of burglary and selling alcohol without a license.

According to Placer County Sheriff's detectives, Kevie had learned that the Valencia club lost its liquor license and shut down because he worked on the clean-up crew for the previous owner. Kevie allegedly broke into the building on July 16th, placed an open sign in the window, and started selling alcohol with a six pack of beer he purchased from across the street.
More Here..


  1. Davy boy, was that you?

  2. How dare those lousy entrepreneurs assume initiative and create products and services of value without the permission of the Feudal Lords, or contribute to the productivity of the nation without deference to the bureaucracy!!! Clearly the actions of this "bartender" are simply another form of terrorism - economic terrorism, against the socialist government. The price for his insubordination must be high.

  3. This guy is obviously with Al CIAda and should be sent to Guantanamo for water boarding and finding other entrepreneur Al CIAda operatives.

    Destroy the gulf of Mexico and its inhabitants, destroy the lively hood and health of millions of gulf coast residents, NO PROBLEM!

    Open a bar, where the liquor was probably going to BE confiscated by the cops anyway, and make a few bucks, 20 YEARS TO LIFE!

    Welcome to the good ole usofa!



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