
Friday, July 16, 2010

Homelessness Has Increased 50%

More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more than at any time in the program’s almost 50-year history.

Evidence of rising economic hardship is ample. There’s one commonly used standard for measuring it: the U.S. Census Bureau’s poverty rate. It guides much of federal and state spending aimed at helping those unable to make a decent living.

But a number of states have become convinced that the federal figures actually understate poverty, and have begun using different criteria in operating state-based social programs. At the same time, conservative economists are warning that a change in the formula to a threshold that counts more people as poor could lead to an unacceptable increase in the cost of federal and state social service programs.

When Census publishes new numbers for 2009 in September, experts predict they’ll show a steep rise in the poverty rate. One independent researcher estimates the data will show the biggest year-to-year increase in recorded history.

According to Richard Bavier, a former analyst for the federal Office of Management and Budget, already available data about employment rates, wages, and food stamp enrollment suggest that an additional 5.7 million people were officially poor in 2009. That would bring the total number of people with incomes below the federal poverty threshold to more than 45 million. The poverty rate, Bavier expects, will hit 15 percent — up from 13.2 percent in 2008, when the Great Recession first started to take its toll.

Still, the U.S. Census Bureau’s new numbers will offer only a partial picture of how the nation’s sputtering economy is affecting the poorest Americans — a problem state officials and the Obama administration want to address.

Detroit Area Hits Foreclosure Record


  1. They're poor because they want to be poor. They're looking for Government handouts, and I don't want my tax money being used to support their lazy asses. I'd much rather have my tax money being used to support the brave men and women of our armed services who risk their lives every day, from the safety of their remote predator drone headquarters, for our freedom to watch tv, drive our hummers and consume the entire planet like some demonically driven Pacman.

    Now, I'll get back to enjoying my tea in my Glenn Beck mug.

  2. Naturally Laura, people just want to be poor.

    I can't even afford to buy a Glenn Beck mug!

    If Barry had kept his promise to put America back to work, there would be a lot less poor folks out there.

    Instead of keeping his promise to put America back to work, he wasted his first year in office with this Obamacare crap that NOBODY but Health Insurance companies wanted. The damn bill was written by the health insurance industry to their benefit.

    Barry is going to waste this second year with "banking reform" and "comprehensive immigration reform". We don't need immigration reform, we need mass deportations!

    I understand some Apple Farm in California fired 400 illegal aliens after getting busted by the E-Verify system. I would be happy to take the job, but I'm so poor, the employer would have to pay for my relocation to their area!

    As a white boy kid, I washed dishes in a Mexican restaurant. I cleared tables. The wait staff were all English speaking Americans. The kitchen staff were all English speaking Americans. I'm now 51 years old and would be happy to have a dishwashing job! What are my chances? ZERO.

    I really ENJOY being poor. It's so much fun!

    My brother has 3 adult daughters 26-21 years old. They all have educations and skills. They are by no means fugly. They have no hair on their knuckles and walk upright. They also have no jobs! All 3 of these girls share a room in their parents house. You think that's the life they choose for themselves?

    This economy is only going to get worse.

    Perhaps Glenn Beck can be your Sugar Daddy.

  3. Laura,

    I hope you were being sarcastic in the extreme when you made this statement......perhaps, a satirical view of Tea Party politics, I hope?

  4. "Poor" needs to be stratified a bit more. How many highly educated people, white collar workers, lost jobs to offshoring: degrees, degrees, university degrees?

    The W2 tax form lists the corporation or business in the lower left hand corner. Let Tata Consulting Services in India come in and audit the IRS, and let people self-identify if they lost a job to offshoring. Publish the results. A new term we will develop is media literacy, the MSM tripe compared to the disintersted third party, like Tata Consulting Services, data. Media Literacy.

  5. We are in the last phase before it all hits the fan. Be prepared b/c in 6-8 months everything will be FUBAR!

  6. That's funny

    The last idoit promised us it would be before July 28th

    I'M waiting

    and waiting

    and waiting

  7. I bet most of the poor would join the military if they could. The problem is the military is very competitive for officer positions, and below that most Americans simply can not get into the shape they have to be in. We are not a warrior nation by any means.

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