Monday, July 5, 2010

Huge Toxic Release In Texas Occurred Just Before Gulf Explosion.

Astounding. Really, I knew it would take a while to get actual regulators back in the regulatory agencies after BushCo, but isn't this something someone should have known about -- and notified the public?
TEXAS CITY, TEXAS -- Two weeks before the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, the huge, trouble-plagued BP refinery in this coastal town spewed tens of thousands of pounds of toxic chemicals into the skies.
The release from the BP facility here began April 6 and lasted 40 days. It stemmed from the company's decision to keep producing and selling gasoline while it attempted repairs on a key piece of equipment, according to BP officials and Texas regulators.
BP says it failed to detect the extent of the emissions for several weeks. It discovered the scope of the problem only after analyzing data from a monitor that measures emissions from a flare 300 feet above the ground that was supposed to incinerate the toxic chemicals.
The company now estimates that 538,000 pounds of chemicals escaped from the refinery while it was replacing the equipment. These included 17,000 pounds of benzene, a known carcinogen; 36,000 pounds of nitrogen oxides, which contribute to respiratory problems; and 189,000 pounds of carbon monoxide.
It is unclear whether the pollutants harmed the health of Texas City residents, but the amount of chemicals far exceeds the limits set by Texas and other states.
Think about that. It exceeded the limits set by Texas, which translates to a public health emergency.
More Here.


  1. Would it be a plot, a machination, or just a terrible accident caused by those unresponsible people?

  2. I don't know but when someone accidentally causes a wildfire by dropping a cigarette, if they come forward they get about 20 years in prison give or take some.

  3. Just as long as BP has plenty of money left to pay off the politicians than everything will be o.k.

  4. the purpose of government in a corporate state is to ensure the profits of the corporations in
    national juristictions providing convenient cover for protecting criminals.
    americans are getting concerned about the clearly negligent environmental vandalism of B.P. 40% owned by americans.
    But Americans were not concerned about the criminality and negligence of Its own Corporation Union Carbide in the Chemical mass murder in Bhopal India. The american company Exectutives And the Corporation were protected by the US "law" juristictions and so paid little financial compensation to the victims or their family.
    Can americans expect better treatment from BP because they are mostly white people?
    will not BP say Whats good for the gander is good for the beast.That unlike Union Carbide we operate not under US law but british law.
    Corporations in Anglo-american imperialism both collude and contend for profits both in war and peace.
    It is no accident that the primary military forces in the first and second gulf Wars were The US and britain, that is collusion for common purpose by military means.
    Obama has agreed with the british government that BP is TBTF.That means that collusion is still primary in Anglo/US imperialism therefore Obama and any other future puppet president will protect BP in the event of bankruptcy ,that can be arranged in the US british legal juristictions if required.
    Obama will go along with UK bankruptcy management to protect british sharehoders as the main group.
    But ,other big oil companies including US based companies are sharpening their Knives too .


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